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Posts posted by Thud

  1. This logic never ceases to amaze me. Wonder if you have ever traded in a car?? Probably not since it would take like Three cars to just get one......math doesnt work here. You cannot count the pick that is swapped and you cannot write of the actual pick itself. Same with the Sammy Watkins draft ....somehow many are convinced we gave up more than we did to get him and people buy it. Not what happened.

  2. Wrong. Let's break this down.


    The Bills were sitting at 44 (1) while the Rams were on the clock. The Bills trade their second AND third round picks (2 & 3) to the Rams to move up to 37 (4) where they select Zay Jones. That's 4 picks!! This is almost as bad as the Watkins fiasco that cost 6 draft picks!!!

  3. I have assumed that Byrd has been malingering--feigning injury to avoid playing. Even if he was slightly injured, I say to myself, why can't he "man up" and play like the others?


    But I just had a thought. You probably already thought of this, but I thought I would say it. What if he has a touch of plantar fasciitus--enough to play, but not enough to play at 100%. What happens if he performs at less than his full potential? Sure he helps the team, but what kind of contract does he get from the Bills or another team next year, based on a less than stellar performance? Or what if it gets worse, and his play deteriorates, or he can't play at all for the rest of the season. What then? His entire future, and welfare of his family, is based on his performance this year.


    In short, imagine you were asked to work at less than 100% health, and that your salary for years to come would be based on your performance while working in an injured condition. Would that be fair? Again, I don't know how hurt he is, but even if he is slightly injured, you can see the reasoning.


    Feel free to delete this. It should probably be in another thread.


    Jarius ......is that you?

  4. Why would that be a buzzkill? Pretty sure that the current GM is doing a fine enough job (at least on paper) but I will keep that in mind for when the new search begins someday.


    Again, amazes me. Reading into your post "Thud" you are defending the pick of Troup and must consider it a great pick along with every other pick the Bills have made over the past 10 years...or maybe in this case, the "Nix" years. It is ok to admit, as a fan, that the Bills may have missed on a pick, or picked a player to early, or missed on a draft, or that a player may not fit the team. All that I am saying is there is no need to bleed out every last lick of "potential" out of a player vs. the reality of the situation. He has never shown anything on the field except being a "project" when healthy. He seemed like a reach, including EVERYONE on this board at the time and most NFL analysts, and he has proven to be just that. This is a sport, but it is also a billion dollar business with a very small window to prove yourself. Guys that need more than 3 years to do so (Ex. McKelvin who for some reason blinds people with his play on the field) are typically NEVER going to make it in the NFL. Sure every LONG once in a while there is a steal out there coming off an injury (Ted Washington) but those are guys have have also generally showed something at one point or another. Troup has never done anything to justify a strong defense. No one had heard of him before he was even drafted.


    In this case Troup has a mountain to climb.


    1. He has a horrific injury and a history of always being injured his short time in the NFL.


    2. He was drafted as an NT. For him to make the switch from the 3-4 to a 4-3 is another huge obstacle he must conquer. Please (anyone who knows football on a professional level) do not tell me this is "easy". I am not saying it cannot be done, but it is no where close to being easy. These are the elite of the elite and have spent thousands of hours practicing what they know. To make that switch is not easy.


    3. He is buried on the depth chart. If one wants to argue that there is no depth chart yet, he is amongest a sea of DT's looking to make the team. Sure it is an "open" competition but you better believe they will go with a player that has been less injured if they grade out to being close to the same.


    The great thing is at the end of camp, baring injury, the Bills should have some decent depth no matter who makes the squad. I have no issue of it being Troup if he is healthy and can potentially give us 16 games. If it is going to be one of those seasons where he is on the injury report week in and week out as doubtful then PASS.



    Not defending the pick. You just proved my point however with another rendition of your excellent football smarts (I am actually being sincere)

  5. 100% agree. Be honest and stop defending each and every move that is ever made. If the Bills had a history of winning then fine. It may have "filled a need" but it was not a good pick. It was a bad pick (yes John, a bad pick) because it was a REACH to fill a need. Very possible that TROUP was going to be there in the 3rd....so, would you of rather had Gronk and Troup, Gronk and Carrington or Troup and Carrington?


    Hey Booger. Not trying to be a buzzkill here but your application/resume for General Manager can be accepted at OneBills Drive. I am sure they will gladly look through your qualifications and past work experience and give you a fair shot. If you are not selected I would invite you to apply again elsewhere. Your talents I am sure will quickly be recognized.

  6. No, see you've got the wrong attitude. You have to come out hating all of the picks from the get-go. You can learn to like 'em if and when they pan out. Then you can pontificate online about how you liked them all along. That's the OP's way.


    The real truth has finally been spoken. Nanker has NA-NA-Nailed it!!

  7. You know what would make this draft even better. Some more great picks like Tank Carder and Q.B B.j. whatever from Chatanooga. A linebacker named Tank who`s like a piece of glass. Hurt alot and a nothing QB. What happened to the Tall receivers we like. We trade up for a 6th to 7th round prospect,but let the bigger better ones go. Where are the linebackers we need also ? If Glenn was so good why was he picked after a couple no-namers ? I hope he sheds 20 lbs. He could be the next big Mike. Watch the ankle ,knee and back problems at this level with the weight problem. Go Buddy.


    Sour grapes. Stevie was probably a throwaway good for nothing pick just like Fred Jackson. C'mon man let It play out. Buddy does what he does cuz he can yet you don't. Hmmmmm

  8. Buddy asleep at the wheel again. I bet the titans called first. Typical Buffalo I'm so done with this team, Ralph is cheap, I think Brady just sneezed, Fitz isn't the answer and Stevie is more of a number 2


    Did I miss any?




    Nix will let Fred-Ex walk we always let good free agents walk!

  9. Ha! That implies this front office has a plan.


    They don't. As they made clear today. Nix is impotent and unable (or unwilling) to make the changes necessary to elevate this team. Year 3 of a rebuild and they're starting over on a SCHEME level. That's not a bad thing, it's a disaster.


    This franchise was a joke before. It's a goddamn trainwreck after today.


    Come on dude take a hike then. This is what we needed all along small tweaks and we will be doing much better. Our strengths are 4-3 anyways with our Williams\ Dareus. Hate to see what happens when the toast gets burned at your house.

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