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Posts posted by Headwest

  1. Or maybe they're just terrible candidates.


    Whats more believable, a vast left-wing conspiracy to destroy the right, or a few people not being fit for president? It's a small sample size, but there really isn't a viable presidential candidate in the group for a variety of reasons.


    I don't know.....there were a whole lot of liberals extremely concerned about Cain's "victims" a week or two ago. Since Cain went down a few points their concern for the "victims" seemed to have disappeared. And now Newts consulting fees are driving the news, the same fess that have been known about and have not been a concern for years.

  2. And here the BBMB conservatives thought they were the only ones to hop on the refugee boat....


    Turns out ol' Lar and was creeping Max Cady-style while you were drinking your snifters of brandy laughing at the poor and unfortunate.


    To new people: Hi, I'm Larry. Badger thinks I'm full of ****, Oxie goes back and forth but generally thinks I'm hope less, Koko sometimes gets mad at me but is a good guy, Buffeast (Headwest?) doesn't hate me (I don't think) and B-Large is my moderate friend.


    I'm a liberal....very much so. But its rare that you'll see me float the idea that all conservatives/teapartiers/white people are racists. I give everyone their chance to speak their mind, I'm just not shy when it comes to disagreeing and arguing for my liberal points.


    Pleasure to meet you all....this will be fun. Thanks mods for approval.


    I thought we agreed to give Larry directions to the billieve site?







  3. Great to have some new blood in the water. If at all possible, we hope you will take the time to discuss topics here that never seem to get enough play. Allow me to list some possible thread titles:


    • Global Cooling Warming Change is real and caused by man. (If possible, provide charts from people who say 50 years of cooling/warming/change patterns justifies thousands of years of trending.)
    • Unions Are A Critical Component of the Global Economy.
    • Teabaggers are racists.
    • The problem with Obamacare is it doesn't include a single payer plan.
    • The Recovery Act really did work.


    Feel free to add your own.

    ACORN is/was just a completely legitimate social club?
  4. Why do that when you can make a fresh start here.


    You know, like the Mickey/dik smub/.../elegantelliot/Steely/conner persona that continually haunts this board. And when he becomes a laughingstock, disappears then reappears under a new name... but without a new schtick.

    There were some long standing 'discussions' in progress over there. A winner has yet to be decided!!
  5. Hey all, the Mods over at Bills.com have closed the Politics forum, so there may be a lot of new posters here from over there. Let me/us know who you are!


    Looking forward to debating Politics with a new group of posters.

    Hey WC, I was BUFFEAST over there, already had this name here. Anyone else coming over with a different name let us know who you were there
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