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Posts posted by dajari9

  1. Rarely post, but constant reader...34 years old and really became a Bills fan during 88 AFC championship game vs. the Bengals and fell in love during the 89 Wild Card loss season vs the Browns (Ronnie F'ing Harmon).


    In my opinion we are once again building something and when Gilmore and McKelvin come back our secondary will be as good as the Jets with Revis and Cromartie of a few years ago. That along with our good front 7 will let our D keep us in every game. CJ has yet to really show up and EJ is only going to get better. When we're able to sustain drives our offensive weapons will start to really show up (Stevie, Woods and Graham). 8-8 is my prediction but if we can steal a game in Cleveland Thursday night 9-7 or 10-6 is possible if the offense continues to improve.


    Go Bills!


  2. It's really tough to be a Bills fan. F$ck me. We should all be used to losses like this by now, but it still hurts every time. Don't mind the play calling - it was actually great for the most part. Fitz execution down the strectch was piss poor...first the INT and then throwing short when you have to drive into FG range to win the game. Don't get me started on the "D"


    This team is cursed...

  3. So excited for tomorrow! Was at a wedding in NJ last weekend (Jets Country) and it hurt. Got Sunday Ticket online at my house outside Philadelphia - 33 years old watching my first game with my 2 month old son tomorrow!!! Hope to introduce him to bills fandom with a"W"


    Born at Strong Memorial in Rochester - raised in Farmington and Spencerport - transport to Philly back in 95'.



    I'm not nearly so fussy. Any kind of a win would cut it for me - just so's we do it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again (at a minimum)


    Agreed. Just bought Sunday Ticket (online) and if I see a 3-0 win I'll be fine. 1-1 looks a hellavu lot better than 0-2. Teams arent at their peek until week 5 or 6 until then a "w" is a "w"

  5. With the last preseason game behind us, and the regular season quickly approaching, I thought I'd see what people who live out-of-town will be doing for Bills games this year. I had to move near Philadelphia for work, so I'll be heading to the Bills Backers Bar called McFaddens in center city each week. What kinds of traditions do other people have for the games? Local Bills Backers Bar? Sit at home with Sunday Ticket? Meet up with other Bills fans in the area at someone's place?


    Maybe this thread can be used for people who recently moved to meet up with other Bills fans. Have at it!



    I actually live outside of Philly as well (Ardmore), was born and raised in Ra-cha-cha but have been here for awhile. I didn't know McFadden's was a Bills Backer Bar. I heard Public House (in the city) was one as well.


    A buddy of mine (Steelers Fan) has the Sunday ticket and we usually set up two TV's so we can watch both games at the same time. If the Bills start playing really well, I would love to meet up with some other fans in Philly and root together. One can only hope.

  6. A couple of people beat me to the punch (not that I post very often, just read) but McFadden was considered a bust after his first couple of years and is now a STUD. Spiller will be fine and the Bills will be much improved this year. If we had a young "franchise" QB a la the Browns or Rams, the talking heads would be a lot higher on the Bills right now. Unfortunatley, Fitzpatrick doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. I heard on SportsCenter last night they called him Fitzgerald for crying out loud.


    Winning Week 1 vs. KC would be huge...and a give us a great shot at starting out 2-0 going into the NE game.

  7. I happened to catch that talk on the Bills starting with the interview with Stevie Johnson too...


    Why does no one on NFL network ever mention the hiring of Wanndstadt and the possiblities of 34/43 hybrid defense? At least Mooooooose didn't keep on piling on the Bills - actually gave George Edwards some props from their days together with the Cowboys.

  8. Yeah, the national media really doesn't really pay attention to the Bills day-to-day and you can't blame them. The Bills were right switching back to the 4-3 - Insanity is failing, but not changing anything. Maybe Merriman will help the cause, now they have a legit outside LB in the 3-4...Poz and Davis aren't horrible...maybe give Maybin a shot to play on the other side with his boy in the fold now???

  9. I agree Maxx...Gailey even said he's hoping to have Bryd back by Week 1 - that doesn't sound like he expects him to be out for that long at all. I also would expect Lynch and Jackson to be available for Week 1.


    I've been a Bills fan for over 20 years (wow, I'm getting old) now, living in Philadelphia for the past 15 - I will agree that the Bills have given us little to cheer about for the last decade or so but the pessimism on this board is too much to take sometimes. All most of you do is piss and moan about anything you can - which is your right - but why do you have to put someone down when they come up with an optimistic view??? Some of you take it so far that you'll tear another poster down because they used poor punctuation or sentence structure - it's a message board for christ sake not english class.

  10. ...Trent Edwards is a good QB retarded by a previously bad coaching staff? What if he's even Jay Fiedler from the Dolphins Offensive teams Gailey used to run...Jay f-ing Fiedler went the the playoffs multiple times...TE is at least as good as J-freaking-Fiedler


    ...A Healthy Offensive Line is just as good as we hoped last year? (Bell could be good, Leivtre could be Will Wolford, Hangartner is adequate if not solid, Eric Wood could be Jim Richter, Cornell Green could be Cornell Grenn)


    ...Three Stud running backs and or slot guys should be utilized (Lynch, Jackson, Spiller)


    ...Lee Evans is finally Lee Evans


    ...Roscoe Parrish is the amazing slot guy we always thought he could be


    ...James Hardy, Stevie Johnson, Shawn Nelson are three good young recievers



    ...The whole Defense is as bad ass as they could possibly be...


    ...Dwan, Williams, Stroud (Johnson, Troup, Carrington)


    ... Maybin, Pozluzny, Davis, Mitchell (Kelsey, Ellis, Ellison)


    ...McGee, Whitner, Byrd, McKelvin (Corner, Florence, Wilson)


    Who whoulda thunk the Falcons would be good 2 years ago? Who woulda thunk that the Dolphins would win the AFC East 2 years ago?


    We don't have any flashy names, but what if Gailey is the new Marv, what if Nix is the new Polian? It happened before, and it could happen again.


    It's going to take a miracle, but this team could Gel and be pretty bad ass...I hope so.


    Yes, I've been drinking...heavily...but you never know

  11. where do these comments comes from?


    This team is awful, top to bottom, so one of our QB plays well and we get a LT from someone else and we're competitive....based on what?


    We have no idea if this coaching staff knows what they are doing. We have no WR to speak of. We have 1 football and 3 RB fighting for it, we have a brand new defensive skeem coming in and do we have the personal to actually run the 3-4. Can our OLB actually play the position since they were all DE in a 4-3? So many questions and a what if leads to, can we make the playoffs?


    The real question is can we prevent yet another losing season? Can we win a game within our division? Can we play in a meaningful game come November, let alone December. And lastly, does anyone really think the Bills will trade for Gaither? If we do, I bet we finish with one of the 3 worst records in the league and wasted a super high 2nd rounder.


    Offer a 4th in 2011 and a 3rd in 2012 that can be upgraded to a 2nd.


    Nice Optimism on a Saturday Morning in May...if you're going to be a total buzz kill at least spell "scheme" right. Did you learn that at skool? Go Bills!

  12. Luck's throwing motion reminds me of Jim Kelly's a little bit. He's got good form and a good arm...he looks like a starting NFL QB (just needs to add some bulk). I would be thrilled if we got lucky and landed "luck" in next years draft.


    (Don't post often...my horrible pun is one reason why)

  13. Here we go again with the Stadium Wall snobs getting all upset about somebody posting a topic that has already been discussed. You guys ought to lighten up. Believe it or not, there are an awful lot of Bills fans out there who don't check this board 20 times a day. Grow up please... If you are too cool to read a topic again, don't read it, but your smug comments do nothing but display your ignorance.


    Agreed - Right on Muddy

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