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Richard Longwood

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Posts posted by Richard Longwood

  1. were talking about a FOOTBALL player not someone who is gonna take your daughter on a date.


    Some of you need to get off your high horses, stop pontificating, and talk football. He's been convicted of nothing and until then shut it.


    Anyone who has seen our legal system knows a lot of people are accused of things, some guilty, some not.


    And I don't hear anyone saying to lock him up and throw away the key either, bright boy.


    Some of us don't get off on the idea of cheering for a scum bag like Ben. I realize that as a pathetic no-kitty-getting douche you see no harm in any of this. All of you who defend and want to cheer for this shtbag and don't see what the big deal is should shampoo my crotch.


    BEST CASE scenario, the guys a dick. Worst case scenario he's a rapist. Most likely he falls somewhere between the two. If you're lame enough that you're willing to support that guy so that a team of men you don't know who wear laundry with your city's name on it, has a better chance of winning then you might want to keep it to your self.

  2. no, not just because of the Duke case. because i dont just assume everyone is guilty without knowing the facts. which NONE OF US will ever really know. i dont assume he is innocent either. i just say "that's unfortunate for everyone involved" and let the system and process figure it out. i dont live in the celebrity soap opera world the 24 news stations would like us to. so get over it and move on.


    it's none of our business. if he was convicted, then i'd say go ahead and judge the guy as being a scumbag. but so far, the first allegation has already been PROVEN as bull **** by the girl's friend. and we'll never really know what happened with this second case. we DO know that she was not forced to go into the bathroom with BR. we DO know she was too drunk to even remember if they had sex or not. only the two of them will ever know what really happened, and given their level of intoxication, THEY will never really know either.


    build a bridge and get over it. the only thing he is definitely guilty of is being a douche-bag. do you think he's the FIRST douche-bag to play football? how do you feel about James Lofton? Jim Kelly?


    I like the way you said you don't follow the "soap opera" and then cite all the details.


    I don't remember Jim Kelly the sexual predator, and I don't really give a !@#$ about James Lofton. I do think that anyone who wants to cheer for guy like Rothlesberger (and I did cheer for him before this) is a dick and probably has a degenerate mother who raised him to have disdain for women.

  3. unfortunately, this is what we are faced with in today's society. look no further than Duke lacrosse, or Ben's first accuser. heck, it even happened to a kid on the soccer team when i was at Fredonia back in the late 90s. Girl said the soccer team raped her, she ruined a couple lives, then it turned out she was lying to get back at a boyfriend.


    it's unfortunate that all of these females who try to take advantage of people for their own gain ruin it for actual victims.


    if you want to be mad at someone for this, be mad at the females who cry wolf for personal gain.


    So b/c some wacked out stripper cried rape on the Duke team and a few other girls cry rape on occasion, you arbitrarily assume any time an athlete is accused he's innocent and she's (fill in the blank)?


    After everything that's come out, it's not clear that he raped her, and it's not clear that he didn't. What is clear is that he's a sleazy dude, who despite having all the advantages, stoops to methods that would be frowned upon when employed by the desperate, and are down right dispicable coming from a man of his stature. And that's the best case scenario.


    I realize that you have spent your lonely life eluded by the sexual attraction of women which has clearly led to a frustrated bitterness that clouds your thought, but try not to paint with such broad strokes.

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