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Posts posted by WE_still_BILLieve

  1. Lynch will be back to form next year, add a QB and 2 great running backs that we have and our offense would be pretty damn good (THATS AFTER FIXING OUR O-LINE OF COURSE) There are many teams in the NFL that run 2 running backs, and my favorite two are Deangelo Williams and Jonathon Stewart, they are both BEASTS and each brings a little bit something different to the table, watch next year thatsd going to be us. The hell with a Fullback run the 2 Halfback setup and if you want to uses Lynch as a blocker then you can do it, and if you want to use him as a runner than that would work too.

  2. Damn right the Seahawks are gonna jump on signing Cowher, because you know why, Everyone knows the BILLS sit with their thumbs in their A$$es, while other teams like the REDSKINS do something about their situation. Yea the redskins offseason began 5 days ago too, but they signed someone on the second day of their offseason, maybe when the raiders fire TOM CABLE we will sign him and instead of knockin the crap out of his assistants hell knock the crap out of our FO, and we will end yet another season at 6-10

  3. It amazes me, our FO knew our season was over weeks ago, you would think they would be ready to hire a coach on the Monday after our last game. What the heck is taking so long, the Redskins knew what they wanted and did it. We are going to wait so damn long that all the good ones will be gone. For Christ sake hire Cowher already, stop playing these games and interviewing people you know you dont want running the team and go after the ones you definately do. How hard is it? Im tired of logging onto this site and nfl.com and not seeing a BIG RED banner that says BILLS HIRE COACH: BILL COWHER TO BUFFALO, RECIEVES RECORD BREAKING CONTRACT. Who the heck wants Frazier, a proven DC but not a Head Coach. If i remember correctly Frazier has interviewed with several teams the last few years and none have thought him worth of being a head coach. C'MON FO hire a coach already so we can get our offseason going.

  4. We get it.


    • Brohm went to Louisville
    • You went to Louisville
    • Brohm was successful at Louisville
    • Brohm will be a successful NFL QB and would be already if GB wasn't biased towards Rodgers


    Enough. K?

    your probably a FITZ lover let me guess


    FITZ went to Harvard

    You went to Harvard

    FITZ sucked at Harvard

    FITZ has/will never be a successful NFL QB and wouldnt be on this team if your daddy Mauron wouldnt have brought him here


    Get over it, THe BILLS are f'in blind and they threw TE and JP to the wolves so why not another QB

  5. There is no next time. The voodoo master who stuck a pin in the Fitz doll, then stuck a pin in the Trent doll, forgot to add some balls to the Fewell doll. Fewell, who was two weeks too late trying to spark the offense by changing QBs, said that's why he sent in Edwards, then chickened out during the next series when he could have sent in Brohm. I doubt if he was worried about not being able to send Fitz back in. Apparently he was one of the few people who didn't know that Fitz could not beat the Patriots. Even the guy selling beer in the stands knew it before the game started.

    Did Fewell not watch the Bengals last year with this sorry excuse of a QB leading them? They were freaking 4-12, I got to admit he is getting better hes gonna be leading a team to 5-11, maybe next year hell get to 6-10, and in a few more years actually have a winning record but then he will be so old it will be time to retire. PULL HIS SOORY A$$ OUT NOW!!! THE SEASON IS OVER

  6. Trent and JP both had decent college careers...

    First of all trent was like 1-100 in college, and JP came out of Tulane. I didnt even know they had a football team, I thought they only played basketball. Brohm actually came out of a college that played schools in the NCAA not div 1-AA and did I mention led them to a #3 national ranking.

  7. I wasn't hoping for the QB to get pulled to begin with


    But after Fitz was pulled and Trent got injured, the next series Fitz got sacked and was holding his ankle.

    I thought we might finally get to see Brohm

    Hell yea that was probably the first time ive been that excited all season, but much to my dismay it didnt happen

  8. now you have done it...here come the brohm haters even though he's never played a down for this team...which according to them would mean Fitz and Trent> Brohm

    Well maybe they need to put FITZ on the scout team because that is all hes good for reminds me of Kelly Holcomb, Hell maybe even Ryan Leaf. We need to bring Brohm up to practice with the first team. How much could it hurt, we are now officially mathmatically eliminated from the playoffs, if we put him in and lose we would be following suit. MAybe we will find out tommorrow that the injury to FITZ is worst then than it was during the game and my wish will come true.

  9. But then what would we complain about? Did you even think of that?

    I watched Brohm at the University of Louisville and he has one hell of an arm and can manage the game with the best of em. He led UofL to a #3 national ranking and an Orange Bowl victory. Just because he came from GB and was on their practice squad doesnt mean crap. You figure GB is biased towards AAron Rodgers hell they ran Brett Favre out of there because they had a crap load of money invested in Rodgers, Brohm never had a chance in GB, hes way better than any QB we have on our roster. When was the last time Harvard produced any quality NFL caliber players? I can name a bunch from UofL

  10. When TE got hurt and they put FITZ back in and it looked like he was hurt, am I the only one that was actually hopeing he was so Brohm would get in there. Ill be totally honest when it happened and I saw Brohm warming up I was thankin GOD, I really did want to see what Brohm could do. But hey what the HELL was I thinking this is the BILLS they wouldnt put someone in that actually could give us a chance to win. OH WELL. MAybe next time

  11. Fitzpatrick is nothing but a career backup, and a crappy one at that. And the comment about the STAR reciever dropping balls, Hell get ti to him and maybe he will catch it almost every ball that was thrown his way was over thrown or under thrown. Yea TE may throw alot to his back but at least when he does throw to his recievers the ball actually gets to them and is catchable

  12. Am I the only one that sees that Fitz totally sux and over/under throws 9 out of 10 passes. Yea TO dropped a few balls but if they were thrown to him and not way above his head or behind him maybe he would have caught a few more. I cant wait till TE comes back, hell put Hamdan in until TE comes back. He looked better than Fitz in the preseason anyways.

  13. Definately TRENT. he went 5 for 5 before he went out and was looking pretty good. RYAN FITZPATRICK is a piece of garbage excuse for a QB. He underthrew almost all his passes except for the deep one to Lee and obviously the TD pass to Lee. It amazes me that in Free Agency management thought he was the best available QB out there when Jeff Garcia was available, I would have rather have had Hamdan as 2nd string, to this day I think Hamdan looks better in the game than Fitz. They wanted a veteran QB and they picked this guy up, hell our 2nd year QB had more wins than he did. Did anyone watch him last season in Cinci or am I the only one that saw him? I bet he got alot of experience playing at Harvard, hell I didnt even know Harvard had a football team. Plain and simple FITZ sux. Oue Defense had 6 INT and we got 1 dang TD out of it, and people talk about Trent?

  14. HaHa....Aaron Rodgers a star QB? You must be high. How many teams with a bad O-line has a QB thats been getting things done? Its hard for me to think of any. Look Matt Casell, was damn good becasue he played for a team that had a good O-line, now KC totally sux and so does he. A crappy O-line makes you have to force throws or make decisions to quickly which usually ends up in INT's or FUMBLES.

  15. WildCat offense + 2 decent running backs = points for Miami


    WILDBILL offense + 2 better running backs = lots of points and a kick start to a stagnant offense


    Why not try it we dont have anything to lose our season is going down the drain. Yea our O-line blows, but i think Fred and Marshawn can find a way to get the yards

  16. No everyone is correct Lets put in Fitzpatrick's sorry butt in, who has less playing time than Edwards does. Did fitzpatrick even play college ball? O Yea he did at Harvard. Man what quality players they have produced in NFL history. Did anyone see how horrible Fitzpatrick was in Cincinatti, and they brought his sorry but in here instead of getting a quality backup. Id rather see Hamdan than Fitzpatrick anyday. Maybe if they would open the playbook up and actually throw downfield he could actually start getting in sync with his recievers. When you only throw 3 balls if that downfeild of course they are probably going to be off the mark. Plain and simple is he proved it in the beginning of last year that he can play, until that damn hit that gave him a concussion. Spend some dang money on legitimate players instead of picking up mediocre players like Dockery who was overated and paying them all that money just to release them a year later.

  17. This really pisses me off, last season when we were 5-1 everybody was all over Trent worshiping him. Yea at the end of the season we collapsed mainly him (wouldnt you if you took a hit like that?). And you wonder why hes not the best right now, I wouldnt trust that O-line to block a pop warner football team. THEY SUCK BAD. I could only imagine what goes through Trents head if hes gonna make it alive through each game. You sub par coach and an even more sub par O-Line and everyone wants to blame Trent. The guy runs for his life every game, hes been sacked more than any other QB in the league. If you watch when he plays good, hes got a tremendous arm and accurate. Quit doing that damn no huddle offense, hes not Jim Kelly and it aint working. Let him huddle and call his own plays and thrown the ball down field we have two of the best recievers in the game along with two of the best running backs in the game.

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