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Posts posted by thr_wedge

  1. Athletes are nothing more than entertainers. They can protest all they want. Kneeling/sitting/stretching during the National Anthem is of huge disrespect. The display on Sunday was nothing more than privileged millionaires throwing a tantrum because a privileged billionaire said some mean things. I don't even think anyone remembers what the original protest was.


    As for being a mouth breather, I am college educated, live in one of the most liberal/progressive cities in the nation, vote straight libertarian and am practically an anarchist in my philosophies on how government should operate, and I turned off the TV and removed my Bills gear at home and at work. I've put up with 3-13 seasons of Rob Johnson and never felt so apathetic as I did on Sunday.


    The product is unwatchable, the league has been mired in scandal for years, the health effects (and coverups) of CTE are now fully out in the open. My sons will never play football, and I will probably never watch the Bills or any other NFL team again. The death spiral was already there, this was the final push to irrelevance. No I will not be posting again. Yes, I realize no one cares. Good day.

  2. Patriots, Giants, steelers, packers or Ravens. If you had to choose a team from that list to root for other than the bills who would you choose?


    Ravens, other than me my whole family lives in Baltimore. The sad part is that even though I do follow and root for the Ravens (when not playing the Bills), and enjoyed both of their SB wins...didn't mean as much to me as Fitz and Gailey beating the Patriots.

  3. To answer your second question, They didn't want Carpenter to kick a FG from the Miami 34.. Score was 19-14, and 3 points would have made it 22-14 so a full 1 possession game. Dolphins figured a 3rd and 14 would not result in a TD.



    Do people really think Taylor should have been called down here? Progress was not stopped. Suh couldn't have tackled him or "slammed him to the ground" because he had him around the "horse collar" So why are people thinking this should have been a sack?


    Also, why the Dolphins didn't decline the holding penalty and go to 4th down - thats the reason the Bills had another 3rd down to throw a TD on.


    This. There are actually quite a few superbowl winning QB who fall into the category of "servicable NFL QB but not elite" IMO.

    The only real debate is whether this can still happen - I would argue "yes *cough*Wilson*yes*cough*Flacco"


    The guy that tied Joe Montana's post-season stats in his SB winning year? He's "servicable"?

  5. It's possible that he was more stupid than vindictive. It's possible that he thought he was helping a buddy out, Polian, by telling him that there were guys in the Bills front office that were badmouthing him. And watch his back if he takes the job. Who knows how that word got out. I wouldn't doubt it was from Polian who said it off the record to Tim Graham.


    And maybe he just wasn't thinking when he sent the mass text out. It was surely a slap in the face, but it doesn't mean it was a F-U. He probably just thought to himself, the word is already out that I am gone, the players are all gone, how do I get them all? It was stupid and impersonal more than screw you.


    Believe me, I'm no fan of Marrone. I've been lambasting him most of the year. But we don't know a lot of the details of these reports and what really happened.

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

  6. I'm not sure he over-estimated his worth at the time. His mistake was probably badmouthing the Bills to Polian, which exposed his pettiness and personality more. And more bad press about texting players. That led to all the Mannish Mehta pieces, which led to the Casullo interviews, which spooked Woody Johnson. That's why he's unemployed.


    It's impossible to know but I think the actions after the fact of the opt out led to the avalanche of bad press. And he probably would have been hired without it. It exposed who he really was.

    I agree 100%, turning the first winning season with the Bills in a decade probably elevated his stock (even if the last win was a scrimmage, and better coaching would have had the Bills at 11-5 or 12-4...). When you go out guns blazing people remember. When you're thought of as a quitter, people remember. I've seen the hotshot execs in the corporate world do this sort of thing, take a company from terrible to mediocre and move on. But if you trash the place on the way out I don't care if you're the CEO or the janitor, that's going to follow you to the next interview.


    I'm also fairly sure that the owners have a long memory. This is one of the most exclusive clubs in the world. They talk for sure. He'll be lucky to get an O-Line job. He cost himself at least $4M, and he may not work in the NFL again. If he does, you can bet he won't be getting any golden parachute type clauses in his (relatively) small contract.

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