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Posts posted by dancing_joker

  1. The idea that WRs are a dime a dozen is nonsense. Laughable. Look no further than Allen’s step forward in his development 2019 when we upgraded his WRs.


    Your post comes off as someone who wants to applaud Beane for being a progressive thinker for unloading Diggs. He’s not. He’s taking his dead cap lumps.

    I’d argue that RBs aren’t a dime a dozen either. How many of us here were clamoring for upgrades to Moss and Singletary because they were simply jags? That position’s biggest issue is shelf life. Whether it’s RB or WR, you need studs in those spots…pro-bowl type guys that teams have to game plan around. Not a bunch of average joes. 

    • Agree 1
  2. 1 hour ago, coloradobillsfan said:

    I owe my IT career to the familiarity and experience I gained working with the C64!

    Hahaha and I owe my IT career to playing pirated games of Maniac Mansion, Zak McKraken and Summer Games on my C64. My 10 year old self and my friends had a blast dominating those games. Now excuse me while I go look for my fast load cartridge…

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, TOboy said:

    How do you know he’s not? 

    I saw plenty about him working with Beane while injured this year. He seemed to have a ton of praise for Brandon and how he helped him in his career pathing.

    Maybe try reading the article from PFT and read the quotes from Miller...

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Bangarang said:

    The only odd thing about it is to think it's so odd that you make a thread about it. 

    You don’t think it’s odd that Miller is going rogue here? He wants to be a GM one day…that’s cool. But why is he not going through the channels in front of him? Why wouldn’t he just sit in with the Bills staff as they interview players?

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. Anyone else find it extremely odd that Von Miller went to the combine to learn how to evaluate players to become a GM? The guy has 2 more guaranteed years in his contract…and he’s already focusing on his post-football career? The bills are probably not thrilled either, considering the article makes no mention of him being with and working with the team’s front office staff. 


    Miller’s reason for attending? “So I’m here to meet with guys, for the guys to give me instructions on what to do with my right foot next and what to do with my left foot next. And make the first steps to making this happen.”


    • Vomit 2
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  6. 1 hour ago, LeviF said:




    Spoiler: he stopped about one month in.

    I won’t be eating lentils exclusively, so this won’t be an issue. 

    Brad Riter once did a challenge where he asked people to eat only one specific food for an entire week. You could pick anything you wanted…hot dogs…cereal…doesn’t matter. People couldn’t last more than a couple days haha

  7. 43 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    What a word salad now I wish I wouldn’t of asked

    I bet you’re a conspiracy guy aren’t you?

    Reid’s actions in front of the owners were documented by Peter King.  He’s one of the most respected reporters in the game. Kim’s internal memo is widely available. Beane himself admitted what I said about Azaria during his press conference about it. Not exactly conspiracy theory stuff…hahaha


    Answer these questions below:


    1) Does this move sound like that of Super Bowl contending team?


    2) Are the Chiefs and Bengals concerned about this move or are they laughing?

  8. 1 minute ago, John from Riverside said:

    Explain please

    About Bieniemy or Frazier? I guess I’ll go both. Reid stood in front of all the owners at a meeting asking why hasn’t he been given a shot at being a head coach. And made it known that Bieniemy wasn’t retained in the hopes that he could spread his wings to one day become one. 

    Now you have Frazier…who decides he’s going to “take a year off” and return in 2024. The bills have already hired other coaches to fulfill his duties. Is the plan for the bills to just “get by” while Frazier is out doing whatever? Sounds like a real Super Bowl contending team. If health issues caused him to step aside, that’s a serious gaffe by the bills pr team. But hey they thought Matt Azaria’s problems were okay before that leaked too. Think about the memo that Kim Pegula wrote a couple years ago about needing to maintain their “lifestyle” and fired a bunch of people…why do I need to pay Leslie Frazier a million plus dollars if I already have people in place that are capable? The whole thing is a joke.

    • Eyeroll 3
  9. 25 minutes ago, f0neguy said:

    Not vegan or vegetarian, just getting older.  I’ve found that as I age my diet changes.  I eat more vegetables, less meat, alcohol and baked treats in moderation.  Almost no processed stuff (but I buy Sahlen’s every time I’m in Buffalo), I make most everything from scratch.  STAY ACTIVE, figure out what makes you feel better and stick with it…

    That’s all positive. Stick with it. I totally understand the vegan lifestyle isn’t for everyone. But I’m interested where this choice leads me, and I’ll try to update this thread as I go.

    I used to love a good Ted’s hot dog (and a fried bologni), but Dan Aykroyd was 100% correct when he called them “lips and a**holes”.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Augie said:


    Ummmm, huh? So what are you in this for? 


    I have a childhood friend I still text with weekly. He was a soccer and tennis kid in high school, but is now into marathons. He runs. And runs. And….He looked like he belonged in Hospice the last time I saw him in person. He looked sick and emancipated. His wife begged me to get him to understand it, and she’s a therapist! 


    Balanced and healthy appeals to me. 

    I already answered why I’m doing this. Again, I’m not here to debate the merits of the vegan lifestyle. While running marathons is ridiculously hard and takes a huge mental effort to get through, ask your marathon runner friend what his toenails look like after running 26.2 miles. Running marathons is not a life I personally want to live. But if he’s happy with himself, then who am I to judge him? Whatever path he takes to happiness is his choice. 

    I asked earlier about the negative perception from family and friends because it’s real. Look how many people here want to throw shade at my choice, and my life is completely irrelevant to yours. Now imagine if I was your cousin, friend or even your spouse? 

  11. 29 minutes ago, Augie said:


    I am NOT against you, my friend. I wish you nothing but the best. I just think a lot of people think “the label” will make them all fine and dandy. Processed foods are evil, that would be my first target. One unnamed relative calls a couple others “twinkietarians”.  Meat and how to get your protein is just one issue. What is in all the other garbage they intentionally label to to look “healthy”? 


    You must feel a lot better down from 220lbs. That takes a lot of toll on the rest of the body to carry that around. Go pick up a bag of cement and imagine all that pressure on your knees and the rest of your body. 



    No worries!! I definitely was not happy at that weight. Being 30 years old at the time, it didn’t “hurt” but I didn’t feel good about myself.  

    That said, if you really subscribe to the macro culture, it says I need to consume 180 grams of protein. Protein is important no doubt, but I didn’t need that much to lose weight. I think there’s a fair amount of bro-science in those calculators. Bro-science meaning…you see some guy at the gym who looks hard and you say “hey bro, how did you get your body to look like that?”

  12. 6 minutes ago, Augie said:


    I have a close friend who has a weakness for Pepsi. He cut back on that, as well as some other things, and he’s down 19 LBS as of yesterday.


    Sugar, and artificial sweeteners, are as bad as almost anything out there if you can’t keep it in moderation. A steak would stand out. I HAD RED MEAT! A rare event for us. Get over it. Sugar is everywhere, and it’s a serious problem. I think obesity has to start with an eye on sugar, not chicken breasts. 

    There’s a lot of merit in how bad sugar is and what it does to your body. Within the last 10 years, I’ve been as heavy as 220, changed up my diet and got as low as 166 (my high school weight). And changing my diet and reducing my sugar intake was a big reason why. 

    It’s not the number on the scale I’m chasing, it’s how I feel mentally and improving my mood. There’s such a thing as a vegan “glow”…you can google it, I’m not making it up. I’ve seen it in person. For the record, I ate vegan cookie dough today and it was delicious. And it had sugar in it haha. A vegan diet doesn’t have to be debilitating. 

    • Agree 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Gandhi was a vegetarian.  Big difference. 




    "Gandhi was born into a vegetarian household, but he always aspired to be vegan. He tried veganism as a young adult but, after suffering severe health issues, he was forced to change course."


    Today we have so many more options than Gandhi had... But do you want all those chemicals in your body?


    The thing with veganism is: "Consent"


    Even know the hen will drop an egg a day, you can't eat it because it didn't consent for you to take it.



    Actually a hen drops an egg a day because it’s been bred to. 

    Again, the purpose of this thread was not to debate the merits of going vegan, rather to hear from people who have gone vegan…the challenges they faced and the benefits they’ve seen. Feel free to create a separate topic if you wish to discuss that. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, mead107 said:

    Plants have a life also. 
    is it really fair to eat plants. 


    have lots of friends that have been vegan for years.

    Broccoli Stromboli for those friends. 
    also no eggs used  for friends that are vegan 


    Well I’m not gonna go straight up Ghandhi haha. We all make choices about how we want to live and to achieve inner harmony. Personally, I’ve never felt good about not watering a plant enough or too much or giving it too much/little sunlight and killing it. 

  15. 9 minutes ago, Augie said:


    To each their own, I guess. Who am I to judge? 

    Honestly, I’m interested in my own health benefits more so than anything else. The fact that I’m not supporting an industry that clearly abuses livestock for the purpose of consumption is an added bonus. Ask yourself…have you ever seen a 300 lb vegan? Or a 300 lb person who’s 85 years old? 

  16. 3 hours ago, Johnny Hammersticks said:

    A vegan diet CAN be healthy if done correctly.  My wife was a vegan for over a year, but has gone back to eating meat and fish occasionally as she found herself to feel “fatigued” and not herself at times.

    You need to be careful to consume foods that give you protein, calcium, iron, and other essential vitamins such a B12.

    Totally agree. I already take multivitamins and fish oil for my own health reasons. So now it’s just a matter of switching to a vegan version of those.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Gugny said:


    You're really good at following instructions.

    Haha it’s okay. Ghost makes a really good vegan protein powder you can grab at gnc or wherever you want. Obviously that won’t be my only source of protein, but it helps if you’re into counting your macros. 

    2 hours ago, Success said:

    I went vegan for 3 full years a ways back (about 15 years ago).  It was honestly the best I've ever felt in my life. I had a crazy amount of energy, and my head felt more clear.


    Eventually, I really missed cheeseburgers and chicken wings, so gave it up. But I'm glad I did it. It felt like a mid-life tune up for my system.


    It's easier to be a vegan today than ever. They have great cheese & meat substitutes (some of which I still use, just to cut down on meat when I can).  And there are some amazing cookbooks out there. If you like to cook or there is a good cook in the family, you can design a weekly menu where you won't even notice the difference.


    As far as challenges, some restaurants can be limited in terms of options.  And you do have to make sure you get enough protein & things like B vitamins and iron, but there are plenty of recommendations for substitutes and supplements on that front.  


    Best of luck!


    Thanks for the reply!! I do agree with you that making the switch today vs even 5 years ago is way easier. Back in 2017, I failed miserably…thinking I could just flip a light switch and “figure it out” haha. 

    Restaurants will be challenging for sure…but I’m thinking about family and friends. Judgment by them. Let’s face it…when you decide to do something in our society that is against the norm, you get ridiculed. If it succeeds, you’re praised in the end…but the road there is not cupcakes and rainbows. 

  18. I’ve recently decided to adopt a vegan lifestyle…not only for the welfare of animals, but for my own health benefits as well as the environmental impacts. Has anyone out there converted? If so, what were the challenges you faced?


    Please do not comment if you’re here to campaign against this choice. I have no desire to debate you on this, nor am I here to preach to you how to live your life. 

  19. “I don't count the sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting because they're the only ones that count. That's what makes you a champion."


    “Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer."


    “Don't count the days. Make the days count."

      - Muhammad Ali 

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