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Posts posted by mcdo

  1. I expect the usual hire some re-tread either KW or LS it depends on which one is owed more by it's former team. Russ, please surprise me and hire someone that will be able to coach this team to a championship. Hire an out of the box thinker or a proven champion, some one with a ring that is somewhat current on the direction the league is taking. I don't want someone who made it the show I want a winner not 1st loser.


    KW is owed 5.5 million from AZ making him the cheapest choice so that's who I expect you hire. You will extol his virtues having made to a Superbowl ( with Kurt Warner BTW not his choice for QB played due to injury ) but glossing over the last 3 years where he had a similar record to Chan.


    Oh well, I guess we'll see

    I hope you prove this snick wrong!

  2. Chan has a coaching staff that has lots of coaching experience. It may not be in the Pro Ranks, but a lot of College experience. Then they are getting younger guys that can be mentored into being the next coach to come in and take over when the old guys are done. Not to mention two heads are better than one. These coaches can challenge each other and see things that the others cannot. I like the moves so far. My opinion will change with wins and losses, but what Bills fan doesn't .



    Some good thoughts, time will tell. What I really like is the higher of Whaley as assist. GM he's only 37?(I think) With Buddy at the 70 mark. Whaley seems to have a bright future....but once again time will tell.

  3. Ya know, one of the biggest P.I.A.'s about being a Bills fan these days is you either have the fan of another team that states the obvious: "You guys suck, HA HA HA..." or the guy who tries to patronize and states the obvious: "Gosh, if you guys only had a quarterback...".


    But I'm beginning to really hate one thing more than those guys. Being that when I go to my dads to chill and watch the game, go to a game, go to the sports-bar to watch the game with a fellow Bills fan: "Gosh, I remember back in the 90's..." or "Boy, how could that have been a forward pass in that playoff game" and the very-tiring "Greatest comeback in NFL history". And don't forget "BILLS stands for Boy I Love Losing Superbowls-he hee he he hee".


    This is really what is paining me about being a Bills fan now-a-days. I mean, I'm so sick of hearing ALL of the above! I'm tired of hearing about the comeback game. Tired about hearing about the teams of the 1990's, the Oiler wildcard game, the Music City Miracle, and anything about the past of the Bills. Yes, I get it. The team is a joke. But do I really have to live 20 years ago in the past? Those years were terrific. But god all mighty, give me something to cheer about today!


    I cannot listen to anymore "memories" about this team. RW and RB and CG need to give me something to cheer about NOW. If there is a replay of a Bills SB or the comeback game, or youtube highlights with Kelly, Marv, Bruce, Thurman, etc., can we just burn it all. Its getting so stale that its not even funny.


    For example, on WGR during football season, Thurman comes on and pretty much starts every single sentence with "Well, back wh

    en I played..." or, "Back in 1993...". I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! EITHER START WINNING OR LEAVE, PLEASE!


    I agree with you (except for the leaving part) but unfortunately when the past is all you have people can't help reminiscing. As a matter of fact while were reminiscing do you remember when Jim ran to the wrong sideline and Thurman,oops I digress. It doesn't take much...lets hope from 2010 on we have something current to talk about.

  4. Who said that someone who hit a person with a car deserves our support?

    Who said Vick is a good choice for our team? (I know some do). He's not.


    The NFL is full of bad AND good people.


    Tell them about Drew Brees and Frank Reich and countless other good men.


    And teach him how to block, catch, throw and tackle...


    and how to try your best and be a good sport.


    It depends what you focus on.

    Thanks everyone for your input. I think I may have given the wrong impression in my post. The meaning of what I wanted to say was, How do I pass along the traditions in today's world of entitled athlete? I had just read an article on-line about the Bills looking to trade for Vick and it upset me. Sorry if it come out wrong.

  5. I was born in 1962. Growing up I watched the Bills, as many kids did, beside my father. It is a special time in a young boys life. My dad was a huge influence in development as a Bills fan, explaining the game player positions and rules. Now it's my turn sitting there with my boys but it just doesn't seem the same. I don't remember my dad trying to explain to me why someone who hit a person with a car deserves our support. I don't remember my dad trying to explain why someone who derived pleasure from murdering dogs would be a good choice for our team. Have the players changed or has the media spotlight just brought it to the forefront? I just don't know but it gives me a headache just thinking about it....any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  6. The point is not whether you could never find a QB from California who could play in Buffalo. I'm sure that that would be possible. What Kelly is trying to say clearly is that you have to have a certain toughness to play in cold weather that especially TE did not have. When you have a QB like TE say after a loss that that was the first time he ever played in snow and that he has a lot to learn about it, that is not a good sign. The Bills have lost whatever weather advantage they once had mostly because of attitudes like that. Compare that remark to Joe Ferguson, from Louisiana and who played at the U. of Arkansas. Joe said he realized early on that he would have to master the winds at what was then called Rich Stadium and he did and nearly always outplayed opposing QBs in rough weather in home games, even QBs who were considered much better QBs than he was.


    Now, whole teams, like the Patsies, routinely outplay Buffalo in bad weather in Buffalo, taking advantage of the bad weather much better than the Bills. Look at the last game against the Patsies in 2008 as an example. The game against the Colts at the end of this season was an exception to that. The Colts are much worse in bad weather, including Manning, than the Bills.

    Thank you for understanding the true meaning of my comments on kelly.

  7. I was just listening to WGR and they made many disparaging comment about Jim's appearance on Jim Rome. I really think they missed his point. I can't speak for Jim but I'm sure when he was talking about Cali quarterbacks, he was talking about mental toughness and what it takes to play in Buffalo. You'd think that they being in the business they'd be able to recognize when someone is talking metaphorically.

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