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Big Ian

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Posts posted by Big Ian

  1. I remember that like it was yesterday. I worked at Best Buy at the time and I was working on a delivery truck. We made about 5 stops that day and almost everyone had the game on. It was really hard to work trying to watch the game. I had won employee of the month for my department and I got this little radio with a headset. I listed to the game on this thing and it kept going in and out because of a crap reception. We pull back into the parking lot and as we are backing the truck up the Bills kick off. I remember being so happy and thinking we are going to play next week. Then the radio goes dead as the Bills kick off and I am pissed wondering what has happened and I am playing with this radio and finally the thing starts working again only for me to hear, "there are no flags on the field!"


    I threw that radio in the trash and I have been suffering with other Bills fans ever since.


    And yes I think we would have won the Super Bowl that year.

  2. I love this series. I am a HUGE AFL fan and my favorite team is the 64 Bills. Being only 31 I never got to see these guys play so seeing this is the first time for me and I love it. Seeing lots of color game film of Stratton and Sestak laying guys out was awesome.

  3. I think Monday(or sometime this week) the Bills make a very hard push for Cowher. They have nothing to lose but everything to gain.


    If Carolina keeps HC Fox then Carolina is out of the picture, everything hinges on what Carolina does.


    Plus I think if the Bills hire Cowher, T.O. might want to think about staying, besides I don't think Owens will have to many suitors asking for his services.


    all we can do is wait and see what happens, this is going to be an interesting offseason and it finally starts tommorow :doh:;)

    I could not agree more. I am really looking forward to the off season.

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