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Posts posted by jabtot

  1. First of all....Moorman was, and still is a great guy in the community.

    He still gives his time and efforts to local charities.


    My feeling is, when a guy says that 8-8 was an acceptable result with

    the Bills front office....that means they continued to employ players that

    were not great...and simply put, not bad.


    So Brian was just the kind of punter this team needed.

    Not great....not bad....an 8-8 punter.


    And he stayed here for so many years. So in essence, he was here because

    of the teams philosophy and attitude.


    He has every right to say what ever he wants in Pittsburgh.

    I hope he gets to experience that winning record he has been

    longing for.

    Best of luck Brian Moorman...and thanks for your great work

    in our community.

  2. Taking my 13 yr old stepson to the Rams game in Dec.

    Having real second thoughts about taking him. I was 8 when my

    mom and dad took me to the Rockpile for my first ever Bills game.

    I remember it being a very memorable and uplifting family experience.


    I just don't want to take him and have it be a negative effect.

    I suppose the game will only pull about 45-50 thousand people

    since it is late in the year and not a marquee opponent.


    I'm just scared for the kid.

    Got some real thinking to do about it.

  3. Wait a second now......I would be horrified If the Bills were to pack up and leave town. I don't begrudge

    people for being angry and upset. They are in no way "weak fans", they are upset because they love their

    football team. They are embarassed at being the laughingstock of the NFL for so long. They show their pride

    by wearing the colors, and sacrificing their Sunday's to watch an inferior product.


    Even if you love waving the Bills flag, or wearing the jerseys, it is tough to take the abuse from other fans.

    Several of the abusers are Bills fans who have left their loyalty behind to hitch their wagons to the Pats,Jets,and



    These folks spend their hard earned buck in an economy that is as dismal as the Bills record lately.

    They have a stake in what happens at One Bills Drive.


    I have followed this team since 1968. The good times (1990's) seem so long ago. I worry that since I am 50 yrs

    old that I may never live long enough to see my team win the Lombardi Trophy. My dad is 82...he has very

    little chance of seeing it. We have watched every game, and supported this franchise through more bad times

    than good.


    Once again...I and many others have the right to be angry and embarassed. We don't want this team to move.

    But realize, the ones who do are almost beyond angry...they are just tired of backing a losing team.

    They are still Bills fans.


    The sun will shine again soon. I will be planning my Sunday around the Bills vs Cardinals with the hope

    and optimism that this is the week it turns around for good.


    I can only hope that time comes soon enough.

  4. I wish calling was the case....but sadly Mr Wilson seems to be too ill to make real

    team decisions. I am sure Jeff Littman, and Russ Brandon are running the show right now.


    Like when you are redy to sell a home, you might not want to throw a ton of money

    into it before you start taking bids.


    I think the family has asked those in charge to keep an eye on spending.

    That's just my opinion.


    Signing Mario Williams is probably going to be the last big signing we are

    going to see for a while.


    Saying that....I hope Mr Wilson nothing but the best of health.

  5. I would love to say no chance we draft this guy.......but, you never know.

    He pretty much took his entire final season off. There are so many problems

    with this guy. He stands straight up at the snap....can't rush from the inside....

    quits early on plays...Coples is Aaron Maybin!!


    I need to see them take an OT or WR at number 10.

  6. How can you be a Bills fan and not have a problem watching those over-the-top T.D. celebrations? It made me sick.

    I have no problems with what the Jets did.

    They played well and deserved to do what ever they wanted.


    I think scoring and jumping into the stands is a little over the top as well.


    You don't like it...beat em next time.

  7. Was watching the replay of Johnson's 4th quarter touchdown, and wondering just what

    Donte Whitner was thinking about on his coverage duties.

    Johnson was singled up on Pozlusny,which should have thrown up a major red flag to

    any other safety. On top of all that, both receivers on Whitners side cut their routes

    off in the first 5 to 10 yrds. Whitner was standing in the end zone and watched Johnson

    easily beat Poz off the ball. When Johnson comes free at the 10 yard line, Whitner hesitates.

    Why he did'nt break to the ball and receiver is beyond me. Johnson easily catches the ball in the

    end zone, and only then does Whitner come up to make a hit...5 yrds into the end zone.

    One would think that your safety would want to pick up ANYBODY at maybe the 5 or the goal line.

    Watching the video shows that either Whitner was sound asleep on the play, or is just not that good

    of a safety. It almost could have cost us the damned game!!

  8. Just wanted to say congratulations to Coach Gailey.

    He is working with a mostly young team, with several

    2nd string players put into starting positions.

    I believe he is on the right track in turning this thing around.

    Was impressesed with his comments about the fans in his post game.


    For all you eye rollers...minimizing the win because of the Lions

    shortcomings on Sunday.. How about a phantom holding call on McKelvin's

    TD punt return? The Bills deserved to win this game,no matter who they played.

  9. Tell you what..if Kelly ever gets a piece of this team, the

    first thing he needs to do is get rid of those horrible clown

    outfits this team wears every Sunday. I seriously can't stand

    looking at them anymore. They look like an indoor team,or worse

    a division 3 college team.


    Go back to the throwbacks with the white helmets.

    No more blue pants, no more charging Bisons.


    I want to see Andrew Luck wearing the 64-65 jersey,

    running out onto the RWS turf in blazing sunshine in

    front of a packed opening day crowd. I can dream right?

    Good Luck Jimbo.


    I think the only throwbacks the Bills should wear are the 1964-65 throwbacks.

    The standing Buffalo is way better than the charging one.

    The best uni was the away throwback they wore last year at New England.

    I would prefer that they just go permanent with the throwbacks and have done with it.

  11. Not reporting would be career suicide.


    1. You have to show up to work to get paid.

    2. It would be in the best interests of the "washed up" player to show he still has what it takes.

    3. Does he really want to be "that guy"? The spoiled brat who stomped his feet and threw a tantrum because he didn't get the team he wanted? That'll look real good on his resume to contender teams for next season.


    Besides, it is being reported that he's to report tomorrow.

    Makes no sense not to report....he is gonna be the biggest fish in a real small pond.

    He has to be smart about it.

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