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Posts posted by vonwebs

  1. Coaching.


    BS it was the coaching! I'm glad we hired Chan, he's a better coach than the one we faced yesterday! Believe me Buffalo needs him more than he needs us.... Lets get behind this guy and let the man work. Yes we lost the game, but atleast he was man enough to get up to podium and say "we were not a quality team." Mediocrity isn't an option with Chan and I know he's gonna get the players to respond and if they don't then you can bet they won't be here much longer!

  2. Your question is sound and well thought, but it is a FOOTBALL question. If the Bills would have went a differennt direction in round one and waited until later to draft a gimmick player, ask yourself how many less jerseys and tickets would have been sold.

    First round picks draw all the attention. There are still posters who think that Whitner is a top flight safety, simply because he was drafted at #8. Many posters think that Losman doesn't suck because he was a first round pick.

    Ralph Wilson is selling a product, and he knows exactly how to do so. He knows how to price tickets, which players to cut, and who to draft in terms of making a profit, NOT in terms of winning football games.

    That said, (and this is pure speculation) I think that Ralph trusted Levy, thinking that he had a clue. Levy was poison. He hired Jauron, and botched the 06 draft in a way that was unimaginable. Levy and Jauron were an inept duo that would not have been hired in their capacities by any other team, and they went on to destroy the Buffalo Bills.

    Nix/Gailey are far more competent than those losers as is indicated by the rest of the draft, but imo it is naive for a Bills fan to not assume that this pick was the work of Mr. Wilson, with the motivation being to fatten his wallet taking priority over winning football games.


    Marv Levy was brought in to stabilize a very shaky front office. There was no trust in the organization and us as fans had all but given up on the team that Tom D had built. IMO Marv didn't do as bad a job as one may think. He kept us fans in the stands and instilled some pride back into the FO. I take offense to you calling Levy a loser, that statement couldn't be further from the truth. If your a true Bills fan you would edit your comment and just say that while not perfect he did what he thought was best for the organization.

  3. I did not notice who it was posted by. To me what is important is the statistical proof of what we have been claiming for a long time. I wonder if this statistical proof will be enough to finally sway the supporters that did not believe that Trent was actually this bad. Everything about him that some have pointed to as a positive when really analyzed is a negative, especially things like his completion percentage.


    I am tired of hearing about how bad a QB Trent is! Peyton Manning would have been awful to if he was playing for Jaron. The previous coaching staff is where the blame should lie. Lets give this kid another try with a coaching staff that knows how to run a professional football team!!!!! I truly believe Trent has what it takes to win, he just needs a little bit of coaching. So rather than bash him and run him out of town how about we as Bills fans give the guy and the team the support they need to change things around! Bill Walsh who knew a few things about QB's thought Trent was the real deal!

  4. Here's what is hard for me to get an assessment on:


    Last year, during the preseason we FIRED our OC because our head coach wanted a "simplified" offense. A week before the season opener we cut our starting LT. That type of chaos and a simplified offense crippled our ability to score points.


    How hard do you think it was for opposing defenses to diagnose our plays and personnel schemes. Hell they probably knew what we were going to run before we did.


    There's no way we can't be improved is there?


    I hate to defend Jaron, but lets face it he was a lame duck coach and he was just trying to whatever he could to try and win some games so that he wouldn't get fire. Ultimately the decisions he made just prior to the season lead to his departure and left us with a losing record. Last years performance was a reflection of poor coaching, I think Chan and his staff can breath new life into the players we have. Bills fans need to get behind Chan and help him reshape this once proud franchise!!!!

  5. Rivers definitely was not a reach, and San Diego drafted Eli that year. I do agree with much of this. Whats going to be interesting is to see what Vets get chopped. Now that the draft is out of the way, the culture in the locker room and on the field is drastically going to change. My guess is men like Whitner, Kelsay, and Lynch are on a very short leash. I said in a post sometime back, during a game when we were getting our butts kicked, Lynch was on the sideline laughing and joking. Dont get me wrong, I am all about the guys having fun. However, there is a time and place for it.


    I think your right on about Lynch and Kelsay, Buffalo would be wise to show them the door. Giving Kelsay the boot is tough because he has the attitude we need to win, just not talented enough to help us win especially moving up to a stand-up OLB. I disagree with Whitner, while he hasn't made enough big plays I think he is worth keeping for another year.

  6. The Bills just drafted a kick returner at number 9 just like the Dolphins a few years ago and are probably destined to trade him for a 5th in a few years like Ginn. To draft a guy that will only play 3rd down and return kicks at 9 is arrogant and stupid for a trainwreck of a franchise.


    You have no idea what your talking about, first off this guy is RB not WR. Second the guy can flat out run and at 200lbs is an everydown back if need be. The way things unfolded he was the best, most dynamic player available and were luck to have this kid. Marshawn is gone and not soon enough IMO! Buddy was the right pick for GM and he made the right pick for the team. GO BILLS!

  7. I don't disagree with taking Tebow at all with the 9th pick. If he is your guy trading down and selecting him makes sense, but like Buddy said it takes two. Everyone who bashes this kid and hopes we don't draft him are crazy. There have been plenty of QBs that have not had the best mechanics and still won football games. Guys like John Elway, Dan Marino, Bernie Kosar, Phillip Rivers all throw side arm. Jim Kelly had one of the slowest throwing motions and we all know how much success he had. The kid has flaws, but they are coachable. Leadership, will to win, and the desire to be the best can't be coached and this kids got all the intangibles. For those of you hung up on mechanics and measureables I'm sure you won't mind if the Bills trade the #9 pick to Oakland for Jamarcus Russell, hes got everything your looking for, he just won't win you any games!

  8. YouLIKE the idea of taking a running back in the first round when we already have a good player at that position and at least three positions on the team with NO player?


    You bet I do.... F-jack and Marshawn ran behind the same OL and Marshawn didn't get it done. Face it the guy has a rap sheet (some of it justifed, some not). In any event if he screws up again he's out for 8 games. CJ Spiller is a dynamic back that would compliment Freddy (who is 29 years old). Look no furthur than when the Vikings took Peterson or when the Titans took Chris Johnson. While I understand CJ isn't quite at AP or Chirs J's level, from what I have read it looks like at pick 9 he very well could be the best player avaliable. OT and QB is our biggest needs hands down, but would it make sense to pass on CJ and take what could possiably be the 4th best tackle or Clauson (another California QB) who some have rated as a 2nd round talent????

  9. "That's up to him. He's like everybody else. We expect him to be. We need two backs. We think that he's a really good player, and we want him to be there.


    "We're all starting new, all starting fresh."



    I'm questioning the "up to him", and "we expect him to be". It sounds a lot like the Mcgahee situation a few years ago.

    If I was him I would want a fresh start, his reputation in this Town is on par with Gov. Patterson!




    I like the idea of drafting CJ Spiller and trading Marshawn. The guy doesn't want to be here to back up F-Jack and his beast mode will draw some interest. How about San Diego, I'm sure Buddy would jump at the chance to pass a problem player to his good Friend AJ!

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