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  1. @ByTimGraham reporting that Jim Schwartz has been interviewed.


    I'm still very conflicted. Would love to keep continuity of the coaching staff, players love him (on both sides of the ball apparently), and has has a good football mind. His piece on the Cleveland documentary was interesting.


    But what's his offensive philosophy? Who is his OC that can come in and either develop EJ or get the playmakers the ball with someone else. He doesn't come off as conservative to me.


    The actual logic here is this:


    More money and non-relocation are actually the same thing for the true decision-maker her which is the NFL as a whole and is NOT simply the Trust, or any individual team owner and bidder.


    Many people (and apparently you) make a correct assumption that the ultimate decision will be made for the option which gives the decision-maker the most money. This is true!


    However, the mistake for your logical conclusion is not understanding that different options deliver different levels of money to the NFL as whole (the ultimate decision-maker in this process) or to the individual seller (The Trust in the Bills case) and the highest bidder (who definitely maximizes the $ for the Bills but MAY not also maximize the $ received by the NFL.


    To understand this, first take a step back and think about this logically rather than worry about the real world specifics in the Bills case (yet, because when you look at what is really happening so far the logic of the case I am making best explains this situation as we know it).


    It is clear that the Trust pretty simply makes the most money for itself by selling to the highest bidder and getting out of dodge with as much money as it can hang onto after capital gains and estate taxes.


    However, lets say the highest the highest bidder while giving the Trust the desired (and some have even claimed required) tons of money where does this leave the NFL. Lets say the highest bidder is someone anathema to the NFL either because he is an idiot or even worse hurts the product because his riches come from some unpopular activity (such as the big buck guy is some Saudi Arabian oil magnate who is actually an uncle of Osana bin Laden).


    Under the high bidder or Trust rules theory , the NFL would have no choice because what the owner wants is what rules.




    The NFL is not going to be forced to do something which huts its business merely because an individual owner says so )in fact we saw an example of this in another sports league, the NBA where the other owners grouped together and forced the owner of the Clippers pretty quickly to sell his franchise.


    Its even more clear cut in the NFL than in the NBA where Ralph Wilson (and thus the Trust) have agreed contractually that any new owner the Trust sales to must win the votes of 75% of the other owners or no deal.


    The NFL has an effective veto over who owns the Bills.


    Do you understand that the NFL is ultimate decision-maker here? Do you understand that the profit of the whole NFL trumps (not Donald but literally) the profit-making for an individual team. In essence, the Trust has already agreed by contract to give up its individual free market ability to do whatever they want because the individual teams long ago figured out that they can make more $ individually in a structure governed by the social compact of NFL team owners working together collaboratively.


    The big economic shift in the NFL began way back when with Pete Rozelle championing such anti-individual reward ideas such as giving the worst teams the highest draft picks. In a traditional free market the better performers would be rewarded by attracting the better players to their winning teams, the bad teams would simply die off in the free market unless they got better in order to attract better players.


    Instead of pursuing free market competition as the mechanism for improvement the NFL instead installed a draft/ FA, and waiver bidding system which rewards the worst performing teams on the field, but does help the overall product maintain equality. In fact, if there was a real free market which operates in the real world by roughly 50% of businesses going out of business in their first 5 years, the NFL simply could not operate and the true cash cow, the TV networks would not obligate the money they give to the individual owners.


    The real problem for the traditional owner model types came with the mid-80s labor dispute. The team owners so effectively destroyed the AFL-CIO types who lypes who led the NFLPA, that a talented tenth of players led by Gene Upshaw linked up with some smart lawyers and instead threatened to decertify the NFLPA as a bargaining agent.


    The team owners then realized that they needed to abandon any pretense of a traditional free market and signed the CBA which essentially broadedned the social compact which controlled the NFL tp include the NFLPA as partners.


    The TV nets then stepped forward and signed long term deals which gave the owners even more money as expansion of the social contract gave labor peace.


    The a few years CBA then called for renegotian after a few years, and even before negotiation Upshaw announce that the new deal would now extend the salary cap to all gross revenues and that the player share reflected in the salary cap would need to start with a 6.


    The final deal was negotiated by Paul Tagliabue and the NFLPA hired lawyers and gave the players 60.5% of the take (arguably making thm not only partners but the majority partners of the NFL. In the end, the NFL accepted this deal over the objections of only Ralph and the GB Packers. The 75& threshold was agreed to within this context.


    It matters what the Trust wants, but only 1/32 nd of the ultimate decision.


    As far as the JBJ group, this whole thing was a joke to those of us who feel we understand the economics here. For the Trust it might give them the biggest $ to take a bid from the CA group. However, for the other 31/32 that really controls this thing, the best fiscal deal is to have franchises in BOTH Buffalo and Toronto.


    The NFL not only wants to get more money they do not give away money. If the Bills left Buffalo they would be walking away from 45,000+ season ticket holders, the 25,000+ that routinely buy individual tickets, the millions from WNY advertisers, and 100s millons in corporate welfare which would not go to ON.


    Why throw this away when your avowed longterm plan is to expand and you can have BOTH Buffalo and ON momey.


    This team ain't gpoin no where


    I was going to say the same thing. But, Stayin'



    I think the Pegula's changed the game. Its quite possible his investment group bailed on him knowing they couldn't compete.


    Beat me to it. Once The Pegulas came on the scene it changed the game. Did anyone really think that they wouldn't at least bid on the team when something happened to Ralph. I'm confident Gundlach was one of the investors, but team prices have exploded out of JK's price range just as it did for JBJ. The NFL is maybe the most exclusive club in America. Not for millionaires, billionaires only please.


    But again, Terry and Kim Pegula were/are game changers.

  4. NFL has to know sometime early September so they can prepare for a vote at the October owners meetings. I have a feeling we get big news very soon. What better time to announce it then right before the season, get fans fired up.


    Good deal...there's a tax consideration to get an owner approved ASAP as I recall. 9 months after Mr. Wilson's passing.



    What' a complete waste of time on both sides. That's not a Hail Mary, that's a nuclear option without any enriched uranium.


    How does Delaware North Field at Ralph Wilson Stadium sound for a new place? Or Ralph C. Wilson jr. Field @ the Delaware North Dome.



    The trust does things like Ralph did things. They like people they know. They know Golisnao. Thats all I know. But based on PEgula's wealth and political support, if he wants the team and passes the vetting process I don't see how the Pegula's lose.


    The stadium is one way. Its a huge factor in all of this. One has to believe Terry and Kim Pegula planned this purchase years ago and have a solid stadium plan in place. Everything the Pegula's have done so far shows they were well prepared and ready to buy the Bills. Would not be shocked to hear this week or next that they have been chosen as the next owners.


    Truth: if it happens in the next 2 weeks, when the DC backers group heads up for the KC game, first round is on me.


    Kirby and Kelly: I owe you a round too. Both of your posts brought me off the ledge on more than a few occasions.


    Cheers to you all!




    I'd expect her to have more focus on the Sabres than the Bills. She was the driving force in picking up the Amerks.


    Taro: Fairport born/raised, big get for the hometown and smart for the organization and business as a whole. Bengnini has reported a few times that she plays a big role in this and has taken a more active role in the empire as of late. Again, very bright by accounts.


    If that is true my respect level for her just shot way up.


    Monkey: by the accounts I have read, she is painted as the heavy between the two. Not ruthless, but very matter of fact.



    Many people here forget about Kim. She is a huge sports fan. I also agree it would be a great look for the NFL.


    Pegula's having political support comes from what I read from Tim Graham.. So I dont know if its true or not.


    Thanks for the reply.


    Kim Pegula I believe is a BIG X-factor. After reading more than a few articles, she wanted Darcy gone right away after they bought the Sabres. I would not be shocked at all if she was named lead owner in this. By most accounts she is a very bright woman.

  8. Fans that are worried, please dont be. This will be over soon. Only 2 possible owners, Golisano group or the Pegula's. Golisano is the easy sale, Pegula the trust has to vet thoroughly. I will guess that after the vetting process Pegula passes with flying colors and the sale to Pegula goes very quickly.


    Truth: do you agree with Kirby and others that Pegula is the preferred buyer? Thanks for the insight.


    My birthday is September 4, this would be an amazing gift.

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