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Posts posted by dgrid

  1. All I can think of is Rex is only doing this to get inside info about our teams offense and defense. It really sounds like a Eex Ryan type of thing. The funny thing is he doesn't realize Maybin never got in, was to dumb to learn the playbook and not smart enough to give examples. Makes me lol

    Yeah I don't think too much to worry about

  2. Does anyone know if he was around when Gailey was there?? This guy is a heck of an athlete. BIG body like Calvin Johnson, but an option QB.. what the hell would you do with him?

    read that Gailey recruited him. (disclaimer- wikipedia)


    apparently has potential for QB (maybe), RB, WR & S


    what the hell would you do with him?

    possible add him occasionally as an option QB. 1/2 the reason it doesnt happen in nfl is the risk to a highly-paid player, which he will not be.

    The other half of the reason it's not used is the Def's are fast enough to stop the option, so who knows.


    With the new cba rules allowing coach to inject #3 QB, and put #1 back in after, could possibly allow this sort of thing.

  3. most productive rushing QB in ACC history


    keep in mind that was largely under Paul Johnson's coaching, using the Navy-style flexbone option. rarely used in ACC these days.


    interesting move tho, see what happens. There's a new rule in the CBA about the #3 QB not being a reserve emergency option anymore, you can play them and still put the #1 or #2 QB back in after. So inserting a guy like this for a play or 2 might be a new wrinkle in nfl. i like it.

  4. This gives me a great idea for my wife's upcoming birthday!! Any confectioners out there know how I could replicate the tuft of hair that shoots out of my butt crack? I was thinking maybe chocolate cotton candy....maybe throw in some white chocolate chips to resemble dingle berries. Yummy :P

    or a plastic Klingon action figure...

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