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Hail Flutie

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Posts posted by Hail Flutie

  1. Ok, it's not that I think Ralph kept them from making a higher offer, I probably could have been clearer in my OP. What I'm asking is since his passing, circumstances have changed. With a new owner looming, Whaley and Brandon might regret not caving to Byrd. They have more reason to win now to keep their jobs after 2014. This has been attributed by many sports writers as to why they were willing to give up a 2015 first round pick. Having Byrd on their roster would clearly help their chances of having a playoff team in 2014, and this their jobs. When they were dealing with Byrd, they didn't have that to think about.

  2. I'll start by saying I love the Watkins trade. Clearly as already discussed, Whaley and Brandon know how important it is for them to make the playoffs in 2014. For the team, the city, and their own job security. With that said, had Ralph Wilson passed earlier in the year, prior to free agency, do you think Whaley would have upped their offer to ensure Byrd had stayed? It's a little morbid to ponder I know, but seriously, the playoffs look much more attainable with Byrd still on the team. Thoughts?

  3. I don't blame anyone for being skeptical with my source. It is a game of telephone. Regardless, I don't think its that far fetched for JBJ to start giving numbers to people involved in the process. I'm sure those conversations are happen regardless of where the trust is with valuing the estates. Maybe its not a formal bid, but I'm sure its a number they're going with for now.


    It's obvious JBJ really wants this team, but hopefully someone wants them more who will keep them in Buffalo. I personally think 1 Billion is low, this is an NFL team. How many enterprises are there that are guaranteed to make money and increase in value the way an NFL team is? What was it, two years ago the Dodgers sold for 2 Billion!? That's insane, way more then their "value" I'm sure. How often does 100% ownership of an NFL team go for sale? Just that alone probably allows them to sell it a premium.

  4. I'm sure people won't believe me, but here goes.


    Being from New Jersey, I have a good friend who works in the music industry. It just so happens his boss is a good friend of Bon Jovi's. Long story short, he called me yesterday to tell me he heard from his boss Bon Jovi and his Toronto backers have put their bid in for the Bills and it's for 1 Billion.


    Now I know no one on this forum has any reason to believe me, and I don't expect you to. However, I have no reason not to believe my friend, as his connection to Bon Jovi is real and something I've joked with him for years (I hate his music). I rarely post on here and have no reason to make this up. Anyway, like I said believe it if you want.


    My real question to everyone is this though, assuming this is true. Do you think 1 Billion is enough to get the Bills? Is this a nail in the coffin, or is 1 Billion not enough. Thoughts?

  5. I figured to be mainly mocked for posting this, there is really no precedent to think the bills have this in them. I know its a one game at a time mentality in sports, I just want to believe this locker room hasn't given up on the playoffs and will play that way.


    I was listening to WGR this week and someone made a comment about how Marrone's frustration after the Chiefs game lies in the fact he hasn't had his team out there, meaning no EJ and CJ with a bum ankle. If those pieces are in finally in place, maybe this team can do something special and its up to Marrone and his coaching staff to make it happen.


    No, I wouldn't bet on it. I was just wondering if anyone else has unrealistically thought the same thing.

  6. With Manuel coming back, CJ seemingly healthy, our D improving, and a cushy schedule left, why not?


    I feel like if this coaching staff is the real deal, they should be firing this team up to play to their potential and win out the season. They've been in every game except one. If they can go 5-6 before their bye, what's stopping them from being 9-6 going into Foxboro? Imagine that? It would be the most meaningful game this franchise has played in 10+ years. Between Kyle Williams, Fred Jackson, and Eric Wood this has to be floating around in the locker room.


    In my opionion its up to Doug Marrone to prove he's not just a PR sound bite machine like every other loser coach who talks a big talk but can't motivate his players.


    Am I being delusional, or who else has silently had this conversation with themselves?

  7. Anyone else watch this last night? I figured it would be apart of the episode since he was cut last week. I gotta say, I felt a range of emotions watching the whole ordeal transpire.


    For those that didn't see, the episode opened with Maybin painting in a studio and the narrator using art as a metaphor for building a NFL team. Right away all my contempt for the guy came racing back. Every other player the show has chronicled is off either off busting their ass or dreaming of being an NFL player, and this guy is in lala land painting. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it just falls back into the perception he was never into football...Maybin Mayhem came to mind. Anyway, throughout the episode you watch him get thrown around like a rag doll, make excused for his crappy career, etc. Watching him struggle I started to remember how excited I was for Maybin, I was biased as a Penn State alum, and the crushing disappointment that followed. By the time it becomes obvious he's not making out of the episode (give credit to Hard Knocks for superb audience manipulation) I started feeling bad for the guy. Then I did a quick search to remember the Bills gave him 15 million guaranteed and the pity left again. Remember Eric Wood mouthing off to him?


    In the end, it was a unique experience to see this notorious Bill's bust career basically come to an end. Granted its been a couple of years since we've really had to think about this guy, but as Bills fans, there is such a higher level on investment watching Maybin get cut. If you can stomach watching this guy for about 10 collective minutes, it did offer some closure. I hope the Bills never whiff so hard on a #1 pick again.

  8. Simple question, which WR on the Bills ends up with the most catches? The most TD's?


    Is the obvious answer Stevie? Or does Woods / Goodwin / Graham have a chance to be more prolific this year? The word on Woods is polished, seems Goodwin has been a fantastic surprise at camp, and maybe Graham breakouts. With Stevie out, could more reps with the new QB's give them an advantage?


    Curious to read people's opinions, especially those who've been lucky to watch camp live.

  9. That's the tagline for the Bills in the new Thursday Night Football commercial. It instantly made me depressed.


    *Week 10 and its been decided that all the Bills are playing for is to be spoilers.

    *The team they are trying to spoil, is the Dolphins. This is sad on so many levels.

    *No mention of a specific Bills players, as in "so and so and the Bills..." Few teams can get that treatment.

    *Oh yeah, this is our only primetime game...and I'm dreading the performance they might give the country.

  10. I apologize. I'll be in wayne county between rochester and syracuse. I understand, I'm from "the jersey shore." you can imagine how frustrating that is.




    Well, I guess it depends where in "Upstate New York" you will be. The term "Upstate New York" doesn't have much utility for things like this as that term is used for about 90% or more of the total area of the state. I'm not trying to be a wise ass here, it's just a very vague term.


    As you can see from this map, the game will be seen in much of the state.


    Even if the game is blacked out in Buffalo and the rest of Western New York (that will be decided tomorrow, I believe), you might be able to see it, depending where in "Upstate New York" you will be.


    EDIT: It looks like you will see the game if you are in an area that gets Syracuse stations, even if it is blacked out in Buffalo.

  11. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5652700


    Long time reader, first time post. If it is becoming more likely there is no 2011 season, what happens to the 2011 draft? Does it happen? Do players (like Andrew Luck) stay away from a draft when there is no season that follows it? I'd assume there are a few scenarios that play out based on when a holdout becomes official. Would this work into the favor of a Bills team acquiring draft pick for next years draft or against them? Could this potentially double the talent pool for a 2012 draft?

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