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Bills in 20XX

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Posts posted by Bills in 20XX

  1. Haha, I actually commented on this on the PFT website. Here was my entry:


    "I love the MJD said this. Players should have passion for their teams and be motivated by more than just a pay check.


    Trent Edwards was asked a few weeks ago by the media in a postgame presser that if he were a fan, would he boo his team's performance. He replied with "I'm not a Bills fan, I am a Bills player." To me that shows how detached he is from the sentiments of those who fill the stadium and wear his jersey and are passionate about their hometown team. I am glad that some players are actually fans of their team, it shows some passion."

  2. Which begs the question, with the plethora of DB'S that we have drafted over the past few years, why didn't we take him out and plug in another one?


    That is a great question, maybe it is chalked up to Jauron not being able to recognize an obvious weakness. I sure hope he wasn't trying to make some sort of example out of McGee. He's one of our few talented DB's who actually opted to stay in Buffalo instead of going after a big contract elsewhere.

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