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Posts posted by kentonexile

  1. How many franchises have had one man at the top from Day 1? Every moment I've been a Bills fan it was one guy - agree or disagree with him, he was the face of the Bills. I never met him but he managed one of the few constants in my life, and presided over 4 seasons of excitement and thrills (and disappointment -- easing somewhat now 20+ past) that I will never forget. Another guy and we might be talking about this team like it was the Buffalo Braves or the Hartford Whalers. I'm sad but I hope his family has peace and rests knowing Buffalo thanks him.

  2. Just a thought but how about sticking to things that actually HAPPENED and not comparing what did to what could have happened if the football fairy had waved her magic wand? We have EJ, he made some good plays, he got injured. To say Nassib would have done this or that.. omg ... playing these mind games... forever Happy New Year! At least we wake up with the Legendary Kiko Alonso on our side, friends.

  3. I used to hate Soccer as well ( futebol ) but now living in Brasil I have found a liking to it. I now see the other side of American sports ( what people here in Brasil tell me ). Baseball is slow and boring as hell. Football is a game that has more commercials than the actual game. The puck cant even be seen in Hockey. And the last 2 minutes of an NBA game takes 20 minutes. In Soccer, there are no commercials, there are no replays, there is no annoying music to entertain in between commercials, there are 0 commercials. If the game starts at 6:00, You know it will end at 7:45. give or take 5 minutes. I now watch the Bills games a few hours after its over cuz I get to watch the condensed version and it only kills 1 hour of my life! Soccer is good. Don't let the American Media tell you different.


    I agree. I know it's "un-american" to like soccer but after 10-15 yrs of following it more carefully, I love it! Love the NFL too, there's room for more than one sport in the world. But it takes a whole different level of attention. You can't get up and fix a sandwich or grab a beer every 5 minutes. I'll add this with the hope that a 2 football solution can eventually be acceptable .

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