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Playoffs or Bust

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Posts posted by Playoffs or Bust

  1. NFL Live Chat from June 26.




    I can do both, but I prefer to play back. I wouldn't say it suits me better, but when you play back, you get more opportunities to make big plays


    sounds to me like he wants and will be playing FS



    from Rotoworld after the season




    The Bills are reportedly considering moving Donte Whitner to free safety full time.


    Buffalo toyed with this idea last offseason, but nixed it to keep Ko Simpson in the lineup. The Bills believe Whitner's cover skills are wasted playing "in the box," however, and think he'll be a bigger playmaker in center field.



    so back to my original point, why draft a CB that you plan on moving to FS when you already plan on moving your high salaried SS to FS


    There really is no point discussing this. They will be better with both on the field and if that is the case, Donte will play SS. He said it himself he probably won't stay there. Byrd is built for FS and Donte can man the SS spot.


    Any knowledgeable Bills fan can understand this.

  2. and thats from what because in that interview on Access he talked about playing FS and staying at one position instead of moving around like he has in years past



    An article from Chris Brown - "Which Rookies Will Start"




    Byrd will be on the field. If he is, he will play FS and Whitner will shift over. Think about it and it makes sense.


    Can someone help me out here?

  3. really? then why was Whitner on NFL total access recently talking about moving to free safety to get in position to make more plays and be a ball hawk?


    and you're basing your thoughts on what? that you think you know what you're talking about



    Direct quote from Whitner....


    “I will get the opportunity to play free safety,” said Whitner. “Actually I probably won’t even stay at free safety because they drafted Jairus Byrd. They want him to play some free safety. Coach Fewell likes me at both, but they like him at free so we’ll see.”


    Know what you are talking about before you come at someone like that.

  4. Jarius Byrd was picked at the top of the second round, since when is that considered a later round?


    I dont get the pick of Jarius Byrd if the plan all along was to move Whitner to free safety as we have been led to believe...why would you use a high second round pick on a CB that you plan on converting to FS when you already plan on moving your high salaried SS to FS, makes no sense....I understand depth but you dont draft for depth in the high second round especially when there were numerous other players on the board that could help the Bills this year


    Jarius Byrd doesnt have a chance to start as long as Whitner is with the Bills and playing FS


    It is because Whitner will play SS and Byrd will man the FS spot. The Bills draft talent over need meaning they took the highest rated player on their board. It just so happens they were in need of a guy in the back that can actually create some turnovers.

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