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Hey Hey

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Posts posted by Hey Hey

  1. I'm assuming Mario Williams is trying as hard as he can. But here's a little perspective. If he stays for the full length of his contract, you would have had to work at a $48,000/year job since the time of Jesus Christ in order to pay him in full. So, do you think he'll eventually be worth it?


    Sounds like we got a hell of a deal

  2. I'm not saying this for sympathy (ok,maybe a little would be nice. Lol!) but because here I am, fresh from a mild heart attack, laying in a hospital bed with a ton of time (hopefully!) on my hands and guess what I'm mostly thinking about? These stinking Buffalo Bills and their upcoming season! And here's the kicker. I know that most of you maniacs out there would be doing the exact same thing! I have come to the conclusion that we are a bunch of sick bastards (literally) to be a Bills' fan. Here's a franchise that hasn't accomplished **** in well over a decade and here I am eternally optimistic about the upcoming season.......again, like the past several years! Lol! I hope this post comes off right and that it's not misinterpreted. I really love this team/franchise for just about the past 4 decades and I can hardly contain my excitement for the upcoming season, I'm hoping and expecting a BIG year for our beloved Bills!


    Anyways, here's the silver lining to my ****ty situation. I haven't been able to get into or follow the path of the Bills for about a year now like I have in the past due to what's been going on in my life, which in turn has probably contributed heavily to my current situation but now I can lie here and do ALL the reading and research that a die hard Bills' fan would love to do. So I guess that this is a fair warning to everyone to brace themselves for all my wild predictions, prognostications and speculations on the upcoming draft! Lol! I'd like to ask for a mulligan and not have everyone blast me because it will be coming from my best intentions, passion and love for this crazy !@#$ing franchise that I got trapped with almost 40 years ago.


    One last thing.


    Go Bills!

    Get better brother! I know how you feel about these Bills. Keep the faith and have a speedy recovery.

  3. There's lots of good debate on this board about who to draft, who should be the backup QB, etc. But, everyone should watch this video I found on YouTube and get pumped up for the draft and upcoming season. The off season is long, but this shows the good things to come!



    If anyone from the bills organization is on this site tell whoever you need to tell that should be on the jumbotron before the games.

  4. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article719758.ece?twobillsdrive


    This is a great read. When players making millions can't give an autograph without charging and he does this I say class act. In my book anyways. The article goes on to tell how he flipped the bill when someone in front of him in line had grocerys and a TV. How bout we follow his example and do the same on the scale we can afford. Give it a try people, you will feel good. If you see someone that has a handfull of kids pulling out change to buy milk buy it for them. Ive been there before ( both sides of the issue) and it will make your day to help. Good day to all.

    Agreed. Nothing but love for Stevie. I hope he remains a Bill. The guy loves the City and the team. You don't see that much these days it seems to be more about the money and other things like nightlife and weather. He wants to be a Bill and I want him to be a Bill.

  5. Yeah, I'm a Republican but I am very happy with Cuomo so far. He'll have my vote next time, if he's not onto the national ticket by then..........He really seems to have Upstate's back unlike any other governor in memory.

    Amen, Governor has my vote now as well. Don't care if the taxes go up. Keep the Bills in WNY

  6. Much like the Canadian Geese every fall infiltrate the skyways of the Eastern seaboard on their trip South, the Bills have plummeted out of playoff contention, I will admit slightly later than normal, but even the geese need to reprogram for anomalies like global warming. Once again, this fabulous forum has shifted focus to the draft and free agency, with a diatribe every now and then on the front office and coaching changes.


    Ladies and gentlemen, we are simply fooling ourselves if things are going to change with the Bills Organization. As I stated before, the wrong Wilson past away this past week (RIP, Allen, quality human being and kudos to Peter King for giving national recognition to this man). I have followed this website for many years and, believe me, there is collectively better football knowledge on this forum then there is in the front office at One Bills Drive (should change the name to “Last” Bills Drive as we seem to perpetually occupy that space in the AFC East). The annual cycle goes something like this: they interview interesting front office candidates only to settle on some internal up and comer, might as well be from the janitorial staff, free agency begins and they sign “has-beens” looking for a new start, reclamation projects to sell tickets, and/or gadget players, then the collegiate draft comes and with a single digit first round selection “Joe” head scratcher, and finally, they pump out news clips during training camp about how some game day bust has come out of off-season workouts quicker, faster, and stronger only to revert to prior form once the season kicks off. In line with this Bills annual ecosystem, this board’s initial reaction, usually the correct one, is here we go again with this nonsense only to gradually embrace these annual gaffes as time passes and optimist on the website start persuading with the glass is half full view points.


    Respectively, do yourselves a favor and hark back to the day Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey were each signed to contracts; honestly recall your individual reactions. If I recall, visions of grandeur (e.g. Cowher, Shanahan, Shottenheimer etc.) only to come crashing back to earth with Nix and Gailey, frankly Gailey is the Ying to Jauron’s Yang! Gradually and collectively the TBD warmed up to these C grade actors and we certainly have been fooled again for this stupidity. Can any genius point to progress made during this latest two year regime? First they draft a running back, arguably the deepest roster position they inherited, then they sign a bunch of clowns during FA, Gailey determines that Edwards beats out Fitzpatrick during camp only to reverse course 4 games into the season, and finally they proceed to go 4 & 12 earning the 3rd pick in the draft. Basically more of the same in year two, Dareus will be okay, but I do recall Nix stating Von Miller was not high on the Bills draft chart, only the most urgent need on the roster; we are talking about a GM whose rolodex consists basically of San Diego Charger cast offs and free agents from Georgia Tech, that tremendous ACC football powerhouse. Injuries continue to rack up (believe me, a sure sign that this team is getting physically pounded each and every time they take the field (basically undersized and/or inferior athletes), draft picks continue to disappoint, what free agents?, the defense has regressed and that was priority one in Nix’s first offseason, and they continue to loss (okay, they will win one more game this year over last; let me buy Gailey and Nix Cohebas and Johnny Walker Blue for that tremendous accomplishment).


    So continue to entertain me with interesting off season dreams and logical visions on what the team needs to do, but be prepared for more of the same!


    You sir just summed it up! Well done and I don't think you left anything out. Status quo in Orchard Park.......

  7. I've been to about 50 games including a Monday Night game. Sunday's Patriots game was as loud as I've ever heard the stadium. I'm not old enought to have experienced a home playoff game in the 90's. Can anyone compare the noise and atmosphere from our glory days to Sunday? This was the most fun I've ever had at a game. Freddy waving the flag after, the noise, and the win. Man that was awesome.

  8. A few notables made their Buffalo debuts in 2001:


    Nate Clements - gone.

    Travis Henry - gone.

    New uniforms - as of tomorrow, gone.

    Aaron Schobel - Finally. Officially. Gone.

    Brian Moorman - not gone.


    Ten years later, and the B-man has given some groovy times. Fans got a kick out of buying his jersey ironically. He was great for the community. And he was an all around super nice guy.


    But it's been ten years. Tomorrow's new uniforms will officially usher out an era--a sad, self-destructing, playoffless era. A decade of despair.


    There's but one Bill who strapped on a uniform for each and everyone of those 160 soul shattering **** bombs. Brian Moorman.


    It's time we close this chapter. Slam the book shut, and throw it in the fire.


    Brian Moorman has got to go.


    Not just to satisfy some silly superstition, no.


    He should be cut because he had a genuinely ****ty season last year AND because it would satisfy some silly superstition (and we Bills fans eat that **** up).


    Besides, I'm getting tired of the nice guys and the moral victories and all that ****. I'm not saying we have to get a cop killer back there to punt the ball, but part of me thinks it would be really cool if we did.


    Especially if the cop killer managed to crack the top-20 in ANY meaningful punting statistic, something Moorman failed to do in 2010.


    I am so jazzed to see the new uniforms tomorrow. I love the fact that Marcel Dareus will be the first first rounder to squeeze into one. The first first rounder to don the old ones, Nate Clements.


    We've ditched the backfield for the trenches. It's time we swap the nice-guy with the cop killer, or any other competent punter.


    Yes, Moorman has put up some great numbers.

    He's been a community icon.

    He's been Mr. Reliable


    But Christ. He's a punter. Are his contributions reeeeeally irreplaceable? Can we stop being so damn proud to call our punter our best player?


    Which would you rather have: more of the same, or a fresh new start?


    A new era begins tomorrow.

    So you think it would be cool if we had a "cop killer" on the team. It's people like you that give us Bills fans a bad name sometimes. Pick your words a little more wisely. WOW. Some of us happen to be "cops".

  9. The problem with Maybin is he has no football ability. He is just not a very good football player. I do not care how big he gets or how much faster he gets, that is not going to change. I will be shocked if he makes it out of camp this year.

    WTF is he doing pilates and cardio. Why doesn't this kid hire a nutritionist and trainer to follow his a$$ around everywhere. Get bigger damn it. Spend less time tweeting and more time lifting. Cut him he he isn't able to contribute by Week 1.

  10. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/667927-2011-nfl-draft-buffalo-bills-wont-select-cam-newton-because-he-is-black




    My favourite bit is this


    Buffalo has passed on many different black quarterbacks over the years including Donovan McNabb, Michael Vick, David Garrard, Tavaris Jackson, Josh Johnson just to name a few and if this crazy notion is true then the Buffalo Bills will also pass on QB, Cam Newton.


    They also passed on Tom Brady, Brett Favre and Drew Brees.

    What an absolute load of %$it this is. We pass on all good players regardless of color. Is Aaron Maybin white. Hell he could be orange but he would still suck. Terrible article with no merit or substance other than an ignorant opinion.

  11. How about a full body tattoo of the Bills War Room on April 25, 2009, with Modrak and Brandon and Jauron standing next to the draft board as Jauron points to Maybin's name that is shown ranked ahead of Orakpo and Cushing and Matthews? That would be pretty hardcore, IMO.

    HA! That's awesome. One hell of a memory thanks.

  12. Don't understand the Brady hate

    Holy ****! Are you on the right site? Brady is a cocky, pompus, and arrogant D-bag. I love to see him cry. Thank you for posting the video of Tommy crying. I feel really bad for him. You think he will weep when Von Miller unloads on him?


    Someone on this board said it well once. "I have to appreciate his talent as a QB, at the same time, I hope he gets hit by a bus."

    Well said! I can't stop laughing and it's so true.

  13. Agreed!! We need to get over Kelly - I am so sick of hearing about him. To tell the truth I started forgetting about him the day Reich played Houston.

    We need to get over Kelly? Are you serious? I'm trying to get over the last decade. This guy has stayed true to Buffalo and defines everything that is Buffalo Bills football. Go lay down.

  14. I'm a Bills fan living in New England, I was driving to work today, when I heard former Pats Qb Scott Zolak taking to Carl Banks on his radio show, Zolak was talking about how terrible the old Meadow Lands stadium was. He then went on to say that Buffalo by far the worst place to ever play. I didn't get the impression he was talking about the fans or the weather. It seems he was bashing the Ralph. Banks sort of agreed. I've been a season ticket holder for the Bills for many many year, I've traveled to Buffalo frequently for the last 10 years for games. I've been to 4-5 other nfl stadiums. Other then not having a bunch of fancy consession stands, (which I thought no really cares about after 3 hours of tail gating), I also thought the Ralph was ok.


    Has anyone else ever heard the anything else bad about the Ralph. The field seem well maintained, they changed the turf 2 or 3 times in the last 10 years to stay updated. I've never heard anything bad about the locker rooms or training areas. Has anyone else heard anything?

    I never had a problem with the Ralph but this season I saw a game in Arizona. That stadium is incredible. It's clean and the food and drink options are great. With that said I will take the Ralph as is to keep the bills in buffalo.

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