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Posts posted by Buffalo_South

  1. I think that Ralph has so tainted the waters for potential coaches, it is going to take a mountain of concessions on his part to get any quality coach to seriously consider Buffalo. We don't have a true GM. Our FO is full of Ralph Wilson yes men and Ralph doesn't want to pay what it costs to land a winning coach. Not to mention we inexplicably will not raise our ticket prices to make ourselves more revenue competitive and we are tied to this Cash to Cap policy and therefore won't spend the money other teams do to get all of the peices they need to compete.


    Outside of all of that, I think Buffalo is a "no-brainer". Who wouldn't want to coach here.

  2. If this season does anything, hopefully it keeps the fan base from reinvesting in the BS that gets shoveled their way! We have money we don't spend because of our "Cash to Cap" philosophy that could shore up skill positions. We could also afford better coaching, but we don't do it. We are trying to compete in the NFL with one arm tied behind our back and it is embarrassing.

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