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Section 237

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Posts posted by Section 237

  1. none of this makes sense. something called the no spin zone reporting that "it's friends" at Si are reporting that a coach is going to be fired in Buffalo even though the article it references is speculative at best.

    i hope this isn't some dog chasing its tail.


    it's a self-fulfilling prophecy that is based on nothing concrete. i'm not saying it might not happen, but to base any conclusions on this is questionable.


    and i'm tired of folks piling on on Chan. this witch hunt has gone on long enough. let's have a little empathy here. Gailey's been swinging in the wind for far too long without any support from ownership, the CEO or Buddy Nix, who's suddenly gone silent. this topic has been beaten for far too long, with far too many people taking far too much pleasure out of it.


    let's remember this is an actual person who has tried his best to turn this franchise around and to a degree failed.


    i'm not saying Chan's not open to criticism but i'd hate to think no one here has never been wrong.





    i'm tired of this boring, dull topic, with one dozen threads popping up at a moment's notice. good god, have some respect.




    and yeah, i'm in a mood to start taking people on because enough of this is enough, and i'm tired of the mob-rule mentality that some in the media have taken.


    i'll remain contrarian and objective and question why this is being viewed through a 13-year prism and not a 3-year one.


    the team has been dysfunctional for longer than Chan and Buddy have been here. but few seems to want to acknowledge that, and instead lay all the blame on the current regime for the troubles past.


    for shame. for shame. i thought people here had better perspective.




    Applause, agreed and a nod of respect

  2. Whaley is actually the guy on whom I've been hanging my hopes that the team stays in Buffalo. Here's an up and coming front office star working for The Steelers - one of the most well-run organizations in pro sports. Instead of holding out for a true GM gig, he takes the assistant GM gig with The Bills - a poorly run organization on the verge of an ownership change and hence a completely uncertain future. Why would he take this job? There has to be a plan in place. In any business, all bets are off if you are in a management position and a new boss comes in. You might keep your job, you might not. Why would a guy with a job at a first-class franchise, a great resume and a promising future take a job with a pathetic franchise facing such upheaval? He's either an absolute fool (and I can't believe that based on his history) or he was promised a GM job when the time was right. And that promise could only be made if there's already a succession plan in place. Otherwise, how could they make a commitment to him? There's no need for him to gamble and hope for the best. If that were the case, he would've been better off staying in Pittsburgh. Anyone else with me on this?

    . Yeh stc, I am pretty much with you on this one. We might be in a minority though
  3. I gotta agree with those suggesting it can't be right. 10 of the 12 can be answered in 1-2 minutes with minimal brain strain. If you got a calculator the other two aren't that tough. A little more time with pencil and paper. As nobody knows who I am.....I aint braggin'.

  4. It's almost like anybody putting a post on this should probably be stating their age right upfront. Unless you were there at the time, an engaged fan, how can you have much of a real opinion? Stats tell us really very little. You had to be there. You had to see him play. You had to see how the other guys in either league at the time played. Everything needs context. I saw him play back then. I was an avid Bill's fan then. It sort of left my mind until I saw the "Namath" documentary, then it all kinda came flooding back. What a remarkable guy. if something shines only for a short time but shines that brightly.......well.....I am all in. For those of you that didn't see it? How would you know?

  5. . . . I think you are looking for "proverbial." As in something that is based on a proverb, or sounds like that kind of handed-down wisdom or fable.


    I dont think you mean to suggest that its something done by perverts.


    Carry on, sir.

    Yeh, I am sure the intent was "proverbial". Even then the term was misused. Many a good argument are lost to poor presentation.

  6. I'll go first. In no particular order:


    1) Don't feature a photo of Brian Moorman punting out of his own end zone on any marketing, advertising, or promotional items (like the Bills did last year).


    2) Do not use white pom poms at games. White signifies surrender. Pom poms are for girls. Holding pom poms prevents people from being able to clap, and pound things to increase crowd noise. Pom poms are made of paper and absorb noise.


    3) Do not hold events honoring people like Scott Norwood. Fair or not, he is a symbol of failure, not success.


    4) If you are gonna honor a player, honor Doug Flutie. In 1998 he inherited a 0-3 team and led them to a 10-3 record down the stretch. This coincided with a failing drive to sell club seats and luxury suites. If the team did not sell enough premium seating, an escape clause in the lease would kick in and the team could leave Buffalo. Flutie-mania took over the town and the premium seats sales campaign took off after we started winning games. It is arguable that Flutie secured the Bills future in Buffalo.


    Flutie was our quarterback the last two times we made the playoffs. After he was unceremoniously yanked from the lineup, we lost in the game known as "The Music City Miracle" and have not made it back to the playoffs since. This sequence of events has come to be called by some, "The Flutie Curse."


    5) Next time we have a uniform unveiling, don't make all the models wear the number 11 (or whatever number) simply because that is what year it is. The number 11 makes people look skinny. Also, a football team's roster is not made up of every player wearing #11. Number 11 was the number worn by Scott Norwood, Rob Johnson, and Drew Bledsoe. That particular number is associated with failure. The models all have different body types. Let them wear their favorite numbers and/or choose a number which suits their body types and makes them look like football players.


    6) Posthumously induct Lou Saban and Cookie Gilchrist onto the Bills Wall of Fame. The exclusion of these two now deceased gentlemen is a travesty to the organization and its fans. It makes a mockery of the Wall. The family and survivors of these two men should be brought in and honored in a way befitting their immense contributions to the Buffalo Bills.


    I'm sure I'll think of more but that's a good start.




    Hmmmmm. There are some pretty good points there


    How about not making season ticket holders pay full price for the "kids game" Always pisses me off that I pay $80 to take a 7 year old to this game and the guy next to me paid $10.


    This year was my 10th year as a season ticket holder and I got a certificate in the mail. How about a hat, keychain, or gift card to the Bills store. Do you realize how much money I have wasted on this team in the past decade and I get a certificate?


    Get rid of the Toronto game, but work with Toronto travel agencies for more group outings. Continue to work with Toronto area businesses. We are NOT a small market when you include all of the population with in a 75 mile radius of Buffalo.


    Instead of crying poor all the time, raise ticket prices to the league average and go out and get some top free agents and some real depth. Ralph claims we are a poor region. Toronto is not poor, and unemployment in the Buffalo area is well below the national average. Fans will pay higher prices for a winner, but Ralph has never invested in winning. INVEST IN WINNING.


    Sign a new lease with Erie County without any escape clauses and expand the councources, consessions and bathrooms. The inner bowl is nice, but the Ralph is one of the most disgusting crowded stadiums in America.


    Sell the name rights to the stadium.


    Think about adding retail and restaurants to the complex with a Hall of Fame.


    TV's in the bathrooms with cup shelves (Thank you Terry Pegula)


    In response to another post: Pom Poms are made of plastic, not paper.


    Encourage Ralph C. Wilson Jr. and the power that be to SELL THE DAMN TEAM!


    I am sure I will have more ideas to come.



    And again.....good points


    An idea that has always seemed obvious to me but gain no real support.......Bridges over Abbott rd for foot traffic. Would speed up entry and exit from the stadium. Probably be safer too. Can't be all that expensive.

  7. Look, I promised myself that I wouldn't come here today because I just KNEW what was in-store..


    Negative, negative, Fitx sucks, Defense sucks, Chan sucks, Nix has gotta go, Stevie sucks, Jones sucks.. On and on..


    Ok.. My take on the situation.


    1. We now know that we lack depth on Defense.

    2. We lack depth on offense.

    3. Our special teams is nothing special.


    Ok, but, and a BIG FAT but..


    We are, when healthy, a pretty competitive team, and can beat anyone in the NFL (Cept maybe Green Bay) on any given Sunday. That said, injuries cascade downward as they build.


    Losing Kyle caused Darius to move to NT, Losing Kelsay caused opposing Defenses to only concemtrate on Darius. No DC fears Moats, Battan, or Sheppard. What it means is that Edwards has no choice but to use Wilson, and Byrd in run protection, and causes our DB's to play man to man. With Merriman out (I know some here hate on him, but the fact is that he forces DC's to scheme for his pressence) the whole problem intensifies. THIS is why our Defense sucks right now. Not because they aren't good, but because they're having to play multiple roles that they are not necessarily BEST suited for, and opposing OC's know it.


    On offense, the same thing. It all begins and ends with the Offensive line. A line that has been unhealthy since week three, and caused our line to be put in the position of not playing our guys in their most ideal, and natural roles. Now with Wood out, who knows what will happen in Miami next week?


    Now, all this doesn't mean that "some" of the criticism hurled at Fitz, and Chan, and other players isn't warranted, but not anywhere near to the degree that some here are saying. The net result of our woes can be mostly reversed if we can play with a healthy squad. Yes, a lot of teams don't have a healthy team all the time, and seem to do well, and we certainly need to address this in the draft. If (All these if's) Fitz can just hit a few guys deep on a consistent basis, and "If" our O-Line can protect Fitz for more than 2 seconds we move from a mediocre team that we are now, to a playoff team, and one that can contend.


    We really are only a few key injuries away from righting the ship, and that's my take. Yes, it is frustrating to watch our season blow up like this, but you have to admit, both the Jets and the Cowboys played perfect games. The Jets played their best game all season to beat us, and so did the Cowboys. That alone says that teams are respecting the Bills, and even if they do know that our spread short passing offense is all we have, they still get up for the games when playing us..


    Go Bills, and even if we do somehow miss the playoffs due to our serious key injuries, we still have a good solid foundation for next season.


    Just my opinion!





    I detect sanity and hence, must move on

  8. Regarding the Bills future. Really there is nothing 'on the record'. And why would there be? First off it is tough to tell what capital gains are going to be from one year to the next so the plan has to be fluid. Every year there are different considerations. Should Ralph come out every Jan 1 and say "ok, now the plan is....".


    Regarding legacy. I think it is important to Ralph. I think it just might be that it is Ralph Wilson Stadium more for legacy than for the here and now. What could be more a powerful statement than after Ralph passed having the Bills still in western NY and still playing at Ralph Wilson Stadium. Great way to get the final word and quiet the naysayers. Great exclamation point to a long and complicated legacy. Some might think that a reach.

  9. Yeh, I have been on with the Gabbert pick for quite some time. A little hazy now and then but always coming back to it. If I could tell you why with certainty maybe I would have a job in the Bills draft room. Just got a good feeling for a Gabbert pick. I like smart. I am happy to sit back and watch the mystery unfold.

  10. That run was stellar, world class, holy crap!! It proves what he is capable of. We saw glimpses of it before immature disenchantment set in. The fact that he doesn't do it more often is why he isn't here any longer. Here is hoping the light goes on for him.

  11. I think you responded to the wrong post, as that quote isn't from me. But since it is being discussed:


    Ralph can be, and certainly has been (at times) a tightwad owner. There have also been times when he wasn't so cheap. How effectively he spends is a different subject.


    By no means is he a "spend whatever it takes to win" owner. That's fairly obvious. It's also fairly obvious he could have made himself much richer, at some point, by moving or selling the team.


    I'm fairly certain Ralph has bought the remaining tickets on an occasion or two, to ensure a sellout. That's what I was responding to in the above post. And, as I stated, sometimes a local business buys the tickets (that's basically the case this week).


    Now, as to what Ralph gives up when he buys the tickets, I think you would be surprised. Of course Ralph isn't out the price of the tickets. They don't cost him anything, really. And he can probably write them off, so they may even make him a couple of dollars. But, in meaningless games in December, they may actually hurt the actual attendance/parking/in-game purchases. PLUS, and this is something you may not have considered, he has to pay 40% of the price of those tickets to the NFL pool for visiting teams (visiting teams get 40% of gate receipts.


    Also, giving tickets away to avoid the deadline, isn't really a sound business practice, in the long run. You can (and I would argue should) do it on a rare occasion, to show good faith/appreciation of the fans. But if it were a regular occurrence it would hurt ticket sales in these kind of games.



    Well yeh, that would be about how an informed logical person should see it.

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