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Posts posted by Hammertown

  1. Soooo, back on topic. In my limited exposure to both these guys I definitely prefer EJ over Geno.


    1. Cant remember the game, might have been vs. Texas Tech or Kansas State but Geno looked defeated on the sideline. Don't get me wrong, I want my QB to be upset when they lose but never defeated. I never saw this from EJ.


    2. Watching Gruden QB camp. Maybe Geno had an off day but when Gruden had him remember plays Geno couldn't do it. Now like I said he could have had an off day but when I watched EJ's episode he seemed poised, confident and much more mature.


    Just my two cents.

  2. Yeah right, all the teams wanted the 5th rated QB in the draft...


    Seriously, I like the player, just not where he was picked. This team still has way to many holes to be selecting a developmental QB in the first round. EJ just might need to sit for a year.


    5th rated by whom? The same people that had Sharrif Floydd as the best DT or Eddie Lacey as the top R/B?


    Just because you read it online or some dude with gelled up hair and a nice suit told you it was so. DOESN'T ACTUALLY MEAN ANYTHING!

  3. this.


    And as far as reading the QB is concerned. I Didnt watch the video but I'm thinking a young college QB that is far from pro level is hard to read where he's going with the ball. (As sarcastic as I can say it)


    I watched him in the national championship game which was as close to a pro football team as he's gonna face until he gets there and he looked horrible. He was run over, around and through. He was more out of place than Chris Kelsey on more than half of his plays. He was slower to react and get into the play than Pozlusny and he was was happy to jump into piles after the play was over and boast about it like Aaron Maybin.


    Maybe I'm a little exagerrative here but I saw it enough to not want this guy anywhere near the Buffalo Bills unless he comes here to play against us and get jukes out of his shoes by CJ on every other play.

    I certainly hope these people saying things like this also don't want Jarvis Jones. Alabama did the same thing to Jones in the SEC championship game as they did to Manti Te'o in the BCS game.

  4. IMHO TJ is an upgrade over Vince but also not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet. The Bills play the NFC West this year. Yes, TJ only played 1 season there but he knows the teams and has played them previously. Is it conceivable that Nix thought, not only is he an upgrade but he has some insight into 4 teams we will be playing this year. Having already prepaired for three of the teams twice last year and has intimate knowledge of the seahawks.

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