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Posts posted by FlutieFlake

  1. I am warning you guys now that this is a sore subject with me and nothing aggravates me more.


    Tired of players that pick their preferred team through free agency or the waiver wire~



    And why shouldn't a player be able to "pick his own team" thru free agency? Has he not already completed the terms of his rookie contract? Didn't you get to choose your employer? If another employer offered you more money or better "perks" wouldn't you leave your employer if you felt the other emloyer's offer was superior? Why should an athlete be any different???

  2. The thing that makes it easiest to downplay racism is when claims of it are made inappropriately. There might be merit to this topic (I'll leave that alone), but the examples of fans animosity toward Jason Peters and Marshawn Lynch destroy this point. On-field complaints about the two players seem small compared to other players of their timeframe (Kelsay, Whitner, Ellison, Pozluzny, Green, and Hangartner to name a few).


    The origin of dislike for these two people is based around a conflict of values. A person with a perceived high standard of character doesn't like the idea of a player sitting out practice and preseason over complaints of what they view as extremely high salaries to try to earn more money, only to come back before serious income penalties incur as the season starts and games are missed (damaging the team more than their bank account). Likewise, multiple scuffles with behavior issues that have legal ramifications can understandably lower a fan's esteem of a person.



    You mean like running people over with your SUV and leaving them laying in the street? You call that "a conflict of values"?


    Wow. Pretty impressed with our own opinion, arent' we? While some of the things that you state are probable true, please keep in mind that your opinions are not facts. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but facts have to be proven. Stating that someone is no good simply has no merit, because there are no facts to back it up. So while I respect your opinions, they are worth no more than my own or those of anyone else on this board. Your opinion is not necessarily the truth, it's only your personal view.



    So Cornell Green doesn't suck??? I haven't seen too many people defending this putrid excuse for a player...

  3. I agree with you completely. We have too many ignorant posters on this board who waste their time criticizing Sully. They should be criticizing buddy nix and ralph for hiring him. Sully speaks the truth about an incompetent organization.



    Amen. These Kool Aid Drinkers are living in their own little world. Anyone who dares criticize the Bills for their incompetence over the last decade is labled a "hater". What a bunch of MORONS!

  4. O.K., I am l a long-time lurker, first-time poster. Here goes:


    I think that Fitz at QB will improve our play in several areas. First, we should be able to actually get a verticle passing game. This will get us into more manageable yardage situations on 2nd and 3rd down. Also, with a credible passing threat we can spread out the opposing "D" more which helps our run game-a real potential strong suit given the talent at that position. Fitz also contributes to better yardage and field position by his ability to scramble and avoid sacks- a talent that Trent obviously lacks. Lastly, Fitz helps our "D" with getting better field position and reducing opponents time on the field. Seriously, our DB's were awesome against Green Bay; Rogers just had too many chances to make things happen.


    Look, I know we are not great, but I seriously think with a QB capable of some type-any type-of verticle game and some inspired play calling we could be a 6-7 win team. It is so important to get this team thinking and acting like winners.


    I look forward to a BIG Bills win this week!




    You people are delusional. I'll expect you on this website by Monday apologising for your blatant stupidity (and the Bills 0-3 start)

  5. I could be wrong but I think the true distinction that should be made is that you're right in that the Bills need far more than just a Franchise QB, but many of us are tired of watching an inept offense that continues to struggle so mightily, because honestly, with a competent Offense, we'd be 1-1, and maybe 2-0, probably not, but the second half is when the Packers piled on the points, going into the second half it was 13-7. With an Offense that could keep the Defense off the field and NOT turn the freakin ball over, it makes a difference Defensively as well....so, I think a Franchise QB makes this Offense, BETTER, but not perfect, the O-line needs help but can be serviceable with a QB who can make good decisions it will make all the difference in how the Offense performs and thereby improving how well the Defense can play as they will be better late in the game, getting more rest...



    You are wrong. Terribly wrong. This offensive line would simply get ANY rookie QB KILLED. When are you people going to learn that you need two (2) competent tackles to play the game of football? This team has NONE. Understand, I am certainly not against drafting a franchise QB BUT 2 new decent tackles are a must... Ours plain suck...

  6. We could trade a CFL or UFL team for a QB. J. Russel?


    Real Question, what happen to Troy Smith? BAL cut him. If he has not signed anywhere, we cut Edwards and sign him. Trade Jackson for Vick. Do something.



    Vick was just named the new starter in Phila....

  7. Nope, a QB is all we need to be competitive. Those other things are what make you a contender, but you only need a QB to be competitive, then and only then can you begin to understand what you need to become a contender. Just look at what all the teams that finally find their franchise guy have done.



    You're delusional if you think that any rookie QB (No matter how good he may be)is gonna step in behind this porous OL and perform miracles. This team needs two bonafide OT's before they can begin to be competitive. And if you watched Finley this past week burn the Bills repeatedly you'd know that we have no linebackers that can cover either....

  8. Let me field this one. Next 5 taken after our pick of Spiller:

    1: Anthony Davis, 49ers, #11 overall

    2: Bryan Bulaga, Packers, #23 overall

    3: Rodger Saffold, Rams, #33 overall

    4: Zane Beadles, Broncos, #45 overall

    5: Charles Brown, Saints, #64 overall

    Just for good measure, I will add this:

    6: John Jerry, Dolphins, #73 overall


    1: Davis is starting....at RT.

    2: Bulaga is the primary backup on the Packers OL. LT and LG.

    3: Saffold is starting at LT, while Jason Smith their #1 pick (#2 overall IIRC) from 2009 is at RT.

    4: Beadles is starting at RT

    5: Brown is listed as the #3 LT

    6: Jerry is starting at RG.


    So, unlike the QB's, where besides Bradford, we can justify not picking one since they're all pretty much 3rd string...We could have at least helped our O-line situation at ONE of the tackle positions. I mean, Green and Bell are pretty awful.




    Thanks for the assist.... It's really criminal that we have to endure watching this abomination of a football team... And we are supposed to billieve in Buddy Nix??? AJ Smith made the decisions in S.Diego - Do we really know if he had anything to do with their success??? How do you justify not fixing either of our two critical needs (QB & OT) in favor of drafting yet another RB????

  9. First off, I'm not a clown, I'm an opinionated fan, more or less, like you. Now, I can't guarantee you that Luck, Locker, or Mallet will be franchise QBs, but I can guarantee you that Edwards, Fitzpatrick, and Brohm won't be! The QB class for next year may(or may not) turn out to be like the "lotto winning class" of '83(Elway, Kelly, Marino).The best news is thatwe stand a pretty good chance of holding a winning ticket. What's wrong with being excited about the possibility?



    A "winning ticket"??? With a 70 yr old "Rookie GM" making the pick??? That's hardly a "winning ticket" in my book. My point was that AJ Smith was making the decisions in S.Diego - NOT Buddy Nix. No one knows at this point whether we just blew a great chance at picking up a possible "Franchise QB" when we passed on Claussen in the 2nd round of this last draft. I have no trust in Buddy's skills at picking a "winning ticket" as you call it. Time will tell of course. But as far as Luck, Locker and Mallett are concerned, at this point they are no more or less a "winning ticket" than Claussen may have been. And very few QB's step right out of college and become "Franchise QB's overnight. As far as Elway(#1), Kelly(#14), and Marino(#27) are concerned, You fail to mention that Todd Blackledge(#7), Tony Eason(#15), and Kenny O'Brien(#24) were also highly thought of that season and look how they turned out... Let's not even talk about Tony Hunter(#12) whom the Bills picked before Jim Kelly.... Some "winning ticket" he turned out to be....

  10. If we're doomed this year then so be it. They're not going to win with this current collection anyway. If we have to lose again, please don't go 6-10 or 7-9. 2-14 or 3-13 is okay, knowing we'd have our choice between Luck, Locker, or Mallet. When we have our franchise QB, we can start to hope again. Picking first or second in the second round would also be like having another, low first rounder.



    I am getting sick and tired of all you clowns saying "we'll get Luck, Locker, or Mallet" as if there is some kind of guarantee that these guys are all gonna turn out to be "Franchise OB's". For all we know any one or all three may turn out to be busts for all we know. So how bout going on the record and tell us doubters which of these three is gonna be a sure thing? Which of these three is gonna be a bust? The truth is No one really knows. Any one of these guys could suffer a serious season ending injury as the season is still relatively young. Claussen for example may start this week in place of Matt Moore. How will he turn out? Buddy Nix wasn't making the decisions in S.Diego. A.J. Smith was. So none of us even knows whether our 70 yr old "rookie GM" can pick a winner or not. And don't tell me that at pick #9 there were no other good players (OT) available.



    The Bills could have made other moves (trades or FA) to bolster our line asa well. But Buddy decided that he wasn't going to trade up or down in the draft, and his only acquisition (Cornell Green) is pathetic - Unless he was trying to guarantee that we'd suck this year to get a higher draft pick in next years draft...

  11. No, I dont have a solution. Nor do you. I dont want to just sit there and take it and you dont also, but the fact remains..... we dont have any choice. I'm just sayin, stop complaining unless you have something better in mind and, unfortunately, you dont and neither do I. Dont watch the game if you have better things to do. No one is forcing you, but accept what we are: A team without a complete QB, OL and Defense and it is going to be a long season for all of us. I'm just tired of all the Edwards bashers out there that complain without a solution. He is all we have at this point.








    The trading deadline hasn't hit yet... But it takes management willing to make some moves... No one is asking for the unreasonable here. No one is asking for the Bills to become like say the Redskins. But you cannot bu8ild thru the draft alone. You need to use judicious trades and free agency to acquire competant players. Cornell Green ain't that. And even now there are better OT's and QB's available... We could afford to part with one of our DB's for example... But first management has to care.... Or do they?

  12. Edwards sucked..... Edwards sucks........ blah, blah blah........whatever. We have no other option! So get over it!!!!! He's not the worst we've had, he's not the best. Regardless, he is all we have. We have no one else behind him better than.......... well.....him! So, suck it up NANCY and try and enjoy the season. If you have a better idea/option.... post it here! Other than that.......... go back home, drink some milk from a bottle, change your diper and cry in your own post!



    So your solution is to sit there quietly and just take it??? Nothing will change until we let management know that we are not going to just take it. Season ticket sales are down 20% for a reason. YOU sit there and "just accept it" if you like. We don't have to. We can spend time with our families or watch other teams that do care and do try. And I have better things to drink than "milk"...

  13. Hmmm. Am I missing something? The Redskins just started their season playing the Cowboys around 820 pm. And yet you are already declaring them a resounding success? Seems a bit premature.



    He didn't declare them to be a "resounding success". He pointed out another organization that at least sees it's weaknesses and tries to do something about them. That's the difference! At least they try! That's a hell of alot more than one can say about the front office at OBD!

  14. OK I'm going to be optimistic. We won 6 games last year (5 if you debate Indy whatever) and we are rebuilding. Our defense played well given their makeover, and our backfield has talent and OLine is improving. Let's rebuild and stomach some frustration in the interest of growth. Screw the media and all those that jump on the hate train.



    The word is not "optimistic". It's delusional! The "offensive" line may indeed be getting worse based on p_ss poor play of the tackles. The Bills front office had an entire draft and offseason to make changes and their only real move was bringing in Green. That's not trying very hard. And it's not "hate" to tell it like it is. Jerry Sullivan is the only sports journalist in this town to speak up and all the Kool Aid Drinkers around here criticize him as being "an angry man". When are you people ever gonna wake up and put the blame where it belongs - squarely at OBD. Until you do, things will never change...

  15. meangia, it's one freakin game. did it start out the way I had hoped? No. Is the season lost yet? Hardly. Just like a bunch of you freaked out when the bills got blasted by washington in the first pre-season game, no need to FREAK OUT now. We'll find out more next week. Either way, I'll still think your a douche.



    Yeah, next week we will be 0-2.... Can't stand the TRUTH - Get outa da kitchen!

  16. First, thanks to Coach Sal for citing this stat. Check out the last 15 minutes of his Bills Now show this week.


    Did you know the Dolphins are 1-9 in September games the last 3 seasons? In fact the last road September game they won was on 2003!!


    The Dolphins have a history of slow starts and its even worse under Sperano. Add to that all the injuries and Parcell leaving this week. The Bills will win Sunday.





    Yeah, Right...

  17. Sure the Bills will make the playoffs this season. :w00t: They are close! :lol: In my humble opinion, all that has to happen for them to win the AFC East or at least 10 games to get in the tournament as a Wild Card is the following:


    1) Edwards has to throw for over 60% completions, at least 20 TD's with only about 10 Int's, and he HAS to throw for over 3,000 yards. (Yes that's 3,000, not the usual 2,400 Bills' QB allotment)


    2) Jackson/Spiller/Lynch must combine for over 1,600 yards rushing, and combine for at least 10 TD's rushing or pass catching.


    3) Lee Evans must become the elite #1 receiver, finally. He has to make at least 80 catches for at least 1,200 yards and 10 TD's.


    4) For all of the above to happen, naturally the offensive line MUST stay virtually injury free, so the starting 5 of Bell, Levitre, Hangartner, Wood and Green are able to develop chemistry and cohesion for an entire season.


    5) Kelsay and whoever ends up starting opposite him must have an impact as pass rushing and cover DE's. That's the main reason you play a 3-4 isn't it? Because you have 4 EXCELLENT linebackers to fill the gaps, blitz the passer and cover the flats??


    6) Byrd must continue intercepting passes.


    7) Donte Whitner has to become an elite SS - finally. He must have the same season on defense that Lee Evans must have on offense. It's time to shut down those tight ends, Donte!


    8) Stroud, Edwards and Williams along with breathers from big Troup and Carrington must keep those OL's off the linebackers.


    9) Poz must stay healthy all season, and make more of his 100 tackles within a yard or two from the line of scrimmage, instead of 4 to 8 yards beyond the line of scrimmage.


    10) Andra Davis or Kawika Mitchell must be right up there with Poz in total tackles this season.


    11) The special teams and defensive backs must continue their excellence with no drop offs from last season, or serious injuries.


    So.....other then those 11 minor things, it should be a breeze for the Bills to make the playoffs. After all, the Pats this, the Jets that and the Dolphins the other thing, right?? :beer::doh:




    You guys have to stop smokin that sh*t. And get a shrink! Or were you being sarcastic? For your sake I sure hope so...

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