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Posts posted by andrewsz1991

  1. Let me preface this.


    1. This team is far too good to be in this situation and I am sick that this season is likely given away. Too many plays left on the field.

    2. Coaching has been awful. Plain awful.


    But, if bills win this week: and Pitt loses and or Kansas City gets upset, the playoffs aren't so far out of reach. It's a total longshot if you think about the scenario. We need Jets to lose one and then one to us, we need to win out and then we need Kansas City to lose out or pitt loses two.


    It's a lot of work for a spot. But, if we win next week, and pitt loses to denver like they should. If the Jets lose in two weeks to New England like they should. Then we're only in need of Pitt getting upset in one of their last two games.


    It's still a long shot. But, next week we could be looking with a whole lot of new optimism.


    Just realized I said Steam... Queue the trolling. Please moderators fix this I'm not sure how?

  2. He also should have been picked in the EZ on the first possession of the second half and fumbled on his side of the field later because of how he handled the ball. The Bills were fortunate to recover. He got a bit lucky in the second half, basically.

    If we're going into should'ves then the defense should've had four picks or so through out the game that were dropped or just not heads up plays.


    I'm not arguing that EJ played well or that he should start. But, to say that he shouldn't be on an NFL roster is laughable.


    I don't want him starting at this point in time, like I had previously said. He's a bust in terms of NFL because he is a first round pick and nowadays they're expected to start right away. But I would not feel uncomfortable with him as my BACK UP (a person who isn't even supposed to play. The second best QB on the team)



    He put us in a 24 point deficit, pretty much all on his own. Lol


    The defense put us in position to win by shutting out the Jags for the next 2 quarters so that the offense could come back.


    Smh at some fans here.

    I said that. It's funny it's like republicans you are either very far left on EJ or so far right that you can't even see anything else.


    He made plays to lose us that game. 21 points in that game on the other side were attributed to him making stupid mistakes. However, did him or the team quit? The defense made stops they needed to (other than the last one) and EJ drove the guys down the field. He hit two nice touchdown passes.

  3. R


    The Panthers game was 3 freaking years ago. It's time to cite something relevant.

    Relevant is the fact that it's football **** happens. If the defense plays well last two weeks we win. Relevant is the fact that we were down 27-3 with a makeshift offensive line, a makeshift set of receivers, and our BACKUP quarterback and we had a 31-27 lead with 2 minutes left and a 3rd and 15.


    I'll take that kind of fight from a back up quarterback any day. Show some semblance of intelligence. Yes he sucked and made plays that costed us. But he also put us in a position to win that game.

  4. Cue the knee jerk reaction.



    EJ had the worst 1st half I've probably ever seen from a starting quarterback.

    EJ and the defense Put us in a spot to win the game if the defense is able to make a stop.


    I don't know what you guys want. Was Michael Vick a good back up? How has Kapernick looked these last few weeks? First off I'm much more comfortable with EJ as a back up quarterback than anybody else. I wanted him to start at the bbeginning of the season. I was wrong. At this point I don't think he's a starter in the NFL. Could change quarterbacks do develop.


    However, does Josh Johnson put us in a spot to win that game? Absolutely not. The guy has been in the playbook for 2 weeks. He has a career 1:2 touchdown to interception ratio. EJ is not the worst quarterback in the NFL. He does not need to be cut.


    He played awful. But he battles back. EJ always has... Remember the Panthers game? The kid has heart and the ability to make plays. If the defense makes a stop at the end we win the game. Football is a team game. EJ !@#$ed up twice with two huge mistakes that you could argue lost the game.


    But what about Shady fumbling on the 1? Or the last drive of the game?

  5. Who cares if it wasn't a preseason game? He played with the #1 offense against a #1 defense. He got time with them. To pretend he didn't and that there's a conspiracy against him is ludicrous, especially when he's only had a decent 4th Q of a preseason game since. Awesome. Jeff Tuel crushed it in the second half of a preseason game too.

    I don't really expect much different from you. But a preseason game against a different team is different. EJ has played well against the 2's and the 3's. We're trying to find a starting quarterback between 1 of 3 guys the coaching staff says. So it's only logical EJ would get a chance unless he laid an egg which he has not.


    Tuel was never in the equation to start.

  6. EJ got the scrimmage with the ones.

    The scrimmage was not a preseason game though. They also said he performed the best of the 3 at the scrimmage.


    His upside is enormous. We can all see that when he's on he looks like a good NFL quarterback. Tyrod is flashy and Cassel is a somewhat proven NFL passer so I wouldn't be unhappy with any. I just don't want the coaches looking at the other two with rose colored glasses because of some disdain for Ej.

  7. People have made their mind up about EJ already. There's no winning this argument even though the valid points are that he should get a shot with the 1's like was stated. He looked like an NFL quarterback with no help against a ****ty defense. A third string defense is typically way far ahead of a third string offense.


    Here are the facts:


    EJ was drafted to be developed into the quarterback of our future, Kevin Kolb went down, he had to start way earlier than anticipated and performed admirably for a rookie project quarterback.


    EJ started last season until Orton picked up the offense and came in to start.


    This was supposed to be an even quarterback battle. All three have performed well in all given opportunities. Tyrod got his chance with the 1's and 2's performed pretty well in both. Cassell performed with the 1's got his shot and performed well. EJ performed with the 3's and 2's and performed well.


    It's clear this preseason is not entirely important with exception of the quarterback battle to the coaches. We're virtually playing none of our starting skill players next week so I don't see the harm in letting EJ go against a starting defense for at least a quarter maybe a quarter and a half and see how he performs.


    The argument he's against three's is irrelevant because we haven't seen him against the 1's. But, he's looked like an NFL quarterback against these guys and there is no doubt he has improved.




    Just to clarify I'm not anti-Tyrod or anti-Cassell. There's a misconception here you have to be one or the other. I want to win. 15 years is too long without the playoffs. But we're doing ourselves as a team and EJ a disservice if they don't even give him a chance against starters with the way he's played in all the game opportunities he's been given.

  8. I think a lot of people are looking at this wrong. Cassel and Tyrod look to be in front. But if you look at the first two preseason games, the 1 and the 2 play a quarter each the 3 typically plays the whole second half. Cassel and Tyrod are splitting first team reps, with EJ virtually getting all the second. They could be playing him a lot more getting him confidence and to see what he's supposed to be seeing.


    I could be wrong. It just seems incredibly hard to believe that EJ would be so far back when imho they've all been very similar, with EJ having played probably better than Cassel in the preseason game. Whoever is the 1 week 3 will determine who is the starter, and if it's not EJ then I'll resign to the fact that he's not going to start this season. I just think Rex had a plan and it's hard to believe EJ would be out of the mix when his opinion has been on level as these other two guys, not to mention his ceiling is seemingly a lot higher.

  9. I think it was a report that a scout said that. Pretty sure I've seen that exact report adn quote used several times about others.


    I just think with the work ethic he has, and the ceiling he has, he has what it takes to be our starter. But, obviously you don't know until the game.


    If he's awful in preseason then I'll say it's not him, but be logical. He's shown up in most game scenarios.

  10. For one, the reports out of camp are that he has been the worst of the bunch and the problems that have plagued him since HS(accuracy and getting through progressions quickly) are still issues. The 1st few games in a Bills uniform he looked like he may be the guy. He has played some atrocious games since (Pittsburgh, Houston, Tampa). You are not hearing anyone talk about the improvement even people that really like EJ (Sal for example) are saying the opposite. A scout last week said that he "is left handed and doesn't know it." That isn't a "this guy may be alright" analysis that is a "this guy is a train wreck" analysis.


    If EJ was a 3rd round pick as most projected there would not be the people on here defending him like they do. They would read the reports as they were meant to be taken. As of 8/14/15 he is the 3rd best QB on the roster. That isn't an agenda or anything other than his play hasn't been better than Cassel or Tyrod. This isn't some big shock either.

    The reports I read says Cassel was awful first weeks and that EJ showed up in the scrimmage better than anybody and Tyrod is a better runner than thrower.


    Those are the same reports we've seen forever. But I've seen good and bad from all three quarter backs.


    Through the first 8 Cassel looked terrible.

  11. I think that this is an interesting point. It is something that we too often forget. That was a bad QB draft by all accounts. You can't demand that you draft a QB early because you need one. You have to take the best players. The wrong QB selection sets you back more than anywhere else. If you make a mistake on a CB for example you just plug the next guy in. As an example if Darby was bad (which by all accounts he is the exact opposite of) you just plug in someone like Ron Brooks and move on. Brooks isn't great but he is an NFL caliber CB and isn't involved in every play.

    The problem is by most accounts he has regressed. Maybe it is a confidence thing but no one is pointing to improvement in his play.

    How has he regressed? Even if you look at his games last year, he had an average QB rating in the high mid 80's with 5 td's and 3 interceptions. He led us to a comeback against over Chicago and played essentially flawless against Miami. One would argue Marrone's game management led to inefficient drives and lack of points scored. He's never been a bad quarterback. He hasn't been great, but I'd argue he hasn't lost us games by himself.


    If EJ tears it up all you'll hear is how it "was only against the 3rd string D."

    Correct. But it'll also show that he's not as incompetent as people make him out to be. If he's as bad as people want to believe he is then he'll go out there toss 3 picks and call it a day.


    I think we're all forgetting that this is the guy that led us to victories against Carolina (in a comeback), Baltimore, likely Cleveland if he didn't get hurt, and the Jets. In his first career game, we had the patriots on the ropes until Tom Brady worked his magic.


    If anybody remembers that Cleveland game like I do, EJ seemed to be the guy we drafted. It wasn't the most perfect performance but he made some throws and he was running with confidence until he got hurt.

  13. You guys read into this stuff all wrong. A team that is not anouncing their starting quarterback till week 1 is not going to be so obvious as to let him start the first preseason game. There's 4 of these, and 4 more weeks of training camp. Everybody has gotten their run with the 1's. EJ has been playing with the 3's lately because that's how the order is with this offense.


    He will be on the team, that's my honest belief. I think if Cassel is the starter it's too much of a liability to have an unproven back up as the sole back up as we saw with Jeff Tuel.


    Don't look too far into who's starting nowadays. Rex made it clear that they were sharing reps, and I think who starts this game is just as important as who starts the last preseason game.


    Let's watch their performances tonight. If EJ looks terrible with the 3's then there's reason to have concern with him. But if he tears it up which I fully expect him to (granted he gets o-line help), then we'll see a whole new rotation next week.

  14. So this loss was as demoralizing to me as it was to anybody. So many terrible losses this year. I'm surprised I'm not numb to it already. However, with Cincy and Pitt losing doesn't that give us a minute chance of making the playoffs still. I wouldn't be surprised if we went 5-11. But, aren't the odds still there with them losing?

  15. A bartender at the bar that I go to knows Levi pretty well, and when I told her that I was a huge Bills fan she texted him. He is not too fond of the Bills organization and I doubt he would come back. He got looked at by his hometown Titans but didn't seem to be what they wanted.

  16. The reason I gave for checking him out was that he put up impressive numbers at the combine and that he was always better than the offense he was on.


    He had an incredibly high vertical jump, one of the better 40s and one of the better broad jumps at the combine for wide receivers. There were buzzings that he ran a 4.24 at practice, I know it's unofficial but still that's excellent speed.

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