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Posts posted by DerrickO

  1. I was 17 and a senior in H.S. I only wish that I had enough money for season tickets back then and could have went to some playoff games at Rich Stadium. You're right, the Bills were really stacked with talent back then.

    I was also 17 and a senior in high school. It hurt so bad after that game......I still can't watch that game when it's on the NFL network. If only Hostetler fumbled the ball when Bruce had his arm. I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow what a stupid comment. What evidence do you have to back this up?

    I hope you are only kidding.......if not than you are the one that is truly stupid.

    I have been around sports and pro athletes most of my life. When the big money is involved most of them have to do so just to be able to compete.

  3. My thoughts exactly, gents.


    He slipped from a 7 to a 6.5 from me because of the second pick. Not the worst throw in the world, certainly not a dumb play, but he set that one up throughout the game. A great play from the CB, but sort of a no-brainer up to that point.


    I agree. I was pretty pleased until that last pick. For the most part he didn't throw any bad passes. Not to bad for only being there for 4 weeks and that great line we have.

  4. Thank god, I was getting a shiver down my spine with all the accolades to Fitzpatrick / Fewell...


    We should give Brian Brohm a 3 game tryout before we closeout this miserable year and this also re-proved that the Bills do need to start from scratch and don't have their head coach or QB among those who have played this year. I don't have a clue or opinion on Brian Brohm, but would like to see him in 2-3 games this year to see what he's got.


    I am with you 100%. I would love to see Brohm in there before the end of the season. I think Fewells defense speaks for itself. This guy is not the answer for head coach.

  5. Good point..I think he has done a great job motivating and getting the players ready...but what happens when he has to coach against the big dogs...not saying he hasnt done a good job...just not sold yet. And I think this team needs fresh faces from top to bottom. I do appreciate your opinion.

    let's see what he does with those final 3 games of the season.

  6. I'm with you 100%. I'm shocked at the number of people on this board who actually came away from yesterdays game thinkin Poz played a good game. With the exception of the forced fumble Poz was once again a below average, slow, oops I went the wrong way, oops I slipped at the goal line.....Linebacker. He's a liabiltiy in coverage, he's a liability when he's asked to blitz, he's a liabilitty when he's one on one vs. a TE or a RB, and he's a liability when he does make tackles because he's usually dreagged forward for another 2-3 yards. At best he's slightly below average, and for a guy that most think is one of our top defenders, that's pretty bad.

    Thank God someone has some balls. If we settle for below average players than we will always be a below average team.

  7. Pay attention next time and learn something about football. In the meantime, STFU. :lol::nana:

    Everyone needs to expect much more from our players. This is why we suck. If they make one good play every once in a while everyone seems to think they are great. If a good coach comes in don't expect to see many of these guys around anymore. We need a complete overhall on both sides of the ball. That is why we are what we are.......3-7. Stop defending a team that can't win. Most of these guys would not even start anyplace else.

  8. Just read on the nfl website that Edwards is clear to play and will vs Tenn. No surprises here after the display vs Houston, Maybe this time off to reflect will put him back to pre 2008 concussion play?

    Well this is it for him. The second half of the season he is playing for his future.

    This will determine once and for all if he is the guy......maybe he will surprise us.

    Or he will get another concussion.

  9. But the point about trading him might still be a good idea......


    It all depends on what we could get for him.......

    I would love to trade him. He is a piece of ****.

    We could use him to move up in the draft because you know were going to go 7-9 and have a 10 0r 11 pick.

  10. During Dick's tenure, there's always been a point in the season where the Bills eventually become unwatchable and make you stop caring about them. Seemingly that moment comes earlier and earlier every season he's been here. After only bothering to watch a grand total of about 10-15 assorted minutes of today's game, Jauron has surpassed a personal best by getting me to tune out this team right in the middle of Week 4.

    Congratulations Dick! You're the best!!!


    I like to watch the whole thing.I love to put myself through the misery because when we do win it will feel a lot better.

    Dick and Trent should not even get on the plane.

  11. If this happens next week dickhead should be fired the next day or after the game.

    This guy has no emotion and it shows in the team.All we need to do is look at the Jets and see

    how this plays a big part.The only guy with any fire is Bobby April.Put him in charge the rest of the way and see

    what happens.

  12. I have got to hand it to Owens.He is really keeping his cool even when the reporters are trying to start some ****.

    If he does blow up I do not blame him.Is he even in the game plan?

    I would love to see him go up to one of those smart ass reporters and punch him in the face.

  13. I love that people are ready to pack it in BEFORE the damn season starts. Listen, we ridded ourselves of dead weight. Langston Walker being the HEAVIEST of that dead weight. Comedy aside, Turk=terrible, Walker=Fat turd with average skills, Rhodes=average for his price tag. But I am here to talk OFFENSIVE LINE.....to the so-called "experts" who are complaining about our BLOWN UP offensive line. Well, I don't know about you, but this is exactly what I have been waiting for. I am so sick of the Panos, Teague, Villarrial, Ben Anderson, Gandy, Fowler, Reyes, Walker, Dockery, Whittle's of the world...... Now THIS is a commitment to the line....5 young guys jelling TOGETHER!! You can take my season tickets



    I hope you are right buddy.I am sick and tired of the bull sh-- the last 3 years.

    All this talent and we play below 500 footbal every year.I have a ticket to see them play the Texans november 1st.

    I will be taking the trip by myself 6 hours.I don't want it to be a waste!!!

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