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Posts posted by Billsfan=pain

  1. Your first post in this thread. Post # 52 when it has already been revealed that the AP does not vote. Read the thread before you jump to conclusions. If you got bashed after that, well you deserve it.




    Try to stay focused here. I realize that you are being bashed from all sides. I included my original point to assist you. What does that have to do with my response? I tell you that you screwed up, made a rookie mistake (commenting without reading a thread before responding) and you deserve a bashing after that. Your response is to bash him? You're not terribly good at this are you?

    Sorry I don't spend all of my time on here. You are on here all the time and wonder why you are a virgin.

  2. Even this guy can understand that AP writers don't vote for the players.








    It seems at this point it still hasn't sunk in. Big surprise.




    Main Entry: den·si·ty

    Pronunciation: \ˈden(t)-sə-tē\

    Function: noun

    Inflected Form(s): plural den·si·ties

    Date: 1598


    1 : the quality or state of being dense

    2 : the quantity per unit volume, unit area, or unit length: as a : the mass of a substance per unit volume b : the distribution of a quantity (as mass, electricity, or energy) per unit usually of space (as length, area, or volume) c : the average number of individuals or units per space unit <a population density of 500 per square mile> <a housing density of 10 houses per acre>

    3 a : the degree of opacity of a translucent medium b : the common logarithm of the opacity





    AP writers don't vote on the award they only submit the ballots and then tabulate the results!!! :thumbsup:





    Wow, you have cajones if you think you're qualified to put anyone down.

    You should look up a word "Morals" you have none.

    Would you give Tony Mandrich ROY award? I bet you would becuase you probably have no athletic ability, and you would juice yourself up to get ahead. Shut up, and go get a moral compass.

  3. Ok, I know some of you are slow so I've quoted the appropriate posts to show how dense you are. PLEASE READ ALL OF THE POSTS! ESPECIALLY THE BOLDED PARTS!! IF YOU STILL DON'T GET IT GO BACK AND REREAD THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL IT SINKS IN.






    AP writers didn't vote they only tabulated the votes!! The AP only tabulated the votes from other writers!!!




    The AP only gives out the ballots and then they tabulate the votes. 'Nuff said.

    No, not enough said. They allowed a cheater to be eligible for the award, they are as guilty as the people that voted for Cushing!

  4. Your first post in this thread. Post # 52 when it has already been revealed that the AP does not vote. Read the thread before you jump to conclusions. If you got bashed after that, well you deserve it.

    Then he shouldn't be a journalist. Facts are that the AP decided to revote and allow Cushing to be eligible for the award. Sorry chico, cheaters should not be eligible to win awards when they cheated to get the award.

  5. Did you ever even consider that might be the company line and he has no choice (I am not saying that is the case)? But even if he disagreed with the decision, he couldn't state that publicly.

    Then don't rip people that believe cheaters shouldn't win awards!

  6. Here's a blantantly obvious question that I haven't seen anyone ask yet: shouldn't Cushing have been disqualified from the re-vote? I have never seen someone get something taken away from them for cheating and get a second chance at getting it back.

    i have been arguing with JW for the past hour about this topic. He says it would have influenced voters unfairly!

  7. I wasn't going to dive back into the cesspool for a while yet, but ...


    The 18 voters who chose Cushing in the revote are certainly open to criticism regardless of their motives. And yes, The AP itself can be questioned for the act of leaving his name on the ballot, even though I'll reiterate that precisely ZERO of their employees have a vote.


    That said, ripping Mr. Wawrow -- who, again, has no more of a say in this matter than you or I do -- for their decision is just as idiotic as slamming Tim Graham for the content of ESPN.com's front page was.

    He thinks they were right to leave Cushing eligible for the award. He said it would have unjustly influenced voters.

  8. Mort declined to vote the second time around because we're too far removed from the season in May? What a kitty. Vote for Maybin but at least cast your vote. It's not taht hard to revisit the season and figure out who you like.


    What I don't understand is why the anti-writers campaigns are allowed to go on at all. This is either an anti-writer campaign or an anti-jw campaign. Either way, it's something that would be out of hand even on PPP. Not that jw can't handle it but it really distracts from board, don't laugh, decorum.

    I don't hate JW, just his stance on this issue. He doesn't believe the crap coming out of his mouth, he has to be a good little school boy and protect the people he works with.

  9. From how many sides do you need to have the same thing reexplained? jw is not advocating any position. AP's position is the same as the Pulitzer organization. If a winning writer was deemed to have plagiarized, then the organization can move to rescind the award and the judges may vote again. The author can resubmit that work and the judges can vote on that same piece of fraudulent work and the writer can win again.


    This is not that difficult of a concept. AP opens the ballot for EVERY SINGLE ROOKIE and non-AP writers get to vote.

    Your wrong, if a writer is deemed to have plagarized, he cannot be awarded the Pulitzer! I has happened in the past.

  10. there is no actual ballot. the vote is open to all rookies as it was originally in January, when there was no knowledge of Cushing's positive test, and well before the appeal process was exhausted.

    as my good friend Kelly the Fair and Balanced Dog has pointed out on several occasions, to bar Cushing would have influenced the voting by not allowing the actual voters make up their own minds.

    those voters -- none of them AP writers, i might add -- made up their own minds, and this was the result.



    Would you guys let Lawrence Phillips get the award if he was a rookie?

  11. there is no actual ballot. the vote is open to all rookies as it was originally in January, when there was no knowledge of Cushing's positive test, and well before the appeal process was exhausted.

    as my good friend Kelly the Fair and Balanced Dog has pointed out on several occasions, to bar Cushing would have influenced the voting by not allowing the actual voters make up their own minds.

    those voters -- none of them AP writers, i might add -- made up their own minds, and this was the result.



    What if someone that plagiarised and won the pulitzer prize for journalism? Would you want them to be eligible for the award again? I really hope not because it would say it all right to cheat.



    But wait it might affect the outcome! The AP decided to revote because they were afraid of the backlash

  12. when dealing with grade schoolers, sometimes you've gotta plunge to their level.

    any meaningful conversation you or billsfan=pain were attempting to have was missing the pertinent point that no AP writer was involved in the vote.

    however you attempt to backpedal from your original stances which are well-documented, and after billsfan=pain suggested i pump something up someone's behind is interpreted as adult dialogue and/or meaningful is quite beyond me.



    After I disgreed with you started your grade school tactics becuase you know your wrong!

  13. when dealing with grade schoolers, sometimes you've gotta plunge to their level.

    any meaningful conversation you or billsfan=pain were attempting to have was missing the pertinent point that no AP writer was involved in the vote.

    however you attempt to backpedal from your original stances which are well-documented, and after billsfan=pain suggested i pump something up someone's behind is interpreted as adult dialogue and/or meaningful is quite beyond me.



    You didn't answer my question? Why did the AP put a proven cheater on the ballot?

  14. Hey JW, if you take Billsfan=pain seriously you'll just give yourself a headache, much like the kids poor ex-wife. Just a suggestion but it would be useful to sports fans if the sports media in many cases would not grand stand so much when it comes to positive tests. There are so many cases where I'll get sucked into some 2 or 3 page self-rightous opinion just to find ZERO information on what was taken, if it was a supplement that is laced (which is not uncommon), and if so show just a little bit of investigative reporting and explain the situation fully. It's ignorant that many sports writers are referring to what he took as a non-steroid. It is one of many illegally obtained products that a steroid user must take to attempt to restore normal testosterone levels in a heavy steroid user post cycle. It is an antagonist to most men's endocrine system and if dosed properly can in and of itself support an unnatural level of test. Juice heads are everywhere and magazines are brazen with this information, and you and your ilk by and large refuse to ever include the specifics of what was taken and educate adults and most importantly children on how they cheated, why it's cheating, and why no sane person should play God with their bodies with do it yourself chemistry kits made in some a*****e's basement. Just a thought. Every young person that attends college for athletics will be tempted and/or pressured into using. It's everywhere and chances are you are competing against someone who is using. It's an ugly truth that never seems to get confronted and young bodies and minds get ruined in the process.

    Why do you have Rick Flair as avatar?

  15. like your suggestion i'm good at pumping something up ... well, you know what you wrote. nice.




    and, while you're at it, why not provide an answer to my post in regards to what publications you will or won't follow now. please, will you not follow those publications for the same reason you won't read the AP. and please, since integrity's on the line here, explain if you'll limit it to the AP.

    What if someone that plagiarised and won the pulitzer prize for journalism? Would you want them to be eligible for the award again? I really hope not because it would say it all right to cheat.

  16. Geez, everyone just get off of JW's case will you?? John and the AP weren't responsible for the outcome of the vote. How much clearer can this be? The sun and the moon must be aligned just right today because too many people seem to be in an arguementative mood. We and Byrd all know he deserved more votes than he got. He got stiffed and it sucks. What's more important for the Bills is that he makes an even bigger impact this coming season. Award or no award, we seem to have a really good player in him.


    Go Bills!!

    I would have voted for Orakpo! The problem is that they put a cheater on the ballot!

  17. like your suggestion i'm good at pumping something up ... well, you know what you wrote. nice.




    and, while you're at it, why not provide an answer to my post in regards to what publications you will or won't follow now. please, will you not follow those publications for the same reason you won't read the AP. and please, since integrity's on the line here, explain if you'll limit it to the AP.

    I will boycott reading several publications. I plan on writing ESPN about Berman's "yes" vote.

    If the AP decides to change its view when it comes to cheating(if your caught cheating no awards) I will change my view of the publication.

  18. but Pilate didn't offer his vote to sports writers. ...


    and now that you're backpedaling, why not fully come clean that you were mistaken when making this big high-and-mighty proclamation that you and your daughter will never read an AP story again. will you do the same with the likes of Sports Illustrated, ESPN, CBS, Sporting News and Sirius, plus a number of other publications?


    and why stop there: except for the voters who abstained, aren't they all tainted under your AP brush for having involved themselves in this process?


    that, i think, is the position you have put yourself in, so keep digging, i'm sure you'll get out of this somewhere.



    Your organiztion decided to have a re-vote with Cushing on the ballot. I understand you can't critisize your employer, but your staunch opinion on this matter is really pathetic

  19. I can't speak for my bosses, who made this unprecedented choice of having a revote in the first place.

    I still can't see how the AP is to blame for Cushing retaining this award in the black-and-white world you live in.

    Wouldn't be better for you to question those who actually voted for the candidate you have issue with? Cushing being on or not on the ballot is relatively immaterial. Somone still had to vote for him, right?


    Nice, though, to see that after three or four tries, that you are finally be up to speed on the topic at hand. ... That's a start.



    So the AP decided to be "Pontius Pilate", and lay it in the lap of the voters.

  20. Look, JW didn't vote and didn't condone cheating! He merely said the AP was within its right to re-poll the NON-AP writers for a recount. Those writers were wrong, but the AP wasn't and JW shouldn't be beat up by people like you that won't read the damn facts! People like you ran off Tim Graham from our board, so back the Hell off and think before you write.

    Why did they put a cheater on the ballot?

  21. Did you read any of the other posts?


    Did jw have a vote? - no

    Was the vote limited to AP writers? - no


    So you should probably stop attacking him. Also, it's spelled "credibility", and if you'd like to keep any you should think before you post.

    I am not going to agrue with someone that calls himself Captain caveman! LOL!

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