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Posts posted by BuffaloBillsSD

  1. AWW ! That's all well & good but i seem to remember over the entire time that i have been watching football which i started back when the favorite saying for a Bills fan was


    "Miami's got the Oranges but we got The Juice" & for those of you that can remember that saying it's been a while ...


    But i can remember major forces on the offensive & defensive side of the ball playing with BROKEN HANDS in a cast & still being very effective so this wrist thing is nothing more than a BS excuse !!


    Man Up Mario for god sake your knocking down about a million a game so do what we brought you here to do & get rid of the friggin excuses !!!


    Plus living in the shadow of Bruce Smith is a B word !!!!!! put up or shut up !!!


    Please provide some evidence of these WARRRRIORS OF OLD playing with dismembered limbs.

  2. Anyone who thinks a 31 year old RB with injury issues is worth more than a 4th is delusional. His value was not higher in the offseason because he was coming off of an injury. If anyone thinks that he will last longer because he joined the NFL late is wrong, he was still taking hits and playing a lot.

  3. I believe he refers to Mr Tarvaris Jackson. But, he really didn't "beat him out" as much as he pushed him out as Tarvaris didn't see the field in preseason and was trade fodder from the get-go.


    The Hawks are the other team I follow and Wilson has looked like a rookie at times, but his poise has been surprisingly strong at others. I would reserve judgement on his future until you watch a few games. He shows a sizable amount of promise and looked much improved last Sunday.


    I know what he meant but it was a flawed statement since TJ was third string the moment Wilson was drafted.

  4. 1) Byrd looked like he was running in sand. He was also pushed back 15 yards or so by a wide receiver who he was back pedaling away from. He was shaken up in the 4th quarter, and if he sits, it will be not so much of a loss. What to do? They will probably use the franchise tag on him.


    2) Kyle William was flat out pancaked on a third and long run in the second quarter. His play has fallen WAY off, to the point that he is no help in virtually any situation.


    3) I love to see Graham line up as one of 2 in the slot. He gets open, and would go deep if he had a quarterback who could reach him.


    4) I wanted the Bills to fire Wanny at halftime. Consider this a flat out call for his immediate dismissal. I will say it. His defense is worse than that of Jauron. I never in my life thought I would say this about any DC. Jauron had his team run away from scrimage, and this was actually better than the mess that Wanny has put forth. Disgusting. Absolutely sickening.


    5) I don't even know who this kid Bradham is, but I thank him for caring enough to fight to make plays. Wanny will probably sit him and insert another defensive back. I am serious.


    6) Goin' where the wind don't blow so strange,

    Maybe off on some high cold mountain chain.

    Lost one round but the price wasn't anything,

    A knife in the back

    And more of the same.


    7) Dareus? Like the kid, but he is getting handled at will, and he has zero push.


    8) Fitz? He makes sure to kill any chance the Bills have of getting back into any game. The pick after the really nice gain by Brad Smith on the wildcat was the last straw. He is not, nor will he ever be a good starting quarterback. Case closed.


    9) He did it AGAIN!!! Wanny had 1 f-----g linebacker on the field on 3rd and 5, with approx 5 1/2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. Of course, they ran it down our throats.


    10) Mario? He played like utter garbage, a total non-factor. Don't be fooled by that one pressure. Smith just happened to run into him. He was blocked out of the play, as usual.


    11) This is HUGE imo. On one play, Kelsay ran in to relieve Mario, who promptly waved him off. Kelsay ran back to the sidelines. This begs the questions.....Does Wanny have ANY control? Does Gailey? The answers are obvious. If it were up to me, I would keep Gailey until the end of the year, but again, Wanny should be fired TONIGHT!!!!!!!


    12) Aaron Williams is a lousy cb. Period. He had one decent game, once. He will never be any good, so say hello to another first round corner.


    13) Well, we are now a record setting, laughing stock. I would apologize to my daughters for making them Bills fans, but girls, believe it or not, it will help you in the end. You won't give up on things. And, you will be more loyal than others, and people will see it. People you care about will know it, and you will be trusted in turn, because of this. The Bills are a mess no doubt, but they are OUR mess.


    14) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I thought the Bills stunk but did you watch the game? You were way off, nice post.


    watch again and please stop with these crap posts, you obviously have no idea how to critique a game.

  5. Has Buddy Nix or Chan ever gotten the QB position right?

    If I remember correctly Buddy is the one that traded Breeze away


    The way that Chans system takes 3 years to ramp up means that we should have taken a young franchise QB up front, not 3 years into the process for crying out loud!!!!!! This is just stupidity. If Chan keeps Wanny for the entire year & he keeps getting us blown out- than Chan needs to be replaced. From what I've seen so far, Wanny is a liability & the entire defense does not want to play for him.


    I've said it before & I still feel that we should have hired someone else as Head Coach & simply made Chan OC


    We can only pray to get a healthy Gino Smith.


    You are wrong, I suggest using google.

  6. This thread is why I dislike most Bills fans, back during FA everyone is onboard with the signing but 4 games into his 6 year deal he stinks. Bills fans will give Fitz all the time in the world to prove he stinks but a proven player gets 4 games. I wish I could say how I really feel but that will only lead to another board ban. Keep it classy Buffalo.

  7. Pro athletes need to take the most they can in every negotiation. Brees owes it to himself and his family to make as much as possible. He's an MVP caliber QB with a Superbowl ring--you have a number and you don't settle for a penny less. Call it greed and selfishness if you will; but the owners didn't become billionaires by taking less. A pro athlete is a corporation, and as such its duty is to maximize profits. If a corporation is leaving money on the table and not maxing out its potential profits it's shareholders can sue. Corporations are amoral they are legally people but are not subject to the same morality as you or I. A corp only acts in the interests of profits and the shareholders. I don't see why players should be any different when it comes to contracts and money


    Thank you for taking the time to write what I was thinking.

  8. Completed the trade finally after much haggling what do you think? PPR/keeper league


    gave: forte


    got: rg3, Andre Brown (handcuff as I already have Bradshaw)


    I know preseason he got the best of me but in the league RG3 is the top point scorer and now I have a rb no matter if Bradshaw goes down or not. How do you think I did?


    Currently trying to package Stafford/Mendenhall to a qb needy team for LeSean McCoy


    If you already had Stafford I don't like this trade at all unless you can somehow get McCoy. The second trade makes the first one defensible, hopefully you get it done.

  9. Obviously you think you have something because you want to make a bet. I'll kick in $20 to your favorite charity, but let's set some parameters. You finding me saying Fitz "looked good" or "made a nice throw" or citing some positive stats doesn't qualify as me offering to bear his children, which you are accusing me of.




    Haven't looked yet, just going off our previous exchanges + your undying love. Your posts always give me hope during the inevitable downswings for what it is worth.

  10. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Go find any post where I said that. I dare you.




    We need to set up parameters, but I would be willing to donate $ to a charity of your choice if I cannot. PM me with what you think is reasonable for "proof" as well as donation amount. I am doing this for fun since you are my favorite "Bills are great" poster and that is the honest truth.

  11. Nope. I'm the guy who is trying to keep it real while everyone is dreaming of QBs that are not coming here or are wayyyyy past their prime. Fitz is they guy for 2012. Accept it. Deal with it. No team is going to trade their pro bowl QB to us mid-season. The draft is still 7 months away. I don't love Fitz any more than any other Bills player but can we just watch the games without leaving reality?




    So you have changed your "fitz is the man" tune that you previously had?

  12. I can see you saying how you don't care about about missing the Super Bowl because of one stupid INT. You're just happy to make the playoffs, like every Bills fan.




    No I was remarking that Fitz will never get us to the Super Bowl or even close.


    I can see you saying how you don't care about about missing the Super Bowl because of one stupid INT. You're just happy to make the playoffs, like every Bills fan.




    You are the definition of the ALMOST THERE YES!!! fan as you defend a terrible team every year and make fun of the realistic fans, where is Jasper your man crush at now?

  13. McNabb to redskins. Packers gave up on favre he went to vikes. It happens. Pats traded Milloy to bills, got blasted game 1, returned favor game 16, and won super bowl. Id settle for that. Bottom line I don't think teams are as hung up on this "don't trade within division" thing. You give up on a guy cut your best deal and move on. Let dopey jets overpay for the privilege of making him team captain week they play pats. Something tells me pats are bigger than that


    You need to fact check, there are several easily noticeable errors there.


    I was very surprised when Miami let him walk. Is that when they drafted ginn?


    You seriously have to use google more or something, this is getting embarrassing.

  14. Geez, what do you do with 5GB a month? Stream a lot of movies? Or just not home or office very often?


    If I was religious about WiFI, which I would be without unlimited, it would be a lot less I am sure. Next cycle I will try this out and see how much I use.


    I have spoke with Verizon several times, including an executive about this a few weeks ago. Maybe it is just that I am still using a 2005 contract with unlimited un-throttled data, but as long as I re-up my contract with the early upgrade or new-every two I remain eligible. He said that most likely I would be fine even if I let it lapse a little bit like my GF/Whatever she is/don't know/ex did. She is unlimited and left contract open a few months.


    I wouldn't trust a regular employee because from my experience they are almost all clueless but the executive is a legitimate source of info. I am in the same boat as you so I hope your info is correct, I would like to get an iPhone 5 for the lady if that is the case. Thanks for the heads up because everything I had read previously made it seem this was not possible.

  15. How much data do you actually use in a month? I find that since I use WiFi at home and at work that I really only use a few hundred megs a month.


    I average about 5 GB a month, the other two on the plan probable about 2 each. A 10 GB shared plan would probably be fine but I like having the unlimited plan.


    For those wondering, and for those wondering; Verizon keeps your unlimited data plan provided you had it before the changes. The new contracts are grandfathered in. I spoke with them recently about this issue, and due to the way contracts are written - as long as I renew the old contract I keep my plan. If I let it expire they can make me sign a new contract with a data plan...but would not likely do this.


    We are grandfathered in until we purchase a phone using the subsidized price. If you want to keep unlimited then your options are to pay full price or buy used.

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