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Posts posted by kooshari

  1. What, This letter?


    Dear Mr. Mike Schopp;


    I am writing to you with hushed excitement, being barely able to control my excitement at the tremendous scoop I have for you.

    Are you ready for this bombshell? I heard from a friend of mine, that they saw someone in the mens room at the game who told him FOR CERTAIN that he saw Mike Williams - yes - THAT Mike Williams getting out of his car in the parking lot at twelve noon, and get this... he was FULLY DRESSED in his UNIFORM!


    What have The Bills come to when they allow a player to drive to a game and not get dressed in the locker room with his other teammates? What is he - bashful, or is this just another example of Marrone losing the team to another locker room cancer? I'll let YOU decide, Mr. Schopp.




    Prissy Bills Fan



    PS - I think you're WONDERFUL Mr. Schopp!




    Hmmm. That letter looks suspicious to me. I'm calling bogus.

  2. It isn't that the Bills lost. Its how they lost. This team talks like they are a playoff team and when the two biggest challenges have come to the Ralph, the entire team wilted, tucked their tales between their legs and slunk away. This was such a key game to the season. The Pats come to town, dominated us for 15 years and we have the talent to beat them and they just got handled.


    I'm usually the most positive Bills fan, but this team isn't ready for primetime. They went all in and are failing. I see us at 7-5 at Best going to Denver, GB, Oak, and NE


    Looks like 8-8 to me. Hardly an improvement.


    The OP's point is valid to me. I'd extend it beyond QB play to the entire team and season. Enough with the rollercoaster reactions after every win or loss. Doomed after a loss, playoff bound after a win. It's totally irrational and ridiculous. And tiresome.


    Related to that, shouldn't we keep our expectations for this team realistic? Did you really, honestly, truly think this team was ready for primetime? Beyond that one game, why would anyone who is thinking clearly go into this season expecting playoffs? The Bills have been a habitual 6-10 team. Until they show us otherwise, I assume they'll finish right around 6-10. And that's okay with me because, well, being a fan is supposed to be fun overall.


    Orton looks better than EJ - maybe that's good enough for a few more wins this season. Let's see where the team sits come late November before we **** our pants from either the joy or misery.

  3. No idea how old you are but the Super Bowl Bills played like crap in preseason too. At least two times they went 0-4. And people freaked out then as well. Of course there was no internet to freak out. It was sports radio mainly.


    I'm 40 and remember those preseasons well. Your point is mine exactly. Fans freak out when teams suck in the preseason - it's normal. It's also normal to get over-excited after a 2-0 start. But lots of teams win their first 2 games and still miss the playoffs. The Bills have teased and broken our hearts before. They need to play more games before the team really shows what it is.

  4. The Bills have sucked for 15 years and they looked like **** during preseason, that's why. It's really not hard to figure out.


    Every year most of the folks here make predictions that overstate the Bills talent and final record. We're all happy to see them 2-0 but let's revisit this post in a month and a half. At the midway point, we'll have a much better idea what this team is about. Fitz had the Bills team at 5-2 in 2010 and they finished 6-10. Save your erection for Week 17 and beyond. In the meantime, Go Bills!

  5. I know a good way to make the Bills worth more than $1 billion. Do nothing because they are already worth that much.


    And that's a ridiculous idea to change the name. The "Bills" only makes sense because of Buffalo Bill. Wtf is a "New York Bill"? Also, many of us in wny don't want anything to do with NYC or NY state. We get the shaft because all of our tax money goes to NYC. If anything we should break away from NY, not adopt it as our name.


    Don't perpetuate the myth. NYC is the economic engine of the state, and ends up outlaying more tax dollars than it receives. It's been studied and proven so. It's actually Upstate that mooches. There are other complaints to make about sharing a state with NYC (example: business and wall street's corrupting influence on state politics) but the tax cliche you're repeating is wrong.

  6. what does that have to do with trump owning the bills? i think he would be a great owner.. after reading the news article today, sounds like he is serious, and says he is committed to keeping the team in buffalo. i have no problem with any of that.


    So you're saying you ARE a birther then? I kid, man. It's just this: Talk is cheap and Trump has shown time and again he's so full of **** that I have a hard time understanding how any Bills fan would feel good entrusting something like our team to him. Unless judgement is clouded by the visceral feelings that politics stir (especially these days).


    Or maybe it's just his glorious comb-over that exudes a certain trustworthiness. Paradoxical?

  7. Based on last night's performances, I agree on all points. But let's not get carried away after the first game of a long season. If we judge the team based on their most recent game, we'll all sound like we're writers for the Buffalo News. Let's just see where the team goes from here. That said, I'm cautiously optimistic.

  8. I was actually very impressed by Maybin. I didnt think he would be a factor early in the year but watching him, I was really surprised at his hustle and his ability to spin off double teams back into the action. He's going to get some sacks this year and some pressures. He's already a factor if teams decide to double team him like the Steelers did. I liked what I saw of him a lot.



    On his sack, Maybin got lucky when BR stepped in his direction. Still, I think he showed good quickness and lateral movement on the play to react to the QB, get past the LT, and make the play. It's not much, but it's at least a start. And this team needs all the help it can get.

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