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Posts posted by dollarcoin

  1. Really? People in my section care. Last year some jackazz decides to light up a smoke, after security told him to put it out twice, the guy in the row behind him said "here, let me put that out for you" and dumped a beer on his head. Problem solved. They both had to leave.


    Cool story, bro.


    Sounds like security was just going to let him keep smoking though, right?

  2. You can smoke anywhere you want in the Ralph. You just kinda cup your hand around the cigarette so ppl can't see it and don't exhale huge smoke plumes straight up in the air, and keep an eye out for security. If they notice you, they will tell you to put it out, and you just take a final drag and put it out. They don't kick you out or anything, even if the same guy warns you multiple times. No one really cares.

  3. I'm typically not big on approaching drug addicts in a threatening/challenging manner thanks.

    No good can come from it. It's not like they are going to stop because of a sudden revelation that they are littering. Most simply don't care or they wouldn't be doing it in the first place.


    Out of the car window I do find interesting though. If you are a smoker you obviously don't care how gross it is. Why not put the butts in the car ashtray (not you specifically McClane, just a question in general)?


    I would prefer if someone else took care of my trash, thanks.

  4. Week 1 Buffalo vs. Miami - LOSS

    Week 2 Buffalo vs. Green Bay - LOSS

    Week 3 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* - LOSS

    Week 4 Buffalo vs. NY Jets - LOSS

    Week 5 Buffalo vs. Jacksonville Jaguars - LOSS

    Week 6 BYE

    Week 7 Buffalo vs. Baltimore Ravens - LOSS

    Week 8 Buffalo vs. Kansas City Chiefs - LOSS

    Week 9 Buffalo vs. Chicago Bears - LOSS

    Week 10 Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions - LOSS

    Week 11 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals - LOSS

    Week 12 Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh Steelers - LOSS

    Week 13 Buffalo vs. Minnesota Vikings - LOSS

    Week 14 Buffalo vs. Cleveland Browns - LOSS

    Week 15 Buffalo vs. Miami Dolphins - LOSS

    Week 16 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* - LOSS

    Week 17 Buffalo vs. NY Jets - LOSS


    PM me for payment information.

  5. Congrats, it looks like all you cry babies are getting me banned.


    The Bills are a crap team with crap ownership and a crap front office and crap coaches and crap players.


    But I guess if you don't drink the kool-aid and want to call a spade a spade, you get banned.

  6. Some of you guys are getting pretty obsessed with these QBs that declare early. Do a little research on both which rounds these guys go in and their actual levels of success in the NFL. It's not pretty.


    Times are changing. A record number of underclassmen declared for this year's draft. A new record will likely be set again next year.

  7. mean and way too rude, from someone who apparently has never made a mistake in his life.

    there's always someone who plays that card, and i find it ugly, without any redeeming value and childish.


    and, to top it off, you call people names. you have no shame.




    I'm ashamed to be a Bills fan, does that count?

  8. you're the one calling people names over the internet...only cowards do that...real men are man enough to insult someone to their face. Of course, real men also follow the rules...personal attacks aren't allowed on this message board....a rule you agreed to follow when you registered


    you are also calling names, you keep saying i am a coward


    hypocritical much?

  9. As far as I can tell, dummy, you are not here for me to say it to your stupid ugly face.




    Also, dummy, if you are talking about jobs with millions of dollars at stakes, the rules change.


    It's not the same as when you and the boys get into out on the loading dock.


    That's the real world.




  10. I must be communicating with the wrong people. With all the out of line insults that you guys throw around I honestly thought that you had a sense of humor. Instead you guys are actually quite sensitive. I apologize for offending you both.


    dont care retard


  11. Ralph Wilson's meddling with the team is well documented, and I am not trying to diminish the damage that he has done to his own team at times. However it's no ones place to demonize him for it. He has also done quite a few things right. Judging by how emotional and illogical many of these posters are I would think that the team would be far worse in their hands. If I was the owner we would be in big trouble too. The point is this is his team, he earned it and made tremendous sacrifices to do it. Could any of us on these boards pulled it off? Of course not because none of us have. Exploring hypotheticals is great for people who don't have to make decisions by any deadlines or accountability, you could just talk endlessly after the fact. Has RW made a lot of mistakes? Sure, too many in the pursuit of a championship. Is he a bad guy? No f****** way!


    Wow what a moron.


    Yes, that makes sense - pondering whether random people off the street would make a better owner.


    Guess what? Random forum posters would not make good NFL quarterbacks either. Jamarcus Russel is a better QB than anyone posting on these boards. I suppose that means that no one should ever be able to criticize him, because he is better, right?


    He's a lousy owner, always has been and the Bills are better off with him dead.

  12. 3...Ralph fired Polian for a reason that anyone would get fired in any job....he was starting fights with other people in the organization...I dare anyone to try that...you'd have to be literally sucking off your boss to keep your job.




    ok one guy is the sole reason for your organization's success, and without him you will return to irrelevancy forever


    the other guy is a secretary. or a treasurer. w/e.


    yes, when they have a fight, it's VERY CLEAR who they should fire



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