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Posts posted by Soulfly3

  1. alrite guys... I am a fantasy addict... live it. love it. can;t get enough of it...

    post your top 5 picks in order you would select them... and then for the Bills twist add which Bills player would would select first and in which round.


    *** I am aware and expect MANY "No Bills, in any round" calls... or an Andre Reed throwback... but lets giv'er hell.


    1) C Johnson

    2) Ray Rice

    3) AP

    4) MJD

    5) A Rodgers


    Bills: CJ Spiller on a 8-9th round flier. Perhaps earlier pendind on my RB situation at that given point.

  2. reporters love to hop on eachother's nuts and go with the consensus...

    Steven jackson has had what QB? what real o-line?

    Jamaal Charles had what qb? what o-line?


    SJax has been a beast year in and year out... Charles played out of his skull against ruthless DL's the second he got his chance...


    if youre good... youre good.

    if youre not, youre not...


    only time will tell.

  3. C.J. Spiller, Bills – While fellow first-round backs Ryan Mathews and Jahvid Best landed in situations ready made for fantasy success, the No. 9 overall pick was banished to the NFL's version of Siberia. Forget the anonymity and lake effect snow, Spiller enters an offense flush with established running backs yet lacking in NFL caliber quarterbacks and offensive tackles. Presumed starter Trent Edwards was benched for noodle-armed Ryan Fitzpatrick, who gave way to former Packers draft bust Brian Brohm late in the season. The three of them will stage a "competition," with the winner dragging down the rest of the offense behind swinging gates Cornell Green and Demetrius Bell at tackle.


    Coach Chan Gailey envisions Spiller as a hybrid weapon in the mold of Reggie Bush. Spiller (like Bush) refuses to run between the tackles, so he's best used out wide and on pitches and misdirections. Fred Jackson will continue to receive much of the early-down work, so Spiller's workload could be heavily dependent on game momentum. Whether he's truly a difference-making talent or not, the situation in Buffalo is a fantasy killer.


    Rotoworld, though I must admit I use for up to the minute information, has the most biased and rediculous projections I know of... Theyre weekly 'start/sit' and 'fantasy rankings' are about as accurate as a teenaged moneyshot.


    Please do us all a favour and save the degradation for your own articles, jackasses...

    I will quote this article in an email to them if/when Spiller crushes in fantasy stats.

  4. Agreed. The Bills were never expected to move up to grab AP. It was a foregone conclusion he would be taken in the top 10, and the Bills would have to settle for plan B (Marshawn) to fill the void after the McGahee trade.


    the bills picked 12, to Minnys 7... not a massive jump... especially considering you WANTED and NEEDED a RB, and there was no comparing Marshawn to AP even then...


    the Bills wanted him, badly... lets not think otherwise... we'd be silly to.

    now whether or not what they had to give up was too 'big' at that moment in time was another case... but the reports, here in Canada at least, were discussing Bills trading up for AP

  5. ok.. after reading these loads of negative posts, i got to thinking. im fairly positive when it comes to the bills, or any sports team I like.. every team makes mistakes... some more than others... some have to 'reach' to make progress, which it seems the bills have done there fair share of...


    so... here's what im getting at. in 2007 (i believe was the year) we drafted Beast Mode. I recall, clear as day, the Bills were heavily expected (much to my delight) to move up the draft board to grab none other than a man we now know as "All Day" Adrian Peterson... well, as we know, we didnt... we let one of the most explosive (and yet, fumble prone) RBs of the last many decades slip away....


    with the potential of CJ Spiller to replicate and perhaps even surpass what AP has done, why wouldnt we go for it?


    Ill tell you this... Id rather take my chances on a heisman candidate, explosive playmaker over a pair of QBs that slipped down the draft charts faster than a stripper down a greased pole.


    While I look back at 2007s draft and think "man, I wish...", I can now honestly say "man, im glad we did it in 2010"


    sorry for kicking it back to '07, but I love me the RB position... and Im glad we got ourselves a potential "All Day" in the making.

  6. also... think of all those heartbreaking last minute losses we've endured....

    I just get this dirty gut feeling that a guy like Spiller gives us more potential to:

    a) rush it in from ANY distance


    b) get us close enough for a make-able FG.


    and the upgrade in D:

    a) keeps the opponent OUT of our end


    b) out of probable FG range.


    we gotta see this upside in these kids... lets not doom them from the get-go!

  7. it's in the past... and once it's all said and done, and the season rolls in... then we will know the impact the draft had...

    personally, i like to wait 2-3 years before I judge a drafted player... it's a massive jump from college to the pro's and some guys just need a little time.


    but i fullheartedly believe Spiller will be a monster. line Fjax on one side of edwards, and Spilelr on the other... let the D decide whats gonna happen... I can see it now hahaha

  8. By the way, Nix is the GM. Chan Gailey is the coach.


    Go Bills!


    What I love most about this is, I preface my statement with how I research, analyze and then then screw that to pieces.

    I honestly knew who was coach and who was GM... and in the heat of writing (while at work) I mixed them up.


    as for the Canadians at the bills v dallas game... im surprised, but not... we have plenty of idiots here that can't just have a good time.. but need to resort to drunken stupidity... I myself love to partake in copious amounts of booze, but it usually ends with me hugging a southernly neighbour and settling our differences over an overpriced glass of beer.


    to be honest, I dont know many Cowboys fans here... Im just north of Buffalo... Maybe theres a flock of them somewhere around... keeping away from the rest of society. where they belong haha!

  9. Greetings Bills Fans,


    Let me preface this posting with a quick biography about myself: Football fanatic, fantasy guru, obsessive researcher, compulsive analyst. As a Canadian, my 'hometown' love goes to the Buffalo Bills, who, at the end of the day are my team of teams in the NFL.


    I have done inordinate amount of reading on reactions of this years draft and its direct impact on the Bills 2010 season. Now, I'll again begin by saying, as many of you Bills fans know, us Canadians come over in DROVES for each and every Bills home game. We consider them 'our team', though this may irk many of you. We are passionate about this team, and truth be told (especially in the current economy), the product on the field is the major driving force as to whether or not many of us flock over to spend our hard earned dollars (mind you, we still seem to flock when the team can't buy a win).


    So let me focus solely on the Bills' first round pick. Analysis beaten to death. So here's where I'll go... FANTASTIC. A potential game breaker with superhuman speed. Spiller, with a magical first game can completely turn the entire Bills fanbase upside down. Please tell me this... what position, either offensively or defensively has prominent spotlight on EVERY highlight show? Sure, QB's and WR's get much love, but what is better than watching an 80yd bust from the gut by a ridiculous RB a la AP, C. Johnson or Jamaal Charles?


    The Bills, unfortunately, have delivered a subpar product for far too many consecutive years. Owners themselves have commented and apologized for the drab display of football we have been forced to digest for far too long. Now again, don;t get me wrong. There have been moments of excitement; Byrd plucking skin out of the air all willy nilly. the 'genesis' of mr Owens. Fred Jackson stepping up to the plate in a completely unexpected manner.


    But Bills fans, let us finally rejoice in the Bills using the first round to fill the most important position on the team: EXCITEMENT. Not one of you can tell me that they didn't find Chris Johnson's 2000yd campaign orgasm worthy. Can you imagine this man running the skin for your team? Well, we may not have to imagine anymore... For the first time in a long time, I am EXCITED to watch the Bills compete. CJ Spiller has all the potential to be that and then some, with an AMAZING and HUMBLE attitude to boot.


    Gailey is a coach. A real coach. I truly believe he will bring more out the players we have than we can anticipate. The change in system, unexpected draft picks... up in Canada, there is a real buzz about this team. For better or worse, the Bills fans will be watching with anticipation at how Gailey and co. play ball.


    Are we going to win the Superbowl? No. Are we going to make the playoffs? Maybe. Are we going to be better than last year? Bet your ass we will.


    With a less injury prone campaign, I truly dont believe our O-line is half bad... I predict at minimum, an 8-8 season. With preseason potential to go 9-7.


    In 2-3 seasons, this team will be ruthless once again.

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