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Buffalo 66

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Posts posted by Buffalo 66

  1. So our football expert/critic Paul Hamilton,whose credentials are that he played high school hockey, comes on WGR radio show this morning criticizing Gailey on the last play call (interception); stating that Gailey should know better than to call a pass to a rookie in that situation. It's hard to believe this guy has been assigned to cover an NFL team this long and not know a thing about pro football.


    This isn't high school Paul. Gailey did not/does not send in a play specifically designed to go a certain receiver. This is how it works in the NFL: the play that is sent in calls for the multiple receivers to run specific routes. As the QB awaits the snap he reads the defense, determines where the best option is, and throws it to that receiver. Not surprisingly, the Pats defense (pre snap) rotated coverage towards Stevie Johnson, and Fitz reads and decides where the coverage is weakest. But the play Gailey sent in was not designed for the ball to be thrown to the rookie, the QB decides which receiver to go to

    Hamilton has Been covering the Bills for how long now?.

    Gailey SHOULD have known better!
  2. Man this one really hurt. I'm a 31 year old man and this game brought tears to my eyes.( and not for the first time either sadly to say) Not only becuase of this paticular loss but just the fact that this team just continues to devistate me week in and week out,.... year after year. The pain has become too severe to handle at this point. I'm not getting all mythical but I really am starting to believe that this team and organization is cursed. I have never seen a team just show complete inept and lack of heart(mainly on defense.) for so long. This defense is just god awful. These players are complete mental midgets. They have no clue out there and that's not all on the coaching. I am way too emotionally invested in this team and even when I try not to be I am sucked back in every Sunday. I'm so tired of being laughed at when I say I'm a bills fan. I'm so tired of the naysayers constantly being right. I'm so tired of watching this team play like a JV high school team. My girlfriend who has been watching Bills with me since we have been together (3 years) that really doesn't know about football even said after week 5 that the Bills are not making the playoffs. Not becuase she knows the team isnt playing well this season but just becuase she subconsiously knows that this team is the laughing stock of the NFL. When are we going to get a break? WHEN???? There is no doubt in my mind that If any organization in any sport deserves to hoist that trophy it's the Buffalo Bills. I dream of it all the time.. but I'm coming to the realization that I may never see that day.

    It is just a game man, don't cry, the dudes making millions don't cry, hell some don't even care! Life is to short to cry over the Bills
  3. I think so, but that ain't saying much now.


    Was gonna start a thread on this, but our secondary is the weak link on the entire team. Gilmore is a world class bust already, and the safeties have regressed bey belief.

    I mentioned Gilmore being a potential bust a while ago and every one was calling me an idiot! Gilmore will be an average corner and a starter but a bust for an early round 1 pick!
  4. Given this team started 6 of 9 on the road and having to play 4 of those games against very difficult opponents on the road it was expected this team would go at best 5-4.....which they almost did. It came down to a play in each game from that vs 3-6. The expected record was 4-5.


    They can easily win out the rest of the games and finish 10-6. 5 of them are home games, 2 of them are road games.



    If they go 6-1 they still aren't out of it. Its quite possible the two WC teams from the AFC are 9-7 or worse.


    With them losing today it will be very difficult for them to win the division. The Bills would need to have a better record than New England.

    Its over Bud! Deal with it, stop pretending!
  5. Racist rednecks who are still birthers and think Obama's coming for their guns voted for Obama at a 100% clip. And that's a big chunk of people right there.

    Obama would like to come for our guns but that will never happen!


    Racist rednecks who are still birthers and think Obama's coming for their guns voted for Obama at a 100% clip. And that's a big chunk of people right there.

    I have a safe full of guns, I love guns! It is my God given right to protect myself and Family from the filth in this world.I hunt with my guns as well, so you are calling me a RACIST for owning guns?????
  6. Well, I'm nothing short of stunned at the Presidential election results. Stunned. To me it's impossible for any thinking person who pays attention to the very real and very large issues we face as a country to conclude that the current president is the better choice to lead this nation going forward. Our debt, our annual deficit, illegal immigration, a stagnant at best economy, oversubscribed and underfunded entitlements, a weakening international standing and a growing population of people not ready or willing to be self sufficient - all are staggering issues. The devil is in the details. The numbers tell the story. Bright and committed minds can solve these, yet our President has not presented one sound plan that can correct any of these issues. He speaks in lofty poll tested phrases and says nothing at the same time. He avoids the real numbers and does not have the courage to face these issues. Frankly, he is often less than honest and demonstrates this with regularity.


    Today voters are the problem. Too few are informed and too few are willing take the time to study an issue and think about how it should be solved and who is best to solve it. Too many vote for candidates who will deliver small things to them individually at the expense of the big picture. Too many even when faced with the facts vote for the man or women who is part of the problem or not a part of the solution.


    Who will solve our nation's issues, those now in Washington or the voters? I don't have faith in either one. Seriously, we are a nation committing suicide. No need to worry about me. It's most of you, my kids, my friends, neighbors and future generations that are screwed without a big change in direction soon on many things.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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