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Posts posted by texas

  1. First off an Owner that puts the priority on WINNING. You PAY for a top flight front office and coaching staff. You draft well and build through the draft. You add Free agents here and there that help the team. You cut talent that is on the downside and or just doesn't perform. You use that talent and or some other pics to keep gaining future picks to keep talent coming into your franchise. (NE has two firsts, two seconds and two thirds in the 2011 draft).


    What sucks is that 'Model' of how to build a franchise is here in our own division and our owner flat out ignores it.

    whatever, I HATE the patriots

  2. :wallbash:


    Very schizophrenic NFL fan base here in the 'Cuse.


    The regional NFL team, the Buffalo Bills, are winless so everyone kind of disses them and go to their second tier NFL team. Steelers, Giants, Eagles, Jets, Vikings, etc.


    If the Bills win 2 games in a row this season probably 1/2 to 2/3 of the second tier NFL fans come back proclaiming that they have supported the Bills all along.


    Very annoying!



    your point? we suck and we're embarrassing to watch right now. sounds like something any fan base would do

  3. "2. With a few additions in the off-season (QB, LB's, OT's) this team can turn things right around in 2011. I have confidence in Gailey and Nix."


    We could have made those additions in 2010. Great Linebackers were available in free agency. Vick might have been available had we made an appropriate offer. Bulaga would be starting at left tackle. Adams might have been at right tackle. We would have had Incardona.


    Its not the invasion of freaking Normandy...the guy should have improved the team in his first season. What makes you think he'll do any better if we give him a second?

    my thoughts exactly

  4. you are correct


    Gailey's track record over the last 10 years of building an NFL contender through the draft have been astounding :rolleyes:


    same with Buddy-

    for over 50 years, he has been making the key draft decisions as the head guy


    the off-season has been just so impressive, the draft will be icing on the cake

    agreed, we are overly optimistic about our FO and the direction we're heading

  5. And regarding Maybin...who is to day that he would not have had similar production if he played OLB for the Redskins last year? And who is to say Orakpo would have done ANYTHING as a DLE in Buffalo??


    I question Nix's picks for discussion purposes, but not Maybin. At this point...you just don't know.

    Orakpo was a freak of nature in college, to me he was a no brainer. And then I see the Bills take a project pick in maybin who only had 1 good year. Regardless of what team they're on, comparing production, I don't even see how you could argue who the better player is...

  6. No I don't, exactly. Please tell us, we'd love to know. In fact we're dying to know. Everybody in your 9th grade English class that have Patsie* stickers on their notebooks perhaps? The kids in the back of the bus giving you a hard time twice a day? Really.

    Wow really funny. I guess you're one of the people here who thinks Gailey's going to save our franchise. You probably consider the bills to be a well run franchise. Why don't you go to any other football website with unbiased opinions and see if people think Gailey is a good hire

  7. Okay by me. I just asked this question on another thread. I would not chance a high pick on a guy that has to learn to throw all over again. Does anybody on this board know of anyone who has suceeded in the NFL after having to change their "mechanics" so drastically?


    Not defending Tebow or anything, but I'm pretty sure Aaron Rodgers had to seriously change his throw when he entered

  8. If we trade our #1 for Mcnabb it clearly shows we are run by a bunch of clowns. I might trade the #9 overpick for Manning, Brees, Rivers, Brady and maybe a Rogers but not for an aging vet like Mcnabb. I would love to see a play for him but anything more than a thrid round this year is too much. Fix the DAMN Lines first he is not a good enough QB to make the line look good like manning can.


    Are you kidding me? First of all I would KILL to have aaron rodgers considering what he does despite his O-line. And I would much rather have McNabb over f***ing Maybin. He may be old but he is certainly proven... can't say the same about Bradford or Clausen

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