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Posts posted by Blanco_Diablo

  1. I think it's an old picture. The limited jerseys show the toilet seat, but I bought one and it has the full (right) collar. Authentic jerseys should match what they're wearing this year.


    +1, none of the product photos were updated this year (see also Tampa and New Orleans who have also dropped the collar pop) what you purchase will be on-point.


    The limited jerseys are made farther ahead of time, pre-draft, so you won't find any rookies (i.e. EJ, Geno Smith) with anything except the $100 version or the custom elite option.

  2. The ones that I saw at the Bills Store were nice, but they didn't have some of the details that I'd like to see - such as missing the "Bills" word mark on the front and the charging buffalo logo on the back. Otherwise, they looked great. Ultimately, I decided against them for the lack of detail though. Why would they leave these things off?


    Very odd what you saw at the Bills Store... Nike has 3 versions of the men's jersey (Game, Limited and Elite). All three have both the wordmark detail on the front above the numbers and the "charging buffalo" logo at the back neck. Is it possible what you saw was the replica tee? There is no Nike jersey matching your description. Was it an old jersey (i.e. Reebok or some other vendor) left over from last year?


    EDIT: unless you meant that you saw it on-line, which was just a pre-view image issue like eball said.

  3. You may not have to drive as far as you think. Link no longer works, but there is a definite WNY tie to this. I actually worked at this site for a few weeks one summer while saving for college. Both sets of my grandparents live just outside of this area. Many families within a two-mile radius of this landfill have suffered rare cancers, birth defects, etc. Rumor is they also buried the train that carried many of the radioactive materials for the Manhattan project here... just dug a hole, laid track into the ground and drove the train in and buried it right in WNY's back yard.





    Manhattan Project Still Affecting Western New York


    (Niagara County, NY, January 31, 2008) - - No one investigates like News 4. The federal government is trying to decide what to do with tons of radioactive material from the Manhattan Project. News 4's Luke Moretti reports.


    Its been temporarily stored both above and below ground in Niagara County for decades. Behind this gate are stark reminders of a buried history in the Town of Lewiston.


    Bill Kowalewski, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, "There is buried radioactive material."


    Atomic materials that have been in the ground, covered by a clay cap, since the 1980's.


    Michelle Rhodes, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, "A majority of them have a an extremely long half life in the millions of years range."


    The United States Army Corps of Engineers just released the findings of an eight year investigation of the site. It concludes the clay containment cell is working, and that there's no imminent hazard to safety or health.


    Bill Kowalski, "This structure will be protective for another 200 years."


    But not everyone accepts the government report on its face. University at Buffalo scientist Dr. Joseph Gardella.


    Dr. Joseph Gardella, University at Buffalo Scientist, "I have no confidence in those conclusions. That's the strongest statement I can say."


    Walt Garrow, Environmental Health Professor, "Our fear is that it may be leaking. We don't know. We would like to find out more information."


    To understand what's happening today, we need to go back in time 60 years. A time when a proud Western New York work force did what was required to end World War II.


    August 1945, a mushroom cloud rises above Hiroshima, Japan. The atomic genie is out of the bottle. Results from a secret program known as the "Manhattan Project " with a deep connection to Western New York, drops Japan to its knees, ending World War II.


    President Harry Truman, "...which specifies the unconditional surrender of Japan..."


    Bill Kowalski, "This nation had one World War II. We had one Manhattan Project and there's one Niagara Falls storage site."


    Commercial industries in places like Niagara Falls, Lockport, Tonawanda and Lackawanna provided much of the materials required to make the bomb.


    We are standing right on the site of radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project, correct?


    Michelle Rhodes, "Yes."


    Located south of Lake Ontario and east of the Niagara River is the Niagara Falls Storage Site in the Town of Lewiston. This once robost farm land is now a radioactive graveyard.


    Walt Garrow, "It's not designed for long-term. Even the government reconizes it by using the word interim."


    Bottomline, although the government knew how to make the most complex weapon known to mankind, little was done to find a permanent solution for the radioactive waste. In fact for the first 30 years it was stored above ground in this silo.


    Dr. Joseph Gardella, U.B. Scientist, "Certainly in the 80's it was just inexcusable to have this much material stored in an open silo."


    Will we ever know the exposure from those materials being in the silo?


    Dr. Joseph Gardella, "No..no..we won't."


    In the mid 1980's the government moved it from above the ground silo. Today the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must decide whether it stays forever.


    While the government claims there's no imminent public health threat to you, there is concern about the long-term storage of this radioactive material."


    Bill Kowalski, "We know that there's a risk here. We have assumed that there is a long term risk here, and it needs to be dealt with."


    Lou Ricciuti, Niagara County resident, "This community paid a very high price for America to have it's global standing. And the very least that's owed to us is the truth."


    So what is the truth about the storage of atomic waste at the Lewiston site? If it's safe now, will it be ten, twenty, or hundred years from now?

  4. The wife ordered his and hers blue/white Mario jerseys over a month ago and we're still waiting ...


    Pre-orders started the 15th of March, official sales April 27th. Either way, Mario jerseys can't be produced until a number is chosen so I would guess you'll be waiting a while on that one.

  5. I always liked Nike best anyways. Do all players HAVE to wear Nike shoes now? Can't find an answer.


    Footwear is athlete specific. Out of approx. 1700 guys in the league...1400 have Nike contracts. Some UA, Addi, etc.


    And 808, I have actually seen pre-production renderings of Nike gear and I'm with Blanco_Diablo, it's pretty obvious that these are fakes not put out by Nike.


    The fan definitely used this Va Tech pro image from 2009 to create his faux looks:



    Pretty obvious that the blur tool was used on the sleeve to get rid of the gradient stripe.


    This fake version still has the Va Tech glove band on it:


  6. i posted on this before. i have a few friends who work for nike but in the street wear/lifestyle dept. and they wouldnt say out right nike made them and leaked them to get a little feedback on what people thought about it.


    but they did say for a fact they had seen them before the initial leak at work. take that for what it is.


    Sorry but your friends are misinformed... not surprising as they work on different product and would NEVER have had visibility to the actual uniforms.


    Key ways to spot fake renderings:

    • Shoulder stitch motif- was used on 2009 Pro Combat line, now only exists on the most basic high school and college uniforms, not technical enough for NFL... guess we know where the fan got his base image from

    • Schutt helmets are never used on official renderings, always Riddell... mostly Revo Speeds.

    • Horrible PhotoShop job... look at the field lines going in different directions, weird perspectives, chopped together. You can see where he tried to blend the background, poorly.


    Please stop perpetuating a rumor that was proven untrue.


    Direct from the NFL PR Guy:


    "just to clarify, the artist renderings of NFL uniforms floating around ARE NOT from the league or Nike. stand down"






    That's what it is.

  7. From what I've seen, Seattle is making a small color change in the logo (grey in one of the rear panes) and go to a darker helmet and from what I hear, will have a 3rd jersey featuring the grey. I wouldn't call that "completely changing" their look.


    The Nike event is going to be at 11 a.m. ET.


    There might be a few tweaks, but I'm not expecting anything earth-shattering.



    As for Seattle, you must not have seen much then... the look is a departure in many ways. You'll see tomorrow :)


    Bills just changed their look last season... 4 more to go before the league allows another update.

  8. I live in Portland. Kelly is as arrogant an !@#$ as Rex Ryan. His offense will never translate to the NFL. His clock management is awful and probably cost the team a shot at playing in the BCS Championship game. He gambles way too much on 4th down. He can do that against Washington St. but that won't fly in the NFL.

    And lastly where there is smoke there is usually fire. Derron Thomas, the QB, who has virtually no chance to play QB in the NFL is forgoing his senior season for the draft. Phil Knight spends a ton of money on this program. There is no way it is clean. The Lache Seastrunk/Willie Lyles stuff is probably just the tip of the iceberg.


    I live out here too, and actually enjoy Chip's arrogance when dealing with the media. CK definitely does come across a bit arrogant and stand-offish, but Rex Ryan exudes immaturity and unprofessionalism... big difference IMHO. Agree that his system may be tough to transition to the next level, but it very much plays to the strength of the players on his roster. Definitely more talent on the NFL level.


    Phil Knight is a donor, but why do you assume there is no way it is clean? If that's the case then the same should be said about T-Boone and Oklahoma State as well as every other major college program. Hell, a Florida donor bought Tebow a private jet the minute he declared for the draft, but that was perfectly legit.


    Have you seen the facilities at Oregon? Pretty amazing... they easily rival most NFL programs. The rehab center is phenomenal. Their Sports Marketing and Business programs are also a big draw, especially if athletes have that as a fall-back plan in the event football doesn't work out. US HQ for Nike and Adidas are all just a short trip up I-5.


    On the sanctions...maybe, maybe not... if the Lyles thing is truly an issue then Cal, Texas, LSU and a host of other programs should be worried as well. Lyles himself claimed he did not steer recruits to programs. Remains to be seen if any disciplinary action is even necessary as there are so many angles on this story. Seastrunk was very unhappy (homesick, etc) and talked regularly of transferring. Not surprising he ended up a Baylor (very close to home). Pretty big ego blow to be the top RB recruit in college football and then be buried 4-5 deep on the depth chart too.


    Darron Thomas will be lucky to play as a career back-up/3rd string QB in the league, but word on the streets is he has some family with major health concerns. League minimum pays pretty well.


    Apparently Chip has had his sights set on the NFL for a while:




    "One source close to Kelly told ESPN's Joe Schad that Kelly, a good friend of former Bucs coach and current ESPN analyst Jon Gruden, has always had NFL in the back of his mind."


    "Kelly is intrigued by the challenge of coaching at the highest level and not having to deal with parents and the NCAA oversights that are inherent to coaching in college, the source told Schad."


    Guess that last sentence could be interpreted either way.


    NW writer that usually angers most Duck fans wrote a decent article here: http://www.oregonlive.com/sports/oregonian/john_canzano/index.ssf/2012/01/canzano_if_chip_kelly_and_oreg.html


    Insight on his scheme... "Kelly told me in 2010 that he wouldn't bring the spread offense he ran in college to the NFL on a wholesale scale. "I'd use elements of it," he said, "but I'm running what we run at Oregon because it suits our personnel at Oregon."


    Oregon definitely struggled to get the large, powerful guys you see on most SEC teams. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out!

  9. The five year rule UConn mentioned is still in effect, therefore aesthetic changes are not possible.... just a shift into better fit/function/uniform technology. Those "Pro Combat" NFL looks were proven to be fake, done by a random football fan with too much time on their hands and access to PhotoShop. Never associated with Nike at all, just a copycat.

  10. Do they give you a discount on the joints you smoke and the beer you drink on your breaks? You know, since useless workers are the fault of the military-industrial complex and the individual companies.


    The original insinuation in this thread was that this incident and similar workplace issues are entirely the fault of unions. I have provided a perspective to the contrary. Useless workers are everyones fault, in a sense that a blind eye has been turned. There is more than one perspective here. Just like I cannot solely blame the company or the field of employment (point made by Koko78) those opposed to unionization can't place a blanket blame on unions. So those with opposing views in this thread would argue that these companies have no say at all in who they hire/fire? Unions are that omnipotent? Not buying it.


    The argument that unions serve only to protect and promote lazy/unqualified workers is untrue, however that thought sure does polarize people (as evidenced in this forum). Unions require an employer to prove "just cause" in order to fire or discipline workers. The OP's video investigation documents that "just cause" beyond a shadow of a doubt. The basic goals of unions are valid and at one time helped to build the foundation for a strong middle class and thriving economy. Unions have been targeted and decimated, and now barely even have collective bargaining power. Can unions be corrupt? Yes, if power exists power can be abused. Can corporations be corrupt? Yes, and if unions did not exist many modern workplace rights and safety standards enjoyed by both union and non-union employees wouldn't either. There has to be some middle ground here.


    I love being part of the 1%. Now dance for me, B word! :w00t:


    Well this conversation is getting nowhere.

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