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please stop the pain

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Posts posted by please stop the pain

  1. I don't understand how next year's 1st round pick keeps being transmuted into being "like a 2nd round pick".


    Unless every other team has traded away next year's 1st round pick and due to some unusual coincidence every team somehow misplaces them. In this case I would assume that the first round would be skipped and they start in the second round. That would make next year's 1st round pick like a 2nd round pick......wait this makes absolutely no sense either.


    2nd try: No one at any position in the 1st 32 picks next year would benefit our team at all because they will suck so bad, so I will be ever so happy that the Bills won't have one of those losers on the team next year.


    I hope the bills turn out to be smarter than I think they are.

  2. In the pre-season when defense played "vanilla" they gave up lots of yards to RB's. I really don't see how the Bill's defensive personel has improved over last year. Injuries to Byrd and Gilmore surely make matters worse. I hope Alanzo is an improvement at LB, but that is still somewhat unproven.

    My fear: Front 4 and LB's can't stop the run, DB's can't cover. O-line is worse, QB is a rookie

    I would so like to be pleasantly suprised........ I'm usually not so negative, but I have gotten my hopes up every year about new players and schemes etc.

  3. I appreciated having Evans in Buffalo. In his time here he was one of the Bills better receivers. Speed was his forte. Now we have 2 receivers (Easley and Graham) who I believe may be comperable in this area. If the purpose of bringing him back is to stretch the field, and the knocks on him are that he is a 'one trick pony'...wouldn't that make graham a more than adequate replacement. I believe that has been the critique on Graham. When i look at them in this light, I prefer the younger player who may well improve with coaching and experience rather than Evans who may be on the decline.

  4. 2 things: First if it is a union, than no way in hell will they agree to performance-based evaluations. Second; I am really excited about the coming year and have high hopes for the Bills this year. I would really appreciate it if all problems are resolved in the off season. third of two: I wonder if replacement refs could be bribed.


    Could they use refs from the lingerie football league. (only if they were scantily-clad buxom women!)

  5. ok let me explain this again :wallbash: We make exactly the same amount of money. Sure you make 15 mil a year, but you have to play 5 more games than I do.



    Have you seen the weather in Buffalo? No way am I gonna be playing there in January.

  6. I don't get it. The most "egregious example", Nate Irving is supposed to have been signed for far too little money. It is then stated he finished the year with 4 tackles. I hardly think this is worth the $47,000 extra dollars he could have signed for. The article also states they should be getting as much as possible as their tenure may be very short in the league. I believe they should be paid more if they are good and effective. I am a strong believer in incentives in contracts. More money if you earn it. If I owned a roofing company, I wouldn't want to pay first year guys more simply because they might not work out or fall off the roof and not be able to work again.

  7. I cannot imagine the Bills using a roster spot on a specialist kicker. Hell their 3rd qb is a receiver. I think the current staff like the ability to have a lot of fresh bodies to rotate, and don't want to expose all their prospects by putting them on the practice squad

  8. How about our 1st for Bowe and KC's 1st this year, and their 1st and 2nd next year. I would go for that, what do you think? LOL

    I swear to god this was the only reasonable idea in the entire post. I am not a floyd fan, but if we have to choose a receiver, than how about only using 1 pick to do so. IMO the Bills are not so desperate for another receiver. This wouldn't just be using multiple picks on 1 guy (who is already making a crapload of money and holding out for more), but this takes away picks the Bills need to use to address other needs. Do the Bills need another #1 receiver instead of a receiver and a linebacker?? Hell, receiver seems to be the only deep position in the draft, and in recent years, I believe they have done well choosing receiving options in later rounds.

  9. Doug Flutie was picked in 11th round. He went on to star in the CFL. Went to NFL pro bowl one year with Buffalo. Great cereal! I want breakfast. Other than that Moore sounds like a nice later-round option to replace Thigpen. Eventually, most backups get a chance to play and sometimes show that they have the ability to get wins regardless of their height. Like Flutie did at Buffalo. Full circle back to breakfast. Seriously Buffalo needs a better backup than Thigpen or God Forbid Brad Smith (imagine that passing attack) Other needs first. 4th round or later if he is there

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong (don't worry, you won't have to), but did you just make a big deal out of signing a back-up quarterback???? Sorry about the multiple ?'s but it was the trembling in my extremities caused by (laughing at you) the terror of your new backup and what he can do. It's like the 2nd coming (clever biblical refrence) of famous JEts(?) backup Brad Smith. Wait isn't he our 3rd string quarterback? I'm sorry, but I'm confused. Could you please explain what the heck you are talking about?

  11. I have always liked Roscoe: Speed, willingness to go over the middle, good hands (mostly!), and several touchdowns on returns (3).

    BUT: only 2 games last year and 8 the year before. Someone mentioned David Nelson taking over his spot. 6'5" target coming across the middle, and listed at 215 lbs. There is a bigger younger option. He already has more receiving touchdowns in his 2 years in the league than Roscoe and in 2010 had 353 receiving yards and 2011 had 658. 2010, Roscoe's best year he had 400 yards before being hurt. Like I said I like Roscoe, but since we have plenty of return options, and a proven replacement I'm ok seeing him go. Signing Roscoe as depth??? Maybe, but the Bills could use that roster spot to give someone like Kamir Aiken or Marcus Easley some experience.

  12. Most of the time when I turn away from WGR it is because those morons are talking. and talking. and talking. I don't mind hearing "OK" 30 times in an hour. What I do mind hearing over and over is shopp and bulldog re-stating their points. Or deliberately missing a caller's point, talking over them to re-state their original point. And they don't think people turn the station when they talk about such things as a "soup draft" or some other such silliness.

  13. First: I think we should all agree on what qualities a player needs to demonstrate over a set period of time to qualify to carry another player's jockstrap. For example would ranking in the top/bottom 20% at your position be a reasonable criteria, or would a winning smile and big feet be enough?

    Second: How does a person qualify to have theirs carried? Is it a honor thing or a punishment. Is this a pre or post practice jockstrap?


    I was going to suggest criteria to post here, but I probably would qualify unless the criteria is: "hey, I forgot to take my medications and I have something crazy to say!" Now everyone can argue, call names and correct grammar. (have I enticingly dangled a participle? I can't even remember what that means)

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