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Posts posted by BillsfaninBaltimore

  1. I also felt compelled to write this idiot after reading this story, Im tired of lazy sports writers bad mouthing Buffalo because its the best they can come up with on short notice. Here is my short e-mail exchange with him, to his credit he even responded.





    Mr. Pearlman,



    I have never once read an article you have written until today and clearly this will be the last. I am tired of know nothing sports writers who Google Buffalo or use Wikipedia as a reference for bad mouthing this city they know nothing about. Bruce Mathison? Really?? that's the best you could do, the guy couldn't sling a football even in the best of conditions. Why didn't you use one of the dozens ex-bills who live in this area because they fell in love with it after living her for a while. I assume that's because it wouldn't have made for as "good" a story, what a joke.


    I moved away from this city for 10 years because of the economy here but recently came back because its an amazing place to raise a family. Buffalo might not offer the crazy nightlife of larger cities but more than make up for it in my book with other things. Incredible theaters,museums, great schools, low cost of living, 4 beautiful seasons and yes, the people. Bruce Mathison said the people are different here, he's right- they are polite, concerned about others and have a sense of community that a place like San Diego or likely any other place in California wouldn't understand and I'm certain neither would you. The people here care more about this 0-7 team than anyone in San Diego gives a hoot about a bunch of underachieving do-nothings that they have in the Chargers as evidenced by the fact that the Bills still out-draw them at the gates.


    Get off your high horse and do some real sports reporting instead of recyling the same old bash buffalo routine because its cold and snowy in the winter time. Don't take my word for it, why don't you get out of you office and make a trip up here and see for yourself how wrong you really are or at the very least check this out

    , oh and you can feel free to quote me when you recant your garbage article that somehow your editor let you post.





    Sean Stuart

    "Proud Buffalo Resident"





    and this was his response






    Thank you very much for taking the time to write. Hugely appreciated.


    The column was written tongue in cheek. I very much like Buffalo. Nice city, great people.


    Most people seemed to get the sarcasm. I apologize if I offended. Not my intent.


    Best, and thanks for writing in. It is appreciated.







    my final e-mail to him:



    Just need to get it off my chest i guess, thinly veiled sarcasm at best though Jeff.....glad that you acknowledged the e-mail , nice to see.






    What a tool

  2. Take a look at the Denver Bronco's, last year they were the reason Shanahan was fired,they were horrid and almost last in every category . This year under new DC Mike Nolan they are the # ONE defense in the NFL with basically the same personnel. This year the Bronco's are 4-0 with Kyle Orton as the QB :blink:



    Conversely, look at the Titans. They had the best record in the NFL last season and although they lost a star player in Albert Haynsworth, the only other major change on the team was the lost their defensive coordinator and the defense went from one of the best to #22 overall, and look worse then that. Last in the NFL in pass defense, and 0-4.


    So yea, coaching can make a huge difference.



    This post warrants my very first reply: Brilliant point....

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