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Posts posted by Buffalos#1Fan

  1. A new regime has been inaugurated at one Bills drive. I have been a Bills fan since 1969 but no more. I lived through Kay Stephenson and Dan Daragh. I actually missed the Daryl Lamonica trade. But history repeats itself as usual. The mad bomber went to Oakland and did not dissapoint. So lets think of what has transpired.


    New ownership gets easily enamored with rex Ryan. We had a really good defense so they hire a defensive coach?????? Rex cannot manage the Bills defense but actually picks a good offensive coordinator Greg Roman who's only problem is that he loves miniscule details and cannot see the forest through the trees. He gets fired. Anthony Lynn comes in. Surprise, surprise he is actually better than Roman. He works the offense to Tyrod Taylors strenghths. Result great offense horribe Defense. Where are you Jim Shwartz and the wide nine when we needed you most,,,,,,,,, in Philedelphia..


    He was fired by Rex. Do you see a pattern developing here?


    Well I skipped the Marrone quiting on the Bills because he didnt agree with Whaley about the 53 man roster and being saddled with EJ Manuel. But then again he hired Nataniel Hackett as an offensive coordinator Daffy Duck would heave been better. Seriously a cartoon would have been a better offensive coordinator and they are only two dimesional. And whaley did get Orten for Doug but who knew, Orten had political aspirations and quit on the Bills. Run for congress Kyle. You are a real example of fortitude.


    So ownership makes an astute desicion and hires a defensive minded coach. A god fearing wrestler who is a stickler for details and can take down most fans with a double nelson in less than the time to say hut hut. A man who meaasures the distance of the phone from the draft table so no time is lost when making a trade, A man who picks a Peterman over Chad Kelly. A man who trades a Cardale Jones to the Chargers. A man who who hires Rick Dennison as offensive coordinator. COME BACK REX. You can beat me up in a bar,,,, as long as you dont hire your brother ever again.


    We are going back to the era of Greg Williams, Dick Jauron, Chan Gailey. All really good guys, God fearing men but not winners.

















  2. A modest proposal

    After years of futility I will die before I see a Bills playoff win, And should I wind up in hell with Bill Belicek and tom brady, eternity will be unbearable. So I would urge every parent of a young Bills fan to urge them to be very very good. Forget about enticing them with Santa and christmas presents. Scare the crap out of them,

    Odd how beezlebob and beilcek sound so similar. If jim kelly had access to growth hormone he would still be playing. But enough of sour grapes.

    it has become very clear to me that cheating is the clearest path to success. So it heartened me when our coach jumped ahead of Carolina to snatch players that they wanted. Remember when we jumped ahead of philly to got perry tuttle.another clemson wide receiver over Mike Quick. LOL. But when I heard that some players were removed from the draft board because of character Issues I became alarmed. We are back to the Chan Gailey and Dick Jauron era. Reminds of the picture where every God fearing Bills defensive lineman was on the ground as a Patriots running back,was wheelchaired into the endzone. So we wind up with Marcel Dareus a player of tarnished reputatation having a prediliction for overating and smoking pot but who despite these can stay on his feet. It also reminds me of two undersized linebackers Keith Ellison and John digiorgio, much like the two we picked up this year. Both were often injured but relentless and really good guys. Karlos Williams, a player who smoked pot to sympathize with his starving pregnant girfreind or wife, (hard to tell these days) made a bigger impact than those two combined. Favorite Whaley quote, football is not for humans.

    So finally to get to the point

    Next year is supposed to be the the best QB draft since 1983. How long ago that is, is difficult for me to calculate since I can only count to seventeen. But if its past seventeen then it must be a very long time. I propose we TANK the season, Bills fans show up AND ROOT FOR THE OPPOSING TEAM.

  3. remember SUCK FOR LUCK. Watch highlights of Darnold and Josh Allen. Carolina had tanked and got Cam Newton. Buddy Nix said he would have taken Newton if he had fallen to the Bills. Time to tank for Darnold or Allen. Otherwise we will in QB purgatory long after Whaley has a new job. Hopefully he will have his new job sooner than later so he can have two paychecks like Rex. Must be nice. One goes directly into their IRAs. We absolutely need to pick first or second next year. Trade TT. Start the rookies and tank the season. Yates acts as QB coach and never sees the field. He might win a game or two.

    Start CJ with no game plan

    If he wins try Peterman, also no game plan.

    That is strategic thinking AKA Jim Irsay

    Of course Irsay was on drugs but what the hell it worked for the Colts. LOL.

  4. as emenem says you get one opportunity and in this case, it is to tank a season. Anthony Lynn worked the offense around TT. Even Lynn said he has trouble making the anticipatory throws over the middle. Dennison is going to try to make him Alex Smith. Andy Reid has given up on Alex Smith, drafted Mahomes. TT may look worse in this offense. Probably the best player for this system is an anticipatory thrower like Peterman. He reminds me of Cody Kessler for Cleveland. And Cleveland is not sold on Kessler, they just drafted another QB. If Anthony Lynn was our coordinator then you could probably guess our offense would have similar production as last year. Dont assume our offense will be as good. This reminds of when we got rid of Shwartz. Our defense tanked. If TT is not a fit for this offense then he will have to be traded because the team will be divided in its loyalties. Finding a QB is like winning the lottery.With our lluck the Bills will draft first next year and draft the next Goff.

  5. cardale played better than EJ in the jets throwaway game and we hung on to EJ for four years hoping he would get better. Whaley wanted to start him. Wasnt it a fight between Whaley and Rex about who would start that got Rex canned. I dont get why EJ started unless they wanted a better draft position. Remember all the confusion as to whether to resign Tyrod. And now the new coach says it is an open battle at QB. He says iron sharpens iron, Maybe its marshmellows at the QB position. Give credit to Tyrod for having him go through another QB competition. If he loses he will be traded. Here we go again another camp where every throw will be watched and Bills fans will align with their favorite guy. And after all is done we still wont know.

  6. say a potential playoff team loses their QB in preseason we might get a third for Taylor. We give CJ eight games, the coaches have to play to his strengths, ie the rocket he launched to Powell in last years Colts preseason game. the likes I havent seen since Kelly and Reed. No dink and dunk west coast offense. If he fails give Peterman his shot in tne more traditional west coast like alex smith in Kansas City. If they both suck we tank our season and maybe get Donald without having to move up in the draft.

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