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Posts posted by Snapple

  1. Spiller freaking lights out. O-Line run blocking Lights out. D looks solid.


    Fitz sucking for the most part. Dareus and Wilson both have some form of injuries.


    21-0. Definitely thrilled with this!


    I think it's nearly official. Fitz is a game manager who at times can be better than that.


    I still want to see more from the D-line too. A lot of the time they are being picked up quite well even when there are blitzers.

    It's 21-0 and you want more from the D line? Stop making football about stats so national media can have something to blab about.

  2. I am just throwing this out there. I, like many of you I'm guessing, have seen LLoyd in interviews about his breakout season last year. He is extremley well spoken and humble, also with him being cut from teams and working hard for his success I think he would fit in very well with our whole "Goon squad" misfit vibe. Just my 2 cents.

  3. Ya this is BS, How come the all knowing analyst's cannot evaluate talent until they see a team play a known powerhouse? The Eagles? The Falcons? Cowboys? Bucs? Are they not watching the games? Gimmie a break; the Raiders, Panthers, Niners, deserve to be higher as well.

  4. http://www.google.com/ig#max10


    Now I know this is just one man's disection of what a Psychopath is, and also I don't know Aaron personally so I agree with anyone who lashes back at this, that yes,this may be an unfair claim. Nontheless, when reading the line

    "things like glib and superficial charm, grandiosity, manipulative behavior and lack of remorse."


    Aaron "Mayhem" Maybin popped straight into my head.

    (Maybe I am the real psychopath with how much I relate everything to the Bills...)

  5. Some of you poster's are pretty narrow minded with your constant negativity. This thread is another great example of how anything that happens, and I mean anything, and you will find a way to spin it into showing some inadequacies the bills possess. First, your facts are wrong and the bills have rookie starters. Second, if the Pats or some other elite level team had no rookie starters you would be praising them for picking up solid veterans where a rookie would be to green to ever start on such a sophisticated team blah blah blah...It is fine to criticize a team who warrants criticism but to make these constant, lofty reaches with every little thing trying, to just continually kick a horse that is down is an embarrassment to our fan base.

  6. Hey there probably was some Dolphins fan that put 50 bucks on them to win the division in 2008 after they were coming off of a 1-15 season and he won a ton of money. If you can get those odds take them winning the division isn't like winning the Super Bowl. Mark Sanchez sucks, the Pats* get hit with injury, and the Fins get some bad bounces and suddenly if we get some good bounces its not that implausible (Not likely but not implausible either) for us to go 10-6 and win the division.

    :doh: :doh: :doh:

  7. I have no moral objection to marijuana and I don't begrudge these guys a few puffs when they're in college and all the rest. BUT: the issue here is that these guys know they've got millions of dollars at stake and could lose it if they screw this up. That alone makes me question anyone who ignores NCAA/NFL drug policy.


    This would go just the same if the NFL instituted 4-game suspensions for drinking Pepsi products instead of Coke. I wouldn't want anyone who broke the rule.

    I think the dilemma here is, wouldn't you question the NCAA for such a ridiculous soda policy? That is what we are saying about weed; why is it necessary? I guess what you can take from the last couple of comments is how perception is changing on pot

  8. I am getting so sick of all this dog business, it has to stop!!! Are you a !@#$ing vegetarian?? Millions of Chicken's are slaughtered weekly, where is the remorse for them? They sit in a pen their whole lives being stuffed with hormones and then get their heads chopped off. But my god! Vick killed some dogs, and I own a dog! I'm never gonna let this stand He's a terrible human blah blah blah, what a crock of ****. Just get over it, he served his time let it be.

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