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Posts posted by philip316

  1. Who is going to replace Tyrod that is any better????? The guy is elusive, extends plays and hasn't had the starting receivers together since week 2 until the last 2 games.


    Sammy is on a broken foot.


    The offensive philosophy is run and play defense. The guy hasn't had a great chance to get into a throwing rhythm.


    I have watched the Bills for years and this is almost a replay of the Doug Flutie/Rob Johnson debacle. Johnson had one good game in place of Flutie and Buffalo had him start over Flutie against the Titans - the rest is crap history.


    We've changed quarterbacks how many times since? Don't make the same mistake by jumping ship early, Tyrod can play. Re-work his contract to make it incentive laden, like all contracts should be.


    If you get a rookie or some high priced free agent, the rest of the team will suffer and likely take a step back.


    BTW, it wasn't Tyrod that missed tackles which allowed 3 TDs for Miami.


    Who are you going to get who is better?



  2. Awesome post. I rarely put anything on here, but love to see what other fans feel about the beloved western NY Bills.


    For those who have been Bills fans for a long time, you may remember the good old days of the K-gun and how Ralph Wilson stadium was known as the "winter slaughterhouse."


    You know what? We need that again! We need Buffalo to come out in mass and welcome the patriots to walk into to mouth of the monster!


    I will be watching the Buffalo D smother Tommy and stifle the pats!


    We blow em up 28 - 10.

  3. Right away, Bills fans do deserve better! I watched the Bills - Colts game and finally had to quit due to frustration! Why God, why do we insist on throwing the football when we have arguably the strongest running tandem in the NFL? CJ Spiller is averaging 6.6 yards per attempt from the line of scrimmage - in rare company with Jim Brown and Mercury Morris. Why does he only get 14 carries? He should get 20-25 carries and Fred should get 20! Fred was on pace to be league MVP last year before he broke his leg!


    Gailey has a 33% winning percentage. Could it be because he wants to throw too much? How many times did we go in throw three passes in a row, then punt the ball? I lost count after halftime. Run the ball and play defense, that's how we need to win. Chan is going to be looking for a new job...

  4. After watching the last 3 minutes of that game, I was thoroughly disappointed to see Buffalo wrestle defeat from the jaws of victory. However, I do not blame any of the players.


    The pass play was a foolish call. Freddie and CJ were running well. The touchdown would leave enough time on the clock for the Patriots to get within field goal range and win by one. We need better clock management.

  5. There is definitely an issue with evaluating or developing talent on this team. When was the last time we had a first round pick come in and be successful as a rookie? The only player I think comes close is Eric Wood (Spiller too, but he started to come on 2 years in.) It also seems that once players leave and play somewhere else their game is elevated. Gilmore was highly talked up in camp, but where is he? We need new scouts!


    I think we are missing out in the draft by not being aggressive for the players we need, especially at middle linebacker. We missed out on Patrick Willis, we missed out on Luke Kuechly. I know the argument is that a quarterback is necessary, but look at the Packers, look at the Saints.


    Give me a guy that fills the hole - love you Kyle Williams and Marcell Dareus - behind these two. All Bills players need to start playing with reckless abandon and when they get a team down, step on their throats...

  6. I was at home in Victor, and was lucky enough to have Finger Lakes cable. Time Warner cable in Rochester had the game blacked out, but Finger Lakes cable was out of Syracuse I think. I was so bummed how the game was turning out. I started flipping chennels to find something else to watch, and would flip back to push the dagger in a little farther.

    The Bills started to turn the game around, a score, a score. Then the amazing Steve Christie suicide onside kick, aptly named because the kicker follows the ball and falls on it. I started screaming, I started shouting and I was on my feet. The dog went and cowered by the back door. My neighbors heard me from across the road 300 feet away. I couldn't talk for a week after and saw the doctor b/c my throat was so raw.


    To this day my voice has never been the same, but it doesn't matter. Now I sit in south Florida a a little local bar every Sunday and always will. Bills for life.

  7. When Fred got 114 yards on 13 carries, why do the Bills bother to throw the ball? Buffalo's success was to run right up the gut early in the year. Even Stink on ESPN said our front 3 were mauling guys. I know Woods is out now and he's a great player. Go with what works: give 'em a whopping dose of Fred Jacktastic who gets better the more he touches the ball!

  8. If he is a Peyton Manning then I would take him. But he's only a CB. Even if he is the next Sanders, how many guys can he cover in a game. How many WRs can he "shut down" at a time?


    It would be a monumentally stupid move to take a CB at #3.


    I will take Peterson or Von Miller, but I have to say that a CB like Peterson could help like Revis for the Jets. I'm surprised no one has mentioned that, or have they? If Peterson can close down one half of the field, We have McGee (injured frequently) and Leodis plus a few other good CBs. The longer it takes a QB to find a receiver, the better chance we have at knocking him down or turning it over. On ESPN's sport science, they demonstrated that Peterson can react fast enough to get to any pass within 15 feet of him! That should work great in man or zone coverage!

  9. I like the thought of Delhomme coming in or Derek Anderson from Cleveland. Anderson had one stellar year and can get the ball down the field, and Delhomme has been to the big game before. He will have something to prove this year after getting a new contract last year then getting aced.


    Also, we should keep Rich Incognito and go after Adam Terry who was let go from the Ravens. He grew up in Glens Falls, went to Syracuse, was a 2nd round pick for the Ravens and practiced against the Raven's D. He has low mileage.

  10. I think we should target Jake Delhomme (QB) and Maake Kemoeatu (DT/NT) as our top free agents to be. I like Williams to from SD to fill the NT billet but I think he is way past his prime and close to retire. On the other hand Kemoeatu still has a good 5 years left in the tank if all went well from his sergury which according to sources and what I have read this morning he will be ready for training camp. Back to the headline, I think we should bring in Jake to sure up our QB situation and give him a fresh start. Sometimes a change of scenery is good for a player and I think he could teach TE a thing or two cause its not like he ever had a mentor before. Plus Jake is the kind of teammate that I think would make everyone on offense a little better. He definately isn't gun shy and will throw the ball down field (although last year it was to the wrong team alot) but he never blamed anyone but himself for his poor play. He has a big arm and is a Pro Bowler and took his team to the Superbowl and two NFC championship games (proven winner). Remember the situation that Drew was in when he came to Buffalo. Everyone thought he was washed up. Even though he didn't take us to the playoffs he did give us our last winning sean (9-7) and at least a shot at the playoffs going into the last week of the season. I would take that from Jake at least it would make the whole season better for us.
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