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Posts posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. No they're not. I agree you need them but that's not all you need. And in business/life 90% of the "luck" you come accross is created by hard work and opportunity so it's not by chance.


    You gotta work hard to be lucky, yes...that's where the heart comes in fruitcake

  2. Thanks Conner, I do hope I can change my little part of the world :thumbsup: I don't put much stock into the board, but it is loads of fun to see people jump up to prove they know more. Some do, and I completely respect thier opinions. Others, however, are just arguing for the sake of arguing and regurgitate what they read on google or heard someone else on the board say. I take it in stride.


    I'm saving the card DC, for something real ridiculous like when I announce my race for senate in the future hehehe


    And that is EXACTLY what I was saying about tare weight. I was going to weigh the entire load of problems and tare down the excess *&^$ left by the banking industry hehehehehe


    Heart and luck is all you need, that and TBD opinions. Oh, and long hair with big bicepts. Maybe an AR-15 and a Bills hat. That's it. Don't complain because you got luck like the Bills Cheffrey...

  3. OK, good luck. You need it. Like winning the lottery kind of luck.


    Some call it luck, I call it...well luck I guess. What I need more than luck is what I already have, heart.



    :rolleyes: back east is so undeserving of your celtic souljaness <_< I really don't care though as long as it keeps you away from here.


    Don't get too excited, I'll still be here posting as soon as I am settled in and have some time :unsure:.

  4. Well, I haven't been posting like a raging lunatic lately because I've been packing. I am leaving friday to head back east. I have put in my transfer to a school out that way, and I have found work as well. All I do now is wait for the feds to tare down the obstacles and my team is ready to pounce on the void left by the "good ol' boys" that will be taken down. Wish me luck. I will actually be the first mayoral candidate with any education in politics in over 50 years.

  5. The data prior to 1920's is not as comprehensive, so you'd have to do a lot of research into individual historic economic studies. Fortunately, Wiki did it for you. I know it's Wiki, but it's the best quick resource for comparison. Maybe TPS has his own history & can share.


    So here you go, draw your own conclusion.


    To me, anyone claiming that Fed has amplified the cycles is like a child putting hands over ears, closing eyes and signing La la la. The data just doesn't support it.


    It is kinda unfair about the intensity. Right after they were put together you have the great depression lol. There was none so severe than that IMO


    I don't know, I can say they seem to happen whether we have the FED or not and the intensity is varied regardless. It seems to me they don't have too much control over it. So I couldn't blame to the FED, but then again I couldn't say they are doing a smash up job with averting disaster either.

  6. Gasoline and Diesel fuel need competitors. In the short run, Natural gas could be an option. It's under $1.50 per compressed gallon (here) and it's a viable fuel for both cars and trucks. It burns cleaner and there is an infrastructure in place for re-fueling. You can refuel a car in your garage in a few hours with some inexpensive equipment. Easy to produce piston engines that run on this. Honda has been selling a Natgas Civic in California for a while.


    We have the technology now to build electric/fuel hybrids that are electric powered first and gas powered second. These would have more limited daily range but can re-charge overnight and can run longer distances on any combination of gasoline, ethanol or methanol with simple ECU changes. Part flex fuel vehicle, part electric car. The Chevy Volt is close to this technology.


    It wouldn't take much in terms of a policy shift to ignite this marketplace. Wouldn't happen overnight but in a few years there could be enough of an impact to put pressure on OPEC and oil prices which would reduce gasoline costs. Without a competitor, oil is in charge.


    I've heard as much. The only thing I do not like about the electric route is that we need to charge them. We use enough electricity power as is, with an increase in massive market electric cars, we will have another big problem with our energy consumption. We lead the world in coal production, but if you care anything about the environment, electric cars would do more damage considering coal burns dirtier than oil right?


    Natural Gas could be a route to go, but I know even less about that than the rest of the things I said lol

  7. The assets of USA are much greater than any commodity reserve that you can hoard. Hyperinflation in a hypothetical sense can occur when the central bank is a puppet of the government. In the 100-yr history of the Fed, you haven't seen cases of blatant populism that stokes hyperinflation. The close call came in Volcker's term and he's the one credited with breaking inflation. I think there's enough Fed independence to allow them to control monetary policy separate from government's whims. I don't forsee a realistic scenario where the President comes into the Fed and demands cash to go to the Treasury, like you're seeing in Venezuela & Argentina. If that happens here, we've got bigger problems than hyperinflation.


    Fed is a very capable middle man between government and private financial industry that does smooth out the shocks. It hasn't been perfect, but it's better than the alternative of letting the banks fend for themselves. You'd be experiencing 2008 every 15-20 yrs, instead of every 80 yrs.




    I have read in numerous anti-fed material that the FED has done a terrible job "smoothing" the shocks. Thier evidence is that before the FED the ups and downs were much less intense. My question is: Is there truth to that? or is it more due to the sheer size of the economy now versus before the FED existed?

  8. Idiot assumptions are great. I have carried both guys and weapons. Next.


    This mindset implies training. All of us who have weapons training are careful. You are not special in this regard. My concern centers on those who have not been properly trained. "More guns" implies more people who haven't been trained on carrying weapons properly, never mind how to use them. That's not a good plan.


    Then...why bother with any of this? :thumbsup:


    Perhaps but again, without mandatory training, "More guns" could also mean more holes in airplane cabins due to nothing more sinister than accidents.


    I would have no problem with your plan if REAL training, not a 2 hour course, and repetitive certification(like CPR) was required in order to carry a weapon on a plane. But, even with training, there are 2 types of people in this world: those that will pull the trigger and those that won't. The ones that won't become a cone, and make their weapon available to baddies that will take it from them.


    I would rather rely on trained people than untrained, and I certainly don't support arming cowards.


    Why bother? because those that can use guns. More responsible people that know how to shoot and maintain a weapon, should be able to carry EVERYWHERE. I can see training, but you put that in with the carriers license, like normal, you don't change that. However you add power to the carriers license, let them carry wherever they want, let them carry concealed. More freedom.


    Gun safety in schools with a class, just like drivers education. Make a legal age for carrying a weapon with freedom. This will keep emotional shootings down. It will also help with accidental shootings.

  9. I would think a reserve-backed currency. The whole beef is with the fiat currency and the inevitable conclusion: hyperinflation.


    This is one area that I don't completely side with Ron Paul. I love the guy, he's honest and has backbone, but I disagree with a silver or gold standard. There are somethings that we now value more than shiny metal. Certain services. I believe we should have a service standard. Similar to the basket that our financial leaders already put together, except instead of goods I would have services and goods.

  10. the purpose of psychotherapy is not to "cure," as that is mostly impossible. The purpose of psychotherapy is to help you manage your narcissism and create a life in which narcissistic behavior would in fact be beneficial. There are some aspects of life that can be improved with narcissism--a psychotherapist would have you focus on those. They would also have you work on empathy so you don't, say, scream at a cashier in pizza hut for getting a weak pie.


    Yeah that's what I've read.

  11. I heard today from a former NFL quarterback that the Seahawks wanted to trade for Marshawn Lynch and our 1st round draft pick but Bills "Nixed" it. Not sure what they offerred, but the way to "Build through the draft" is to stockpile picks.


    IMO, if the Bills had kept trading down we could have had Claussen, Cody or Williams at NT, as well as a LT instead of Spiller and Troup.


    I think that most people would have graded that draft an A versus the C that most gave the Bills.


    They passed on Clausen, they passed on Cody, they passed on a plethora of different LT's. Even if they traded Lynch to the Seahawks...what would have changed? They may have taken a top LT instead of Spiller, and then what? No Lynch to run behind the line? We rely on the passing of Edwards? I don't get it. I think they did fine with what they had.

  12. That answer earns you one "Get out of being called an idiot free" card. :thumbsup:


    Wanted to see if you were consistent in your constitutional view. Congress raising the fine on BP would be an ex post facto law and a bill of attainder - both unconstitutional. Won't stop them, of course... :worthy:


    I will use the card in the near future I am sure :w00t: heheheeh...

  13. Yes spend more money on the re-education system. The following are a few examples of what I learn from K through grad school:


    1) The Communist Manifesto has very “empowering” language in it.


    2) A true Marxist economy has yet to be started.


    3) Marxism was never intended to be implemented in an agrarian society like Russia but was in a rich industrial capitalist society like the UK then and the US now.


    4) Marxism is the natural evolution of capitalism through social revolution and collective ownership.


    5) The alienated proletarian class will throw off oppressive chains of the exploitative bourgeoisie seizing the machinery of the capitalist.


    Socialism is a natural evolution of capitalism, but not the way Marx put it or envisioned it. Socialism is an evolution of the spirit, not the government. Once government mandates socialistic policy, it destroys all that is good in socialism's spirit and you are left with left over crap from socialist spirit...they call it communism.


    Until Socialists learn to utilize freedom to empower instead of a skull cracking revolutionary party, they will never produce a good example of the socialist pipedream.


    Marx was a confused **** and the father of a bunch of other confused azzholes

  14. What part of "There is no terrorist threat" is right? Answer: none of it. As I said above, the first step is always defining the problem. Saying "There is no terrorist" threat doesn't define the problem, it attempts to deny it exists. Isn't flat out denial of reality far and away more nefarious than anything else? This is pure logic dude: you can't solve a problem until you define it, and you can't define it if you won't admit it exists. Anything else is 100% wrong, leaving no room for Moore's, etc. mewling.


    ahh, finally, now we can get somewhere. See, that wasn't so bad now was it?


    Not sure about this: I can think of many things that Bush, etc. could have done that they didn't...and I am certain those steps are much are more Anti-American that what we have now. Please understand it could be a lot worse, and that is what I am worried about. I am worried that not doing enough, leading to us getting hit, will cause a massive overreaction that will make what have now seem like nothing.


    There is risk in invading privacy to stop terrorists, but, there is just as much risk in not doing so. When has the Federal government/media NOT overreacted? Or, how the hell did we end up with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House?->How the hell did we end up in Iraq?->How the hell did 9/11 happen?->We did NOTHING when these a-holes declared war on us in 1996, and I see the rest as a series of overreactions. Therefore, the root cause of this is doing nothing in 1996. At least doing something can be scrutinized. Doing nothing, and pretending the problem doesn't exist, or, pretending this is a legal matter, instead of a war, is far more dangerous.


    Interesting. The only problem with that is: what happens when there is a misunderstanding, and a supermarket turns into a fire fight? It only takes one for the idiots to say "see what happens". Look at how they are trying to attack the tea party for being violent using nothing other than supposition. I am all for less government because I am all for less power for politicians and their bureaucratic slaves. The country was designed for political service, not political careers, and was never intended to allow people to "vote themselves money". But, I am for the Feds focusing on what they are Constitutionally supposed to be doing = national defense, and not focusing on things they aren't = nationalized health care.


    Fundamentally: I am far less concerned with doing things in this country. I would much rather be focused on doing thing in other countries. Taking the battle to the enemy's doorstep is a time tested winning strategy. I would much rather see us focus on limiting the enemy's freedom, invading his privacy, invading his center mass with 5.56 rounds, invading his vehicles with Hellfire missiles, and doing "Un-American" :lol: things in places that aren't America, than worry about what we are doing here.


    Not that my post was entirely written in a serious tone, but I'll go with it.


    I agree the threat is there, and my first line about Moore and believing in him was totally in jest, and analyzing that is suspect. I think Moore is an azz, and always have.


    About epidemics of supermarkets turning into shooting galleries is unwaranted. It is obvious you have never carried a guy. Personally, when I am carrying a weapon, I am much more careful to avoid confrontation. It still lurks in your mind that murder is 25 to life, as a matter of fact it is more in your mind when you do have a piece on you, well speaking for myself anyway. If more people were given the right to carry weapons, everyone would still not choose to carry. It is not as if we would mandate gats. What it would do is make any would be terrorist a little less likely to try and pull that crap in the United States knowing there could be a plane full of DE .50's in his face. More freedom, more responsibility. That has always been the answer to fix things.


    We keep relying in your method of government reliance, we will continue to weaken our nation.

  15. Their job is to report the news with facts. That was the question right, what's their job? The fact that very few news outlets to do their job correctly is why I very rarely watch the news. Yup I really, really think the media is unbiased. :doh:


    Yeah, you said the news is perfectly honest and unbiased. That is what you said. You said I trust everything the news puts on because it is the truth. That is thier job, to report the truth. That's exactly what you are saying, whether you know it or not Cheffrey Dahmer.

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