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Posts posted by SawchukBills

  1. I just like many of you on this board was hoping against hope than we would get Cowher as HC. But the more I listen to Gailey the more I like the guy. Just a gut feeling because we haven't played any games yet but I feel that maybe we got a guy that knows what he is doing on offense.


    When Buddy hired him I was like oh hell no.... but after watching his pressers on the Bills website he seems like in complete control...never did I get this feeling when Jauron was in town. Seems like Jauron was happy to play not to lose, while Chan is more old school in his ways about football which is refreshing.


    Very interested in seeing what training camp is going to be like this year. That will tell volumes to me. If they actually have a REAL training camp for once I will start to believe we are going in the right direction.


    I don't think this team is going to be as bad as people think. Chan is an upgrade on the offensive side coaching wise and we have lots of talent on D in the secondary. If DC Edwards can find a way to stop the run with the players we have a chance to be decent. Maybe not playoffs this year but they go 7-9 or 8-8 and show improvement as the season wears on I could live with that.




    He seems like the right choice... and I'll give him this much, he sure a heck handles the press well (Nix included)


    I always look into either's press conference.

  2. Hadn't thought of this, but if Cushing got Defensive Rookie of the Year partially because of the substances he took ...


    perhaps Byrd should've been Defensive Rookie of the Year.




    "Cushing admitting that he appealed the positive test in February makes it virtually certain that he derived benefit from whatever illegal substance he took during his rookie season. And if this suspension is the result of a positive test at any point during the 2009 season, I'm in favor of stripping him of the defensive rookie of the year award and giving it to second-place finisher Jairus Byrd of Buffalo. These are awards lorded over by the Associated Press, not the NFL, so this is not an NFL decision. I plan to have more on this in my Tuesday column."


    Totally agree... but it's not what you do, it's when you do it. Just look at baseball and Bonds/Sosa/McGwire. Only way this is happening is if Cushing makes a public announcement relinquishing his ROY to Byrd. Doesn't really matter though... next year Byrd will be as good if not better and Cushing will probably see a drop in production (see Merriman)

  3. ...Now, be reasonable Ralph. This isn't the answer. Now, I know you've done a lot of crazy things over the last ten seasons. You've made a lot of decisions that make us scratch our heads, but if you do this you need to be commited until your demise happens.


    Please, we the fan base of the Buffalo Bills have been through enough, DO NOT sign Jamarcus Russell!


    Ralph? I dont think Nix/Gailey want this guy... I'd rather start Edwards

  4. I heard today from a former NFL quarterback that the Seahawks wanted to trade for Marshawn Lynch and our 1st round draft pick but Bills "Nixed" it. Not sure what they offerred, but the way to "Build through the draft" is to stockpile picks.


    IMO, if the Bills had kept trading down we could have had Claussen, Cody or Williams at NT, as well as a LT instead of Spiller and Troup.


    I think that most people would have graded that draft an A versus the C that most gave the Bills.


    After reading the recent article on Claussen, I think we came out on top.

  5. This would make Nix's draft make sense come to think of it. Maybe they targeted Okung or Trent Williams. If they fell to #9 they would've picked one of them. If not, don't reach for one.


    I sound like a broken record but the more and more we hear about post-draft news, the more and more I believe the draft did fall as Nix envisioned and Adams or Gaither was in Nix's master plan.

  6. I think many people underestimated the ramifications of switching to a 3-4 defense this year. The Bills picked a true NT (hopefully) for a 3-4 scheme, a big DE, and two defensive players that will be making the switch to outside LB. With our only real free agent investments made at inside LB (Davis has experience in the 3-4) and Edwards (a DE), it is clear that moving to a 3-4 required the Bills to use a good chunk of available resources (i.e., draft picks and money for free agents) for the switch.


    Not sure what this means for Kelsay, Ellis, Stroud, Williams, Johnson and Maybin.


    It is clear that the rebuild of this roster is going to take a long time. The offense is probably in worse shape now than at the start of last season (no Owens, no Reed, Wood still recovering from a broken leg, and Butler retired).


    I agree. We had to make the necessary changes due to the switch. We not have competition at every 3-4 position ensuring us that the best front 7 will be our there... at least I hope.

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