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Posts posted by agardin

  1. The kid is too full of himself. He needed a good humbling experience to bring him back down to earth. Maybe now he'll grow up and start doing the right things as a professional, or maybe he wont.


    Only time will tell.....

    Sounds that way.


    Although I have to think Pettine is an idiot on this one or that the problems are being somewhat overstated after the fact.


    Pettine's brain: Let's see, I have this QB that hasn't put in the work, parties too hard, is late for meetings and is 'entitled'......I know what to do, I will start him and see if there is a spark.


    I know that Hoyer was faltering but it doesn't really pass the smell test.

  2. I am against an enclosed stadium but then again I dont live or pay taxes in Buffalo.


    I am torn, I do love the open field tailgating atmosphere the Ralph has but a downtown stadium would have its advantages. Sometimes I get a hotel room downtown so a stroll to the game would be awesome. I would imagine downtown bars and restaurants would be livelier after the game as well.

  3. I am with you when it comes to coaches not being malleable enough to alter philosophies based on the personnel they actually have. It does raise concerns that Roman tried to convert Kap into pocket passer. Kap has an unbelievable arm and maybe they thought they would give it an honest effort to Manning him but the results were obviously poor. I guess one might side on 'you can't blame them for trying' argument.


    In most other cases, coaches are impatient and it seems to follow this internal New HC dialog:


    I got three years to win. Is there a sure fire QB on this roster, no or else I wouldn't have just been hired. I need to go out and get my guy, buy time and then win in a couple of years or else I will be gone. Rinse, repeat until a legit QB turns up on your roster.


    New coaches, new answers at QB and nary a QB resembling Brady, Rodgers, Luck or Wilson in sight. Bills fans are familiar with program.

  4. It's certainly better than hearing 'it's hard to win in the NFL'.


    I am down with Rex, not my first choice but I know the players will play for him. Let's face it, it all comes down to EJ being a decent QB or Whaley finding a viable option. A couple of New OL and slightly better QB play and the Bills are a playoff team.

  5. To me this is a strange case in that everything that has happened makes sense.


    Marrone getting the clause in the first place in light of the reality that new ownership would be likely


    Marrone asking for an extension in advance of a new football Czar potentially being hired and freeing him up during the hiring season with an extra 5 million in the bank


    Pegula for not extending and letting him walk.


    Personally I think Marrone over played his hand as I can't see other teams rushing to sign him. I know the Jets are dumb but......I guess we wil see what happens.



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