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Posts posted by backinwny

  1. Sorry-- forgot to mention, he said that they did have some tech difficulties at 4 for the post game... that is allowed and should be streamed going forward unless someone forgets to turn the stream back on....... It has probably been a rule for sometime now but since WGR just got the Bills back their attorneys vetted the contract pretty diligently and made it clear that it cannot be steamed without penalty....

  2. Glad you mentioned this so I know it wasn't just me.


    I gave up on the Bills game after Stevie's TD to drive to the bar for the GB/SF game and on the way couldn't get any of the three phone apps I could use for streaming WGR to work. All of them just had dead air even though it seemed to be streaming.




    Is that regular season only? I definitely used the Buffalo Bills app to listen to a couple of the preseason games earlier this year.




    Not sure about the pre-season, I used it as well. Funny thing is the way he made it sound is they actually have to turn off the feed so "someone" may forget in the future and it will still be available...lol......although big fine if they get caught.....

  3. I spoke with them today..... It's an NFL rule that they cannot steam to mobile devices such as a phone or tablet however since they are the flagship station of the Bills the are permitted to carry the audio on their website. So basically instead of using an app, pull up the website on your phone and it should work....

  4. Doesn't it make sense if CBS if given an additional game then they would have to give one back? I do not know the answer- just throwing out the question.....


    I have season tickets and Sunday night game do make for a rough Monday.... but I would definitely be happy with the national exposure....


    If we end up loosing the next 2 games prior to the 11/22 decision deadline then we will not have to worry about it...


    Go Bills!!!!

  5. All the more reason to centralize the team closer to a majority of the fanbase with a new stadium in Niagara Falls, one of the seven wonders of the world. How many other stadiums / teams have one of the 7 in their backyard ??



    Love the idea just be carefull with the marketing.....Niagra Falls is not one of the 7 wonders....... Weird I know.....


    Love the idea just be carefull with the marketing.....Niagra Falls is not one of the 7 wonders....... Weird I know.....


    Also, I swear I can spell.... With a little help from spell check...."careful" and "Niagara"

  6. Please just stop with all the negativity and angst. The right candidate willbe hired and we will get better. It's the nature of the world for things to rise and fall. Relax and enjoy the ride.



    I agree with this post. This is the first time I have ever contributed to these blogs but I had to support this one. Sometimes these remarks go so much beyond football. So having said that football aside for a second.

    Why do some many bash the this area? It gets down right depressing when I read what people think about their own back yard. Not to mention what people from outside this area think about us after reading some of these posts.


    I lived in NC for over 12 years and moved back to WNY 3 years ago. My profession enables me to travel throughout the country and I love coming back home. I have meant many people that have traveled away for a few years but eventually find their way back, and no they didnt fail other places which made them have to come home.


    There are only two kinds of folks that complain about this area. "Those that have never visited" and "Those that have never left" For those that have never visited, please do not speak poorly about a place you have never visited and all your knowledge comes from the "significant snow" that happens "Near Buffalo" repeatedly reported on the national news. For those that have never left, please do not publically speak poorly about our/your home when you have no substantial experiance to which you can compare"

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