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Posts posted by uncle_chappy

  1. Actually, nothing sucks worse than knowing that idiots on your side of the aisle and idiots on the other side of the aisle will continue to hold power until this country is no more.


    I'd ask you if you're mildly retarded but the question is so rhetorical that the word doesn't do it justice.


    look everybody another alaskan strawman temper tantrum. how cute. it still doesnt change the fact that GE is profiting handsomely off this.


    i'd ask you how it feels to be constantly wrong but the question is so rhetorical that the word doesn't do it justice.

  2. I guess you figure that argument has legs, huh? Did you use the same wagging (drool covered) finger when the lefties were whining about Halliburton? Somehow I doubt it.






    nothing sucks worse than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong, eh alaskaman? i bet you know that feeling all too well.

  3. So you're bitching about Obama shredding the constitution with two Canadian programs and a third non-existent program?


    But you're completely different from the loons bitching that Bush was going to cancel the 2004 and 2008 elections...gotcha...



    whatever idiot, keep pretending like obama isn't dying to install a single payer health care system, cap and trade, and take away american's guns...gotcha

  4. Oh, so this hinges on the definition of "shredding the Constitution"? Specifically, on your looney right claim that your definition of "shredding the Constitution" is more valid than the looney left's?


    Or is it enough that I simply google "Bush shredding Constitution", and find that you sound even loonier than the results? Or you can just search commondreams.org for the same - and yes, you sound just as ridiculous as those people.


    gun confiscation isn't "shredding the constitution"?


    cap and trade isn't "shredding the constitution"?


    single payer isn't "shredding the constitution"?


    you're almost as dumb as conner.

  5. Canada? who cares? They have been subservient to the royal crown their entire history and are used to following the orders of their superiors. Not going to happen here. The dems have their butts in way to many fires to worry about a guaranteed vote loser like gun control.


    are you kidding? this is when the dems are most dangerous. they have nothing to lose in shredding the constitution in these last 11 months of power.

  6. Nice quick witty response :blink:


    But even a 9 year old could tell you that Toronto is in Canada and Obama is not President of Canada :w00t:


    Since this happened in Canada it can't be Obama's work. I sense something much more diabolical. I suspect crayonz and the Googlebot are up to something. To our friends up north be on guard for talking hamsters :blink:


    no kidding dufus.


    obama has an infatuation with canada and western europe and is hell bent on bringing their far-left policies to the usa (gun confiscation, cap and trade, single payer, double digit unemployment)

  7. :blink: oh right, i'll be sad because the corrupt democrat majority will be replaced by a corrupt republican majority? yes, everything in this country is going to change on that day. well shoot i better git to collecting these guns, i'm a runnin' outa time. obama can't be a dictator if the people can shoot at him.


    keep rationalizing obama/dem's impending day of electoral reckoning. it is going to be hilarious.

  8. so some people here i think are brainwashed, some here people i think are stubborn, other are stupid, and still others just haven't done enough reading. i mock all of them. you however are on some other level where you can't even be taken serious in the slightest. it's like if barney the dinosaur came up to me and started telling in his happy voice that hugo chavez is a good president. it's just comical. you are a comedy sidebar. i kind of like you posting. it's so lighthearted and silly to read your posts that it's a good break from some of the serious and challenging discussions.


    so thanks! i do enjoy your comedic presence.


    considering that you're an obamanoid i take this as a compliment.

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