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Posts posted by gobills28

  1. Go back to the Bills beat down of the Patriots 31-0. Belicheat had nothing to prepare for in that game. We were full of surprises. This year is very similar. I understand no one is afraid of our QB situation, but from a defensive coach's perspective, it's a nightmare not to have any film to study and prepare for. All the while, getting ready for attacking defense. Mark my words, we will be hot at the beginning of the year. No promises past that. Hope it continues...

  2. We start the season off against the top two AFC teams. They have no idea what we will be doing on offense or defense for that matter. They don't know who we will be starting at QB. Don't know which players will be playing or injured. They have nothing to study or prepare for. Our 4 headed monster in the backfield is getting its rest until the season starts. Our offense will be full of surprises and our defense will be top tier just as expectedl. Start the season undefeated as it's the hardest part of our schedule. In Rex we trust! Go Bills!

  3. I was a big fan of bringing T.O. to Buffalo and even felt he was a model spokesperson for the Bills HOWEVER watching him live at the Ralph on Sunday turned me off to him. He seemed to be lazy on the field before, during, and after plays if he knew he wasn't getting the ball. Hated that. Doubt he was like that earlier in his career. WR's should go full go every play. Seems like a small thing but it makes a big difference. Makes cornerback go full go. Hides your play call. Keeps you in shape. And doesn't make Gobills28 dislike you, amongst other things.

  4. I know it's late but I'm trying to get info on this draft party. I am a season ticket holder but have never attended this event. If I were to call ticket office, are there tickets stil available? What is it all aboout? I'd like to go and bring my son because I heard there is a locker room tour? any info would help..thanks!

  5. Eball...That $200 credit is applied to your statement so therefore when it's all said and done, your tickets are costing you $200 less? Sounds like a great deal to me. Someone from the Bills told me that the $200 can only be used for future NFL purchases. They may be misinformed. Talked to someone from credit card company and they told me that it is just a $200 credit applied to your statement. Just wanted a concrete answer.

  6. Just wondering if there is some catch. I'd only ooen the card strictly for my season ticket renewal. Planned on opening it and putting $500 on it right away. Hoping for a $200 credit right away so that my tickets will end up being $200 cheaper. If thats the way it works, I'm all in. Just looking to see if anyone has used it to see if there is some kind of catch.

  7. Has anyone used this option to renew season tickets? It says in bold print that you will get back $200 if you use this card. In fine print there is a whole bunch of literature that I can seem to decipher. I just want to know if anyone has used this option and how did it work for you? I received the offer with my season ticket renewal paperwork. Any help would be appreciated!


    Go Bills!

  8. With the signing of the biggest defesnive free agent available in free agency, the Bills are heading in the right direction and this city is buzzing. We could still add a piece on offense through free agency but what I'd really like to do is BUILD UP THIS DEFENSE! I would use the 10th pick on another pass rusher. As apparent by the Super Bowl winning Giants...a great pass rush makes everyone look better. Our secondary looked awful last year. Leodis couldn't keep up with his own shadow. But in the same breath, opposing QB's had all the time in the world. Maybe our secondary isn't that bad?


    So let's go get some more pass rushers in the draft and BUILD THIS D!!! Ingram, Upshaw, Coples...or whoever fits us the best. Go get 'em Buddy!!!! Add a couple of depth guys on the offensive line and I think we're ready to make a playoff push this year! I think our offense can compete with the best of them as we showed last year while we were healthy. Defense makes the offense better. Go Bills!

  9. I am a season ticket holder and I tailgate every week. But this week is going to be special for me. Not only are my Bills 5-2 and entering the biggest game in quite some time, but my family is all going to be at the game as well. My father is bringing his camper to the stadium. He doesn't plan on entering the stadium but want to tailgate and watch the game on TV from outside the stadium. The camper is relatively small. It is a small trailer that attaches to the back of his truck. He plans on parking it in the ECC lot. My dad is old school and thinks he can just park it down there with no problems but I don't think he understands there are a ton of rules these days.


    Couple questions...


    1. First off, can you park one of these trailers in the ECC lot?

    2. He wants to go and spend the night Saturday, can you do that there? If not, where can you do that?

    3. Any advice you can offer me on the situation.


    Thanks to you all and GO BILLS!!!!

  10. SAY NO NO NO TO A DOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I'm from Niagara County so Orchard Park is a drive for me. But personally, I love the atmosphere in and around Ralph Wilson stadium because of the general layout of the land there. It's in a great spot. It is mostly wide open with plenty of parking areas as well as community members charging to park on their own lawn. Driving down the streets heading to a lot is great. Watching the scenary of fans tailgating and just having a good time is something special. Driving into the lots watching crazy fans get amped for the game, I've always thought, "I can't imagine the atmosphere down here if we actualy had a winning team." Now we have one, and I am giddy over it. Basically what I'm saying is that I love where the stadium is now.


    On the other hand, it would make a whole lot of sense to put a stadium next to the Falls. It would become an instant tourist attraction. Watching a national game on TV with the Falls in the backround from the stadium would be the best looking stadium in the league. I doubt they would be able to get a stadium that close to the falls. They would have to clear out a whole bunch of land to not only build a stadium but also to make room for parking. It would be a pretty cool scene up there with a stadium near the Falls, but I don't see it likely.


    HOWEVER...I will not tolerate a domed stadium. I am a season ticket holder and I would probably give up my tickets. I'd still support the team but going to the game just woudn't be the same. I'm sure they would still sell out, becase domes typically have less seats. It would ruin the Buffalo Bills atmosphere. It would greatly decrease the home field advantage that we currently have here. The tricky winds and temperatures that we have here are the worst in the league. Teams hate playing here. Now that we have a winning team, just wait and see how much our home field advanage comes into play in the second half of the season. The weather will get bad and we will get LOUDER and LOUDER as the Bills keep winning. I'm super excited about imposing the will of the 12th man on the remaining opponents this season. GO BILLS!


    Although it would be cool to see, my vote goes to keeping the stadium open and rigt where it is. Upgrade it. But keep "The Ralph!" GO BILLS!

  11. I seriously think the pink interfered with the call on that Stevie Johnson crucial call near the end of the game. At first glance of the replay, something pink looked like it touched the ground and messed with my eyes. I believe it was the defenders towel? From far away in live action I can see the ref saying no catch based on seeing that pink item. But in the replay I don't understand why it was still called incomplete. Just doesn't make sense. Get rid of the pink.

  12. I'm a season ticket holder but I didn't make it to the pre-season games. I've heard the horror stories about the new Mickey Mouse parking. Is this the new way of life in ALL of the Bills lots for this year? I've always parked in Lot 3 by G8. I'm sure thats Mickey Mouse style. Are all the Bills surounding lots like that? If so, I will be going elsewhere to park. Any tips/advice from those of you "in the know." I'm sure the season opener will be a horse of a different color with a packed house which will probably be chaotic with these new rules. Help me out. Go Bills!!!!


    By the way..think this new policy is for good? It's going to hurt the tailgating scene at the best place to tailgate in the NFL.

  13. Maybin was talking all throughout the bye week about how excited he was to be playing in Baltimore. It was his hometown and he had many friends and relatives in for the game. He was pumped to play. What does Gailey do? He makes him a HEALTHY scratch. Take a seat in the suites with your family for this one chump. I think it's a last ditch effort to make Maybin realize he has to step it up or he will be cut. The sad thing is I don't know if it has anything to do with his attitude, I just don't think he has the size and talent to play DE in the NFL. Terrible #1 draft choice. But I like Gailey's style. Sit the bum.


    Little did I know I Just checked wgr550 and sure enough they have a story on this. My bad.

  14. At the Ralph last year, I'm in Sec 112, Row 30, and I was standing up now and again cheering and trying to get people fired up (it's hard these days). Some lame fan a few rows back had security come ask me to sit down...It's a Buffalo Bills home game for cryin out loud! Luckily, I used to work secuirty at the games and happened to know the guard. I kept on doing what I was doing and everyone around me loved it, except for that lame fan a few rows back.



    I'm young but my grandparents know his parents very well. They still talk on the phone and go out to dinner to this day.


    He was a nut job. He would get into fights at bars all the time and drink way too much. He is still kind of a nutjob as a coach but he has cooled off a lot. The trouble he caused while in Buffalo in and outside of the locker room is part of the reason why old Ralpy would never even have him in for an interview during any of our three coaching searches...and I know through his parents.....he wanted to come back to Buffalo to coach so bad...it would've be his dream job.

  16. Bills re-sign TE Joe Klopfenstein!!!!!!! Woooo


    Where do I sign up for season tickets? Hope there are seats left.




    I've put all my confidence in Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey, just like I did with the previous coaches/GMs when they first took office. I like the good ole Southern boys running the show.


    But as far as personnel and anything they've done so far....it's been a joke.

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