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Posts posted by Gareson

  1. One thing's for sure, no matter how pathetic the state of the franchise is...

    the Billievers will be shouting "this is our year" like morons(once again) come next September with a 3rd rate qb and very little talent behind him to back up their claim. Never let the facts get in the way of their usual "delusions of grandeur".

  2. Don't worry, the Bill-ievers will have everyone buying into the b.s. next Septemeber again. Then, as things fall apart we'll hear the usual sorry excuses...

    1. refs are against us

    2. too many injuries

    3. Fitzpatrick really is awesome, it's the line's/receivers fault

    4. [insert random nonsensical excuse here]


    There will be a game or two in Sep. or Oct. that will encourage the Bill-ievers....and then back to reality.

  3. I feel liked I've been ripped off, again. I feel sorry for any fan that has bought season tickets. I'm a Sunday ticket subscriber, and want a refund. I'm sorry Bills fans. I give up. Maybe things will turn around next year. Hopefully.

    Refund? You bought tickets to the Buffalo friggin Bills..."caveat emptor"...let the buyer beware. Just because you "Bill-ieved" the substandard talent on this team would amount to something doesn't mean you are owed anything. P.T. Barnum applies here..."there's a sucker born every minute". Ralph Wilson is the Barnum of our day...and Billievers are the suckers.

  4. I guess I should be happy our season lasted into November this year, as opposed to being done by mid October. But, I just can't. So someone, anyone, give me some reason to care about this team again. Why watch any of the remaining games. Just to see this pathetic excuse for a team take the field?

    A foolish Bill-iever tells you to f*%$ yourself and find another team in 5...4....3.....2...1...

  5. All true Doc, but the lack of depth can only be addressed in FA, and we have avowed a strategy of "rebuilding through the draft" (see my post above about keeping the team minimally competetive at the lowest cost). Without depth, we're going to see the cycle occur every year, fast start by young talent and then hit a wall when the first string starts getting hurt.

    Stop making so much sense...you'll cause spontaneous combustion amongst the Bill-ievers.

  6. Everything the FO does is calculated to keep the team minimally competetive at the lowest possible cost.

    YES...The most honest and on-the-money post ever made at 2 Bills Drive. They spend just enough to fill the seats early on and collect the cash from the Bill-ievers. As P.T. Barnum said, "A sucker is born every minute". Wilson is Barnum, Billievers are the suckers.

  7. Yep the Bills are not out and JP Losman is still a rookie and Trent Edwards never got a fair shake. This team is a joke, even at 4-1 they were the weakest team at that record. Now we will finish the season 5-11 and I can already hear the blind optimists here saying at least its one more victory than last season. :thumbsup: Man I'm tired of being right and way ahead of the curve.

    Exactly. Good post.

  8. Gotta chuckle at Bills fans dissing Tebow...in the last 6 games how have the Broncos done compared to the Bills? Fitzpatrick is accredited over and over with being a Harvard braniac but I'd take Tebow's INT stat over Ryan's anyday.


    It's funny how when the Bills had a winning streak early in the season we heard "this is our year" with no solid talent to truly back up a playoff run. Now the Broncos are competitive and "in the hunt" but all we hear from the doubters and haters is that Tebow has "no talent". A clear double-standard from the "Bill-ievers".


    I am no Broncos fan, but Bills fans best not throw stones given their already shattering glass house. Whether or not the guy is a long term QB in the NFL I do not know...but I DO KNOW that he is a winner, and the Bills need more guys with that mentality on their roster.

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