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Joe Buffalo

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Posts posted by Joe Buffalo

  1. Your answer:


    "A team is not obligated to grant another team permission to discuss employment with a high-level employee (GM, president or equivalent responsibilities) under contract. For other club employees who do not fall into the category of high-level employee, they may be interviewed for a GM position."



  2. Zen statement right there. kinda weird from a Buffalo guy

    The way I see it the team is for the fans. There's no point in us tearing each other to pieces over an opinion. I've loved this team and it's fans too long to have it out over a player on the team we all love. They could move Dareus to qb and have him play both ways for all I care as long as he got us back to the playoffs.

  3. As a former Virginian who saw and listened to way too much hype about this guy, no thanks. This topic makes me LOL, actually. Ryan Fitzpatrick is his ceiling as a qb, continuously putting his team in a position for himself to let the masses down. I would be more shocked if he started, than if he got cut. Tuel sucking is the only hope he has.

    I feel the same way but there's no reason to let the wind out of the sails of anyone who's hopeful that he'll succeed. It'll play itself out.

  4. If you were a FA wouldn't you go to a place that you had a chance to start vs. staying somewhere as a backup? It is a Tyrod decision not a Raven's decision.


    In addition, his former OC (Kubiak) is now a HC and his team offered Tyrod more money than he took in Buffalo. So the guy that has seen him the most, went after him harder than anybody. That has to be a good sign -no? It kind of indicates the exact opposite of what you suggested above.

    Kubiak can make chicken salad out of chicken scratch in regards to the QB position. Yes it indicates there is something there but he would have another year to work with the kid and allow him to learn behind one of the great NFL quarterbacks. So it wouldn't have been a huge gamble for them to pay him more if he is willing to be patient.


    Time will tell if he can be something in Buffalo. I just have my doubts that he's ready this year to be the kind of guy that can lead the Bills to the playoffs.

    If I'm wrong I'll buy his jersey and wear it with pride. Save the post and hold me to it.

  5. He was never considered by anyone in or out of football to be more than a project QB that could possibly be molded into a serviceable starter somewhere down the road. The question I ask myself regarding EJ is, was he given enough time and the right coaching as that "Project QB" to be any further along than he was when he was benched? Or was he exactly how good he could be expected to be at that point in his career and they pulled the plug before he could be truly expected to take a real step forward? You would think that with such a low expectation level he would have been given more time to learn.

  6. This is what I want to hear from opponent's every week. Winning teams play this way. With fire, will and confidence. Winning teams aren't afraid to be brash and confident.



    “We have to have more intensity,” said Wallace. “We didn’t have enough intensity out there. Those guys were fired up on every single play. Every single play. You heard them screaming and yelling. They were fired up and we were quiet. You’re not going to win like that.




    I love this. This is what Buffalo football is all about!

  7. He really make me think.. "Stevie who?" No offense but the guy can run a standard route and get open rather than having to juke his way there. It's gotta be a little easier on the QB in regards to timing and being able to go through his progressions. With a young, raw QB, it's only going to help. He may be the best move of the off season when it's all said and done.

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