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Frit0 Bandit0

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Posts posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. The world is not ending.


    We are not the worst team in the history of the world


    No one deserves to be fired.


    We started our 4th string qb. An undrafted rookie. And we were in the game with an undefeated team today.


    We are a decent team facing a catastrophic situation at qb. Any team in the league would've been lucky to look even as good as we did with 3 qb injuries.


    Mental errors and a lack of Intense focus equals loss. It's a cliche I know but it fits like a glove. The Bills were in a position to beat the Chiefs who obviously didnt have their A game or were just looking past the Bills.


    One example is when the ball was intercepted at the goal line ... what did #13 Shthead Johnson do? Turned around and held his hands up to the crowd while two other recievers chased the chief down the side line. He needs to go because he aint that good anyways


    Good recievers make a QB look better than what he is, Tuel had little help.

  2. All of this Benghazi finger pointing is like grasping at straws with one finger.


    Here's what I think, in layman terms

    Benghazi is complicated, could have been more secret ops going on than will ever know when this broke out. I would guess even more than Clinton was aware of (In detail anyways). There was support fire teams present near by that did not show up at Benghazi and I would guess it was because they were providing cover for something else(which they wouldnt abandoned)....not to mention all the spook **** going on that no ones supposed to know about. This looked sorta obvious to me right from the beginningish...but I'm postulating.


    One thing that seems for sure ... Everyone went into cover your ass mode, and the winner of that event goes to Team Obama/Clinton. What really irks me is the intensity they put forth to purposely mislead us...I could have understood their F-up....but I guess that means they would have had to understand their F-up first

  3. My buddy on the news in Va


    He was telling me about this last night...Havent seen the guy in awhile so I met him for dinner at the Texas roadhouse ... He was trying to tell me about backing up my computer and I was telling him to catch up with the beers and quit talking me to death about work


    Just thought he was being a little dramatic about work and then bam here he is on TV....He knows damn well when my computer quits working right it usually gets tossed out of the window and I go buy another one. The last one wouldnt give me my dvd back and it payed for it with its life.

  4. Back to Benghazi................


    Matthews: Say, why didn’t we respond to Benghazi attack?


    It only took 13 months and two weeks, but Chris Matthews now wonders why the US provided no response to the terrorist attack.







    McCain: Except for that Benghazi thing, Hillary was an awesome SecState .................................lol






    He knows it's over and done with now, so he can play with the hot topic til it goes cold

  5. ... They sold the anti-muslim video as the cause like Academy award winning actors....then ran ads in Pakistan to really sell the lie...that video maker that got arrested during prime time was equally a brilliant part of the sell.

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