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Posts posted by MDyl7993

  1. No designing a scheme utilizing Spiller in space.


    No bubble screens to speed receivers. No HB screens to Jackson or Spiller.


    No use of rollouts and taking advantage of a mobile quarterback. No misdirection


    No use of clock management before half-time.


    What do you guys think?


    Hackett is in way over his head.



    Spiller on the outside, Jackson on the inside. Put them out together. Duh!,,

  2. You can always try to tell security what is going on. If several people corroborate the story they might believe you. There is also a phone # you can call for fan services. You can tell them as well. I agree it's stupid to toss both groups out when only one side is being an a--hole.




    It is impossible to call fan services during game. There should be a text number available if they truly want reports.

  3. I was informed that buffalo fans are the second worse in behavior in the NFL. Only "beat out" by Raider fans. Yestserday, fans were at the gate with open bottles ( not allowed), people were carrying drinks into the fieldhouse (not allowed), not to mention drunks being let into the game. I noticed security were watching the game. Meanwhile, the good people are being punished by these rules that are not enforced. Bildd organization should put our money where their mouth is.

  4. Parrish is a punt catcher. What is fair market value for a punt catcher? And accountability? The whole team is accountable for the **** show they have put on for the past 10 years!


    parrish was benched for 4 games or so after his debacle_ despite the changing of a head coach< how badly do you want to play for a team who pretty much puts you on waivers

  5. I like the thought of Delhomme coming in or Derek Anderson from Cleveland. Anderson had one stellar year and can get the ball down the field, and Delhomme has been to the big game before. He will have something to prove this year after getting a new contract last year then getting aced.


    Also, we should keep Rich Incognito and go after Adam Terry who was let go from the Ravens. He grew up in Glens Falls, went to Syracuse, was a 2nd round pick for the Ravens and practiced against the Raven's D. He has low mileage.



    not signing incognito was stupid- why would you not want a tough, hard-nosed played on your team

  6. Yeah, the Patriots, Dolphins, and Jets all have been active in making their team better. While the Bills are simply trying to fill in holes.


    calm down everyone, when its all said and done we ll pick up thigpen, mike gandy, some random nt whose never played in the nfl, an aging receiver like bryant or chambers_ no worries we ll be competitive

  7. This is why I feel qualified.....


    I have no agenda


    I know what the line of scrimmage is


    I will hire someone whose only job is to watch the clock and understand it


    I will not cower to the owner unless I agree to his philosophy


    I will hire only team players


    I will draft only team players - felons need not apply


    I will sign only team players - felons need not apply


    My coaches will be intelligent


    My team will be intelligent


    I will fine anyone who has a blatant penalty, does not conform to uniform rules, or "takes a play off"

  8. I have reason to believe this is your new head coach. I am not completely 100%, but would not post it in this manner if I did not think it was credible. There are no links for this information. I know it will be ugly if I am wrong, but I thought you would want the information.


    Could be as soon as tomorrow.


    obviousley, no one else wants us

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