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Decade Of Fail

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Posts posted by Decade Of Fail

  1. It has never been about T.O.'s physical ability that has kept teams from wanting him around. He has destroyed 3 teams with his actions. Signing him last year was all about ticket sales, and it worked. It was also a risk, but it was a risk on a team that didn't have any playoff aspirations anyway, but luckily it didn't blow up in Ralph's face. Like someone else said, he came here for one year, and one year only to try to prove he could keep the straight and narrow hoping for one more big contract this year, which never happened. As you can see, he is already running his big mouth and trashing his teammates in Cincy already after they only played 3 games.


    i get what you're saying and i don't really disagree. i hated T.O. before he came here, and wanted nothing to do with him. however, i think he really tried last year and once i saw how badly the media would try to egg him on into outbursts, i started having doubts about who was really the most immature party involved.


    that said, i'm not saying the bills should have kept him or signed him for longer. i'm just questioning all the people (mostly on the national level) who questioned his ability after a lackluster season with the bills. it's almost like buffalo is where careers go to die.

  2. Brohm after the buy.


    assuming you meant "bye week" i'm not sure i'd want to throw brohm out there against the ravens in baltimore...


    unless you just want to take him out of the QB equation altogether, because he'll certainly be out at least the rest of the season after that game, and perhaps the rest of his life.

  3. 1.) he doesn't seem interested in a high-pressure type job anymore and while he says he's not the type to just sit around, he does seem a little burnt out from the career he's had.


    2.) he obviously wants something easy, and what the bills need is about as far from an "easy fix" as possible.


    3.) vince lombardi could rise from the grave to coach this team and we'd still be 0-4.

  4. First of all, I am new to this Board. I grew up in Buffalo, attended many Bills games and have been a fan ever since the 2-14 Hank Bullough days. I do not hold myself out as an expert on football strategy, defensive schemes, offense, etc. I am just a basic fan who wants my son to experience the thrill of a successful team as I did in the 90's.


    I took my 13 yr old to his first Bills game on Sunday and we experienced the excitement of tailgating in Lot 1 at 9am, cooking, talking with fellow fans and watching the warmups. Needless to say the final outcome was a disappointment. As we drove home (5 hours)we discussed the team and listened to WGR55. The Bulldog insisted that we draft a quarterback with the first pick and he proceeded to extoll the virtues of Luck vs Jake Locker (sp?) and why Carolina and Detroit would not draft a QB, etc.


    I disagree with this radio personality and others who suggest drafting a quarterback is the answer with a high draft pick. My suggestion is the following:


    1) If you love something, set it free...especially if you get something good in return. Namely, Lee Evans. Give him the benefit of a quarterback who is well protected and has other receivers so that Lee is not double covered or matched up with top DB. You will clear alot of room in salary cap and obtain (hopefully a high second round pick).


    2) Marshawn: Trade for second round pick. Flat out. Clear salary cap room and get a second round pick.


    3) Take your two second round picks and trade them to a team for their first round pick. Depending on the number of quality guards and tackles...take two big beefy offennsive lineman in the first round.


    4) Take the salary money you saved with Lee and Marshawn and get a third monstrous offensive lineman in free agency.


    5) Keep Fitzpatrick and Brohm for anaother year and they will produce if given time in the pocket. I see good things with Johnson and Nelson. Roscoe will adapt and you can always get another big receiver either in Free Agency or second round of draft (because you traded your other second round picks which were given for Evans and Lynch - still retain our original second round pick).


    I know this is a rambling mess, but drafting a QB in the first round only to be pounded on repeatedly (like Trent was pounded in Arizona) may cause a young guy more problems. They screwed up this year's draft (I do like Spiller) when we needed to build from the bottom up...that starts with the O-line.


    I remember going to Rich Stadium when the seats were half full...watching Vince Ferragamo and others take a stab at winning. I want to see the likes of Kent Hull, Ballard, Wolford, Ritcher, etc forming a pocket in the near future. After that is formed...pick your young quarterback and let him have some fun (instead of having to be the leading rusher on scrambles like it was yesterday).


    for the most part i agree with your plan, but want to make the following notes:


    1.) the other guys on this board are correct in saying that it's unlikely you'll get a 2nd round pick for either lynch or evans... but perhaps if you cut out the middleman altogether and package them BOTH for a 1st round pick, you may get it. but you need to find a team with a good defense, and a good QB that just lacks offensive weapons right now. not sure who that would be.


    2.) this plan neglects one big key, and that's the public relations aspect with the fans. sometimes you have to draft a QB ahead of a G or a OT, even if it's not the best choice, because it will give people hope and put butts in the seats. it might not be the best "football" move, but this is a business as well, and it's not going to survive without people going to the games. besides, you can always keep the newly drafted QB on the bench behind fitz/brohm for a year or so while you try to ease him into things without getting killed.

  5. Ut, oh, BBF, you are about to get pounded on by nearly everone on this board.


    These guys made up their minds in August, we need that franchise Quarterback and they believe the new kid will fix everything.


    I haven't given up on Fitz, Brohm OR Brown and I am NOT buckling to pear pressure either.


    If we draft another QB this crowd will turn on this guy after the first game.


    Some day, yes SOME DAY, people will realize that without an Offensive line, NO quarterback will survive.


    Good luck with your thread, you're going to need it! :bag:


    this guy knows.



  6. people tend to forget that a great receiver like T.O. operating at only 90% capacity is still better than 90% of the league... even if he has declined from his own personal best.


    would that have helped buffalo this season? probably not. we could have the best receiving corps in the league, but when your QB spends the entire game either on his back (with his pants down) or running for his life, it's not going to do you a whole lot of good.

  7. you could have cowher, shanahan, parcells, whoever in here with this steaming pile of a team and they'd still be 0-4. not to mention that the bills have stunk so bad they couldn't even get those guys to return their phone calls. so cross out the coaches that weren't interested and take the best of what was left and this is what we've got. good coaches have to start somewhere. cowher didn't have a superbowl winning resume when the steelers hired him. levy didn't have years of championships and undefeated seasons in his resume either.


    you don't recover from a decade of fail overnight. yes, it's frustrating that we've been "rebuilding" for 10+ years, but if you keep pulling the plug when the rebuild is only half complete, then that's what happens. it gets to the point where you have to just pick something and stick to it. if you wanna delay things even longer, pull the plug on gailey now and see what happens.


    who do you realistically bring in to take his place with a team as dysfunctional as this? no coach with an impressive resume is going to want to risk tainting his legacy rolling around in this muck.

  8. Those moves are significantly more then what Gailey and Nix did in their first year


    i'm not sure how anyone can know how significant any of gailey/nix's moves are yet.


    the polian/levy era began almost 25 years ago, so history allows us to judge the end result.


    gailey/nix haven't even been in town for 10 months yet.

  9. cutting edwards now was a brilliant move by chan gailey.


    it eliminates any talk of a QB controversy should fitzpatrick get hurt or have a bad game or two. because you know that talk would bubble up in the media and on messageboards in no time. i'm also certain, that in spite of his on the field actions, trent has friends in that locker room that could spread some dissension if fitzpatrick's play tapers off. it's obvious that gailey isn't about to take the bullsh*t that jauron did (remember him pulling the tv's from the weight room and actually making the players work out?).


    gailey has seen all he needs to see of edwards, realized it's not gonna happen, and is moving on. excellent timing and execution.


    you could say that there shouldn't be any QB controversy because edwards sucks. true. but that didn't stop people from having a battle royale over losman/holcomb.

  10. seems to me like gailey was handed a steaming pile of sh*t and told to make a team out of it. i don't care if your name is cowher, shanahan, or parcells, you're not gonna do that overnight.


    it's fairly obvious that he's using this season to evaulate what he's got, who can stay, and what needs to be moved/replaced. unfortunately, in some cases, game film, preseason, and training camp aren't always accurate indicators of real gametime performance. sometimes a player will fail under one coach, but thrive under a different coach. sometimes they don't... that's what he's learn about edwards, so now he's gone. i give gailey credit for not dancing around the subject and taking swift decisive action for a change. this season is not going to be an end to the fail, but perhaps it's finally laying the groundwork. if we wins a few games along the way, great, but gailey's operating in a hole here that was dug by previous administrations.


    i'm not about to put the guy in the HoF or anything, but i'm not ready to crucify him after 3 games either.

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