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Posts posted by catsnbills

  1. I thought some of you were watching the USC game. Didn't you hear the announcers talking that Luck would stay in school if he was faced with playing in Buffalo. 100 per cent certain that he will stay in school if the Bills have the first pick. He's at Stanford. Edwards went to Stanford. His Dad played in the NFL. They are all smart people. There is no way he will allow himself to end up in Buffalo and go through what all of the other "never will be Kellys" have gone through. Keep dreaming, though, that is all Bills fans have!

  2. Buddy Nix is one of the great philanthropic humanitarians in the NFL. He has blessed both Trent Edwards and , now, Marshawn Lynch with tickets out of Buffalo. And he hardly even knew either of those guys, but he respected them enough to get them to teams that they will actually have fun playing for. He must just love California kids! And he has not asked for hardly anything in return. Both of those players had to be singing out loud, skipping and dancing to the airport. A first and third round pick, both of whom will be solid contributors, if not team leaders, on their new teams - and win games!. Buddy for sainthood! Buffalo should be proud of its GM!

  3. Put things in perspective people. Think back 3 years. Trent Edwards, who so many of you are bashing right now, dazzled us all in the pre-season, won the back-up job and came on in place of an injured Losman in game two of the season against New England - in Foxboro - and drove the team to a touchdown on his first possession in his second professional football game. He took over the starters role from there. Do you see Levi Brown capable of doing that right now? No friggin way! He is no where near that level. Edwards has what it takes to be a star in this league, Fitz is a proven intelligent journeyman while Brohm has potential. Brown was a good gamble with a 7th pick. It didn't work out. Move on. He seems like a great kid. Best of luck to him. The Bills don't have the luxury to waste a practice squad spot on him.

  4. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/100902






    We've already seen during pre-season what happens when Edwards has both time and playcalling behind him... he looks solid to me. Lets hope the regular season proves Mr. Simmons wrong. :)


    And why would Bills fans listen to a guy who dubs himself "The Boston Sports Guy"? He should go back to writing for Jimmy Kimmel, except that Jimmy didn't think he was very funny either! After the Bills whoop the Pats in week three, somebody remind him of that article!!

  5. He was a 7th round draft pick, do you honestly think anybody cares what Buffalo does, and what has Brown done to attract attention, zero (not saying he's played bad)


    Levi Brown is going on the practice squad in my opinion, one injury puts Fitz or Brohm on the field starting, two injuries, puts the back up in and Levi Brown is no where near ready to play.


    Brings back a memory from three years ago. Edwards comes in for Losman in just his second game of professional football and drives the team 80 yards for a touchdown in Foxboro. Remember how great Edwards looked in those pre-season games that season. Brown has looked like a fish out of water so far. He's not close to being in the same league as Edwards. Brown gets on the practice squad at best and may get cut if they don't want to carry three QBs on the active roster. Brohm and Fitz will stick to back up because with our sorry OL, no QB will last long. On that last point, I hope I am dead wrong.

  6. I was there for two sessions last week. There were about 3 idiot teenagers heckling Trent then too - probably the same 3 morons. I almost went down to tell them to shut up myself but had my family with me and decided not to.


    DARTH, normally I agree with your premise that the fans have a right to express their displeasure, but keep in mind this is a free practice session, not an actual game. The Bills could close the thing if people are disruptive - not saying they would or that it would be smart - I'm saying the fans' "right" in this case is not nearly so clear.


    As for your own tireless (and tiresome for the rest of us) obsessive whining about Edwards, honestly, think of something else - you've become an adjective and a punchline around here, rather than a valued contributor.


    Anyone who has watched them last fall or this summer can't really be serious thinking Edwards is worse than Brohm - certainly not so much so that heckling the team over the coach's choice makes any sense.



  7. with TE the starter we should know fo sho,if Trent is the guy by the end of the year. also prob get a good look at Brohm for a stretch while Trents hurt(we all know he will miss time) i like the idea of going into next year KNOWING if we have any qb talent on the roster. :worthy:

    Now that is typical Buffalo Bills fan mentality> THINKING ABOUT NEXT YEAR - Before this year has even started!?!?! Just maybe we might see a bunch of young guys gel and win some football games. At the very least, we could have some fun watching football THIS YEAR!!

  8. The perfect QB for you mindless Edwards bashers just became available yesterday. Why haven't the Bills picked him up yet? The Bills deserve a guy who can throw the ball deeper than anyone ever could, a guy who doesn't even know how to spell the word "checkdown", and a guy who will throw the ball to receivers all day long whether they are open or not. He is "Mr. Macho", the "Black Jim Kelly", a man with more confidence than you can imagine and he has never had a concussion. What are the Bills waiting for? J-Russ is the guy all of you bonehead Edwards bashers have been dreaming about.

  9. I have reason to believe this is your new head coach. I am not completely 100%, but would not post it in this manner if I did not think it was credible. There are no links for this information. I know it will be ugly if I am wrong, but I thought you would want the information.


    Could be as soon as tomorrow.


    My favorite quotes about Gailey:

    1) "He’s a solid football man. Alas, solid isn’t a synonym for “inspired.”"

    2) "He knows a lot about football. You could do worse than having him around. But you could also do better."

    3) "If he wasn’t quite the definition of mediocrity, he was close."

    4) "People hire him because he’s a nice fellow and he knows football, and then they dump him, as Jerry Jones did in Dallas after two playoff seasons, because he doesn’t inspire a team to higher heights."

    5) "...that’s Chan Gailey. At getting hired, he’s among the very best."



  10. Sometimes un-answered prayers are for the best? Now Cowher etal turning us down might be the best thing as our best option might be Frazier.


    We have a better overall secondary than the Vikes, can you immagine what we can be like if we can get a front 7 anything like the Vikings have with Frazier also calling the plays? We could end up with the best defense in the NFL!!!


    If frazier can bring in Al Saunders as the OC and Nix can finally find us a franchise QB....whew! :thumbsup:



    If your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle.


    You really need to quit posting.

  11. I really am not usually this pessimistic, but this is seriously bad.


    NOBODY wants this job!


    I understand the Bills taking their time - to an extent, but when half of the candidates that you want to

    talk to turn down the opportunity to even interview for what would be a promotion and big pay increase,

    you have to figure that SOMETHING is very BROKEN.


    At this point, whomever they hire will have no credibility from day 1 since he will obviously be a desperation

    hire. How will this desperation hire even put together a staff of assistants. Who will want to come work for

    the 15th or 16th choice of an organization?


    Do you think that Ralph and the boys have a contingency plan should NO ONE be willing to take the HC job? Jauron is still under contract???? Fewell and April will have already signed on with other teams. Maybe Owens can be hired back as a player-coach!!

  12. The Bills should have hired a fresh set of eyes at GM from another team that's actually built a Super Bowl Champion, but what's done is done. At least Nix has a strong resume. The Brandon promotion ticks me off, he should NOT be the CEO of the franchise which gives him final say on decisions, including those in the football department.


    First off, Brandon has been WAYYY overrated. There was nothing impressive about the TO signing. It sold tickets, so what? Anybody could have made a simple move like that. The Toronto thing is a joke, it was more Rogers throwing money around trying to get an NFL team. Brandon has done a terrible job making it successful and has been nothing short of embarrassing. And let's be honest, ticket sales are more about loyal fans trying to keep their team here, not genius marketing.


    That said, Brandon is a glorified used car salesman who got on Wilson's good side and was happy to pose in pictures with TO and be front and center in the offseason taking credit wherever he could, but once the team became an embarrassment vanished behind closed doors and took no accountability.


    Nix reporting to Brandon is laughable, a salesman with no football knowledge will have final say on all football decisions.


    That folks is the worst thing that could have happened, just next to Brandon playing make believe as a GM the last 2 years where the team has played the worst football seen in 20 years. In the end, I'm convinced they went with Nix because no serious outside GM/Coach would share power with a guy like Brandon. The Bills would have been better off dropping Brandon and going after serious GM.


    Ralph summed it up best himself: " We need a lot of luck".


    As you can tell by listening to him and looking at him; He doesn't know what the hell he is doing!!! He's throwing darts and hoping one sticks. Lets just hope that Nix makes a LUCKY coaching selection.

  13. Once Trent Edwards threw a touchdown so perfect the Miami Dolphins burst into flames. He was playing the Colts at the time.

    Once Jared Allen had a dream he sacked Trent Edwards. He woke up in a pool of urine with three broken fingers.


    Interesting post considering that Edwards and Allen were high school teammates. Edwards and Tully Banta-Cain also played in the same league in high school and Banta Cain never laid a hand on him in two meetings - unlike the debacle of a game this last weekend. His high school line was better than the Bills. God, lets hope he gets out of Buffalo and away from the sorry excuse for fans who have posted in this thread (with the exception of Dog and Positive, of course). The really sad part is that he loves Buffalo and their fans - but not the morons in this thread. I've got a hundred bucks that either Brohm or Hamdan doesn't finish this season either.

  14. So who watched the Indy game last night? If TE is Captain Checkdown, then Peyton must be the General. He threw just one ball deep all night. It was caught for a 65 yard TD. He checked down to the tight end and running backs all night long. Dink, Dink, Dink. Win!! One HUGE difference between him and Edwards --- Manning - 12 years in the NFL with ONE OC. Edwards - 5 head coaches and 6 OCs in 7 years of football since high school.


    And how about Jimbos comments yesterday:


    "... when you’re shorthanded on the offensive line due to injuries it compromises the effectiveness of Ryan Fitzpatrick. He’s dropping back and he doesn’t have an opportunity to read defensive coverages because his focus is drawn more to the defender that may not be blocked. As a quarterback you have to focus on the coverage, but when you don’t have time to do that it makes it real tough and your confidence level can take a hit.


    The thought process has to be a lot quicker for the signal caller and the receivers have to get into their routes quicker and the quarterback has to get rid of the ball quicker and eventually the entire timing of the offense is off and finding a rhythm in the passing game becomes near impossible. There hasn’t been a whole lot of comfort back there in that pocket."

    Did he selectively forget that Edwards played behind that OL also? Manning has TIME! Fittz has marginal talent. Edwards has tons of talent, but they need time.

  15. Moss and Owens are two peas in a pod.


    If you asked the Panthers what their game plan was, it's simple. They helped whoever was covering Randy Moss early in the game with a safety. Then, once he was frustrated, they no longer needed to. Because by then, it was Game Over for No. 81. "We knew he was going to shut it down," Panthers cornerback Chris Gamble told me after the game. "That's what we wanted to do him. That's what we did. ... He'd just give up a lot ... Slow down, he's not going deep, not trying to run a route. You can tell, his body language." Gamble continued ... "I know everyone who plays against him, they can sense that. Once you get into him in the beginning of the game, he shuts it down a little bit." (Boston Globe)



    Sounds a lot like Revis' comments about Owens. Both are capable of ruining a team in a hurry.

  16. The long ball?!?! How many were there yesterday? None, Nada, Zip. 3 catches by the wide receivers - all short throws. It isn't Edwards or Fitz. Last year against KC in the same stadium Edwards threw for 273 yards - 110 of them to Evans who had a 51 yard catch. He threw for 2 TDs and the "sissy boy" ran 2 TDs in with head long dives into the endzone. How soon we forget. It was not his fault McKelvin brain-farted or his fault that Parrish did the same. This season's debacle is not his fault and I agree that he gives the team the best chance to win this week.

  17. I am surprised that the obvious has not been presented in this thread. 1) Edwards is infinitely better than Fitz. 2) Wilson fired Jauron, hired Fewell and told him he was coach for 6 weeks and he had better throw the ball to TO. Fewell tells Fitz he is the starter as long as he throws the ball to TO. (what 15 times in his first start). Edwards has not lost this team, he has lost TO. So, who do you side with? Leave it to Buffalo to let a moron like Owens dictate their team chemistry. Bottom line: it was a front office decision and there in lies the problem. If a new GM with football acumen doesn't arrive soon after the season is over - the Bills future is over. The Owens experiment has failed miserably. Get Hardy some PT.

  18. And lets say that Brohm throws for 273 yards, completes 24 of 32 passes for two TDs and runs for 2 more TDs. Oh, wait a minute, those were Edwards numbers last year against the Chiefs in KC. What does that prove? It proves that if the Bills want their best chance to win this week they should be starting Edwards.

  19. Bills fans are unbelievable!! I posted before that the Bills won't ever get to the playoffs until Jim Kelly's ghost appears. Maybe I should add Marv and Thurman and Andre and the list goes on. QUIT CLINGING TO THE PAST!! MOVE ON!! Its no wonder there are only 300,000 of you left in Buffalo!! No one has anything better to do than sit at home and trash every player that the Bills have ever drafted since the 90s and compare everybody to past players. Haven't any of you figured out that it has been so long since the Bills were contenders that the current players don't have a clue who you are talking about when you mention all those names. Edwards was right when he said he was not a Bills fans, he was a Bills player. He and the other players are not living in the past with the rest of you. They are trying to win in the present. Leave them alone. Support them. Without the injuries, the poor head coaching, the lousy decisions by the "brass" and the "stupid plays" that Kyle Williams mentioned this week, this current group of players would be competing for a playoff spot right now!! Let them play.- And Edwards is the future of the Bills so watch out that he doesn't get traded to a team that appreciates his talents and comes back to haunt the Bills for years.

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