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Posts posted by Tasmo

  1. Awesome! But could not believe they played Bon Jovi after their TD. Lol.


    NO doubt!! That was funny. My wife was hardly watching the game and when she heard that she came into the room and said, "Are they for real??!!" Everyone in western NY is now conditioned to turn Bon Jovi off. He is a bummer that used to play party anthems..

  2. Russ Brandon is there to stay. He is making presentations to the bidders and was Ralph's main man. He understands the regionalization attempts and is a PR expert and native of western NY.


    Doug Whaley has been active and the team's roster is the strongest in years due to his work with Buddy and on his own.


    Marrone is a well respected coach and just has to put his vision into place. Now... Hackett may be his BIGGEST Problem. We'll have to wait and see here.

  3. Seems like this was a Sal Maiorana bashing thread so far this week. I am from Rochester and I can tell you that he is known as "Ebenezer" here on the radio and among his colleagues. It's just the way he is. Once you get used to it he is actually one of the BEST reporters on the Bills out there. He has been covering the Bills for decades and has many published titles to show for it. Yes, he was being crabby about Marrone, but that is just Ebenezer doing what he does. Take it or leave it. I read his stuff and also listen to him on the Bills Brothers radio show on 1280am WHTK on Thursdays 3-4 once the season starts. Great round table conversations everyone here would dig!! Mike Catalana, John Ditulio, Sal Maiorana, Bob Mathews, Dan Moriarty and occasionally Chris Brown appears on the show that day. Good stuff.



  4. Canada is a great country. Like a forest changing with the movement of seasons, Canada is a land of many images. The frozen tundra, the rugged Rocky Mountains, the enchanting and stunningly beautiful parks, and the gentle, rolling Prairie steppes. The culture and society that makes up Canada are rich in tradition and many proud heritages. Torontonians are also never lacking for something exciting to do. But if they are I would prefer that they drive to Buffalo and join us for a Bills game.

  5. Love that Jimmy Kimmel understands that war with Canada is not out of the question.


    I just can't understand how the Toronto group is seriously going to try to sell us on them keeping the Bills here. Can't you just see Bon Jovi charming everyone from day one? The most charming talking head on sports television making it all seem like it isn't really what it is. A declaration of war. sort of..

  6. Everything Doug Whaley has done so far has been consistent with a solid unified vision and plan.

    • He has brought in coaches that other teams wanted too and have a history of success over time in their areas of specialty.
    • Marrone, Schwartz, Jim Hostler, Pepper Johnson, Donnie Henderson, etc... These are top shelf men.
    • Buffalo has a solid Defensive line up and needs to continue building depth. Keith Rivers and Corey Graham help with that.
    • Offensively, Kolb was a bust that they need to recover from. It will be interesting to see what goes on there.
    • EJ Manuel was Mayock's top pick last year and he said that he was a raw talent that was a winner. Time will be the best teacher there. Now that he has the QB coach Todd Downing.
    • Unfortunately, Time is something none of us have to give because we have all been waiting for some sort of signs of improvement in the wins category. It won't be easy or fast because the Bills are coming out of a disastrous period of history.
    • AFC East teams are all jockeying for position and the Bills are handicapped by the past.
    • Change won't come easily but Doug Whaley and Doug Marrone are following a solid plan and doing what they said they would do. Build through the draft and solidify with free agency.

  7. This is going to be very interesting if Ralph doesn't have a plan in place. Very interested to see how fast the frenzy for ownership starts, stops and where it will lead. Life as a fan would be so much more normal and comforting knowing that even though this team sucks right now there is always another year. Burns me that Detroit and Cleveland have futures to look forward to and here we are speculating.

  8. There will have to be something to sell tickets this next year. This year we got Mario. The year before Darius. The year before that Spiller (who is worth the price of admission), and the year before that I think it was Owens. The list goes on and on. It seems to always keep us guessing but accomplishes nothing.

  9. I heard Marv Levy today on the John DiTullio show 1280AM and he said the main reason for the Bills problems is constant turnover and that Fitz is the guy. This seems fair enough given that there really are only a few players left from his time here as GM but the Fitz is the man opinion just hurts to hear. This will be an off season full of pain. Either through growing pains with a new coaching staff or the pain of watching Chan and Buddy state the company line that, "We have seen them (Fitz, Wanny, fill in the name) be successful in the past and we know they can do it because they have...." Sorry, but that just makes me want to gag. Hopefully they get at least a new D coordinator and a QB.

  10. Just trust in the mustache. The defense played with passion and violence the whole game in Arizona. Busted Kolb and Byrd picked his way to AFC defensive player of the week. Lets expect the same this week and let the dice fall. Pride is an amazing motivator. There is no place to go but up. And one can never underestimate a classic mustache.

  11. This whole Moorman getting the shaft sent a wave through the locker room. I mean cutting captains in the middle of the year?? What a stupid message to send while they were winning. I just don't get that. I mean it was a captain.?? Dumb way to confront the locker room with such a shocker when they were coming off two winning weeks. Doesn't make Fitz's arm better or tackles more efficient but did something to their overall cohesion. If Fred Jackson is peeved what does that say about everyone else?

  12. Remember Flutie Flakes? They were good and he had mental toughness. Those were fun times back when Rob Johnson was the biggest problem. Remember when the wheels came off? Was it after Wade left or before? Oh well. It's all been a blur since. I couldn't even tell you all the names of the quarterbacks since then if you put money on the bar. I just hope Jim Kelly is at just about every damn summer camp practice for a reason. Future GM?

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